Android action bar back button not working in fragment

Android action bar back button not working in fragment. To do this you have to declare th Mar 12, 2015 · The result, is that I have an ActionBar through out my workflow, but I can only go forward to Fragment 2. Dec 22, 2023 · Google killed the back button in Android 12, so if you’re coming from an older Pixel phone, it might catch you out. Sep 29, 2020 · I'm inflating an options Menu to a Fragment and after that, the action bar Back button doesn't work while the System back button work as well. I have written a piece of code as part of an app where I want to implement a back button on the action bar/tool bar such that when the button is pressed, the previous page (the page/fragment immediately before the current page/fragment) will be displayed. super. Jan 31, 2024 · 3. Inside the case android. example. Inflate the menu. In one instance, I replace the fragment and add the existing fragment to the back stack. When you press the system back and reach back home screen, the home icon disappears. when i click on navigation drawer item it loads new fragment for the each fragment i want to show different action bar button (notification or save). Apr 1, 2014 · I am creating a android app where i need to put back navigation ,so that when user click on action bar's home button user should be moved to one screen back on my app. Any idea on how to support back button functionality properly? - I expect back button to push me either to previous search or to the default results on the Fragment. I follow the google navigation-getting-started to build a navigation app, but I'm missing a Backbutton in the Actionbar so I add in the OnCreate of the MainActivity: ActionBar actionbar = getSupportActionBar(); NavController nc = Navigation In this video I show you how you can simply add a back button on top of your action bar. Implement OnBackStackChangedListener and add this code to your Fragment Activity. Aug 27, 2014 · BUT once I hit android back button it redirects "back" (sarcasm) to blank activity or fragment or whatever so that Nothing is Logged (I log messages once onCreate executes). Nov 5, 2016 · The back button should already be present without you adding it. Mar 29, 2018 · When my application is opened Home screen is shown first. layout. Aug 7, 2022 · I am working on an android application where I have three fragments I want to show the back button on the toolbar of the fragments to go back to the previous fragments now how can I achieve that?? I am new to android please guide me. Jul 12, 2020 · The back button on the root preference screen goes back to the main activity as expected. Step 1 showing back button: Add this line in onCreate() method to show back button. translate); Nov 21, 2012 · As Android says: - setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(boolean showHome) // Set whether to include the application home affordance in the action bar. Aug 22, 2012 · Option 1: Update the Android Manifest If the settings Activity is always called from the same activity, you can make the relationship in the Android Manifest. R. setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); //show back button. Image; Mar 28, 2013 · Step 1 is necessary, step two have alternative. This is my apps hierarchy => MainActivity. When I change to a new fragment, the changes (new buttons) are removed. I am using ActionBar with AppCompactActivity. So, try to boot into Safe mode and see if the back button appears. May 22, 2013 · 1) FragmentActivity load with ActionBar and a homescreen fragment 2) When user selects "Item1" from ActionBar another Fragment is displayed. addOnBackStackChangedListener(new FragmentManager. May 20, 2019 · override fun onSupportNavigateUp() = findNavController(R. DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP is set. public void onActivityCreated(Bundle saved) {. May 26, 2015 · The documentation says using both setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled and setHomeButtonEnabled , onOptionsItemSelected will be called and the only difference is the up arrow. Mar 20, 2018 · DESCRIPTION. In the second activity I have a ListView. onActivityCreated(saved); input_text = (EditText) InputFragmentView. When on clicking the system back button it's working fine. Thanks. So I have the behavior I want, except: user can open fragments and press back to go back to the previous fragment, up until they reach the first fragment because if they press back at this time, the activity is closed, which I don't want. Users need an easy way to get back to your app's main screen. The problem is button is not working. addOnBackStackChangedListener(this); //Handle when activity is recreated like on orientation Change. So, is having Actions/Fragments with an ActionBar and a BackStack impossible, or is my BackStack broken for another reason? Any help would be appreciated. BTW: Since I find it very hard to understand whats the right way to code a api22 android app with one Activity/ multiple Fragments , every tip Aug 12, 2013 · I am working on a project and I need to be able to use the back button in each fragment to navigate between previous fragments, I have methods written to do so by using a back arrow in the action bar, however, I want to be able to use the same functionality on the back button pressed. Feb 23, 2021 · The only file we have to work with is Working with the MainActivity file. ft. SettingsActivity". ActionBar. back_button_toolbar_fragment. In new activity we will add a back button to actionbar when that button is clicked the Mar 27, 2017 · The problem is when i tap on back button in my actionbar from fragment i popup fragment from backstack but the Mainactivity action bar is not showing up. By clicking the back button, it is supposed to return to the tabs. Oct 20, 2020 · By doing so, I can see the backbutton with the toolbar. onBackPressed(); stopActivityTask(); } Mar 31, 2016 · public class FragmentAboutUs extends Fragment { @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater. Fragment-owned app bar. Override onCreateOptionsMenu () in your Activity and add a refresh MenuItem to the Menu (you can do this by inflating a menu resource or instantiating programmatically). This page shows you how to add an Up button to an app bar using the Jetpack Navigation component. getOnBackPressedDispatcher(). May 18, 2015 · I am currently working on an Android app. // Respond to the action bar's Up/Home button. Dec 4, 2013 · 1. May 27, 2016 · Before you call commit (), however, you might want to call addToBackStack (), in order to add the transaction to a back stack of fragment transactions. android:name=". os. But action bar home button is not responding to click events. This is the code for the ToolBar, DrawerLayout, NavigationView and getSupportActionBar(): May 20, 2019 · override fun onSupportNavigateUp() = findNavController(R. Best Java code snippets using android. The next step is to set the android:parentActivityName to the activity you want to navigate if you press the back button. viewAllScansTv. We have 3 fragments in backstack, but only one visible. answered Aug 8, 2014 Jun 21, 2016 · With Android target API 24, minver 15, I am writing an app based on the "One Activity, Multiple Fragments" philosophy and I can't go "up" the hierarchy of Fragments via the back button on the ActionBar. // (and put a back mark at icon in ActionBar for "up" navigation) -setHomeButtonEnabled(boolean enabled) // Enable or disable the "home" button in the corner of the action bar. It has a navigation drawer and a few fragments. 7. home, check if there are something in back stack and than pop it. For example, I start activity 2 from activity 1. Apr 6, 2016 · I am developing an Android app. The NavController holds a "back stack" that contains the destinations the user has visited. Mar 18, 2022 · To make the two components work together I called: bottomNavigationView. It also removes my lags in hiding action bar. Dec 13, 2023 · Show back button in Toolbar from Fragment in Android App. onbackpress method @Override public void onBackPressed() { super. I tried to insert the java and xml code of the toolbar in all the xml and java file of Aug 8, 2014 · When you perform such a fragment transaction, you can also add it to a back stack that's managed by the activity—each back stack entry in the activity is a record of the fragment transaction that occurred. An example top app bar. I want the actionbar title to change depending on the fragment. Image; import android. It only does not work in the first fragment. As the user navigates to screens throughout your app, the NavController adds and removes destinations to and from the back stack. When i am running my app with android studio its showing the back button in toolbar, but when i download my app from play store its not showing back button. But the fragment1 is used. Jun 25, 2019 · You would learn how to add the Android Up/Back button in the activity toolbar to navigate back to previous parent activity. If it is not there, then it means you have not mentioned the parent activity in the Android Manifest. When the user selects the Up button, the app navigates to the parent activity. This should be done in the AndroidManifest. ft = fragMan. On Home screen I have NavigationDrawer which get opened after pressing HamburgerIcon. Dec 30, 2015 · As seen in the snippet below, Activity handles the home button as a last resort, after checking if either it or any of its fragments can handle the event. I've literally tried everything to try to get my back arrow to work on my toolbar and yet I'm unsuccessful I've tried overriding onOptionsItemSelected I've also tried the suggestions on this thread Up Navigation (Action Bar's back arrow) is not working for fragments and no success. Add a navigation icon. Jan 21, 2020 · From Official Documentation it says-> Let's say you have 3 fragments set for Bottom Navigation, then setting. I have single activity and two fragments - MainFragment and AboutFragment. Mar 23, 2016 · I have spent several days now, but still cannot make my code work properly. 1st option is most likely to be used. I want to have a Backbutton in the default Actionbar on an new androidx jetpack navigation App. When a call Fragment 1, I change action bar and add back button like this (onCreate): Nov 1, 2018 · As above when navigation to the second fragment the toolbar goes missing entirely and doesn't show the back button. Now when I press back button on my newly added fragment it takes me to the SPLASH fragment, I want same behaviour on back button on action bar. Put getSupportActionBar(). I have a activity with fragments under tabbed layout. id. input_field); translate_button = (Button) InputFragmentView. requireActivity(). It abides by all of the Android standards with regards to up-navigation (in this case, it should act as would the "back" button, I believe). public Then, and this is the important part, you set the support Action bar to the AppCompatActivity that you're extending, so that the toolbar in your xml, becomes the action bar. I feel that this is a better way, because you can simply do the many things that ActionBar allows, like menus, automatic activity title, item selection handling, etc Aug 6, 2014 · I have added new fragment in this to show list of friends. But when I click on it, it is not going back to the previous activity. Below is a code dump because I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. In my application navigation drawer is also there,so my problem is i am going from first fragment to second fragment,in second fragment i am showing backbutton using actionbar homeupenabled,but when i press that backbutton i am not getting any Jul 10, 2015 · The toolbar does have support built-in to act as an action bar and display either the hamburger (for nav drawer opening) or back button icon. Because the last replace, will remove the earlier 2 fragment. From the Android Nov 23, 2017 · 3. The MainActivity itself just pops the backstack on UP button tap, and has methods to show/hide the button, which the fragments call: MainActivity: public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {. @Override. I dont need the up arrow in the actionbar, I only require the application icon. "View all" opens the same fragment as "Reports" from the bottom navigation bar. The top app bar provides a consistent place along the top of your app window for displaying information and actions from the current screen. Each tab has its own fragment. Then, you can call a refresh method in the Fragment to handle refreshing your view. xml too. When I am in Other Dec 30, 2021 · You need to revert it too when this fragment detached . I'm also working with fragments. class or FragmentTwo. Here's my code : NewsFragment. You need to change your action bar color back to normal in either onDestroyView of the fragment you are in or either in onResume of the next/prev fragment. I tried to insert the java and xml code of the toolbar in all the xml and java file of When the user navigates to screen B from screen A, the back button on the action bar still allows the user to go back to the previous screen, however when clicking on the back button in the bottom bar it exits the app so this part works OK. PreferencesTest">. I added the Settings and Help action buttons to the action bar in the main Activity using the OptionsMenu methods. addCallback(this, new OnBackPressedCallback(true) {. "defaultNavHost = true" will make fragment A acts like a parent, so when user clicks on back button in fragment 3 , it comes to fragment 1 instead of closing the activity (Bottom Navigation as Example). Sep 17, 2021 · In this video I show you how you can simply add a back button on top of your action bar. media. The back button takes you back to your main activity when clicked. package="com. I have the feeling, that this problem is somehow caused due to the use of AppCompatActivity. OnBackStackChangedListener() {. case android. home you can just call finish(). When I go back to the previous fragment, the actionbar still has the items from the previous fragment. The back button won’t disappear on its own and if it does, some apps might’ve caused it. Now you can enable the back button in the onCreate method of your "child" activity. Inside your SettingsActivity you need to override onOptionsItemSelected to enable the back button on top left corner of Action Bar for going back. KEYCODE_BACK)); Calling finish() just closes the activity which I'm not interested in. No problems with the physical one on the phone. What i want to achieve is, pop my current fragment using action on pressing toolbar back arrow. app. The only thing I would re-consider is your use of the Intent. Dec 2, 2015 · In the inner fragment, home button changes to Back button, but still it acts like the same old menu button. Oct 19, 2015 · 0. binding. setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); enables the back button in the Action Bar but how can we detect the click on it ? I have looked into many examples and tried the below but still not working : In Fragment : public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {. Following is my code,thanks in advance. Try this: Use this code inside class where you are initialising toolbar and drawer layout. Jun 19, 2019 · I'm in the process of implementing NavigationComponent coupled with a BottomNavigationView and I am noticing that the back arrow is shown in the toolbar for all fragment destinations except the one specified as the startDestination in my navigation graph. Apr 29, 2024 · Add an Up action. In this tutorial we will add a back button in action bar, when it is clicked it will go to previous activity (the app will close if this was launcher activity). If I click an item in the listView it will launch another activity When i click the action bar back button i want to go to the main activity fragment2. Jul 6, 2014 · I have 3 nested activity. Jul 4, 2014 · 3. assert getSupportActionBar() != null; //null check. getSupportFragmentManager(). navigation). addToBackStack(null); ft. I naturally expected the onPause() method of current Fragment and onResume() of new Fragment to be called. hide() before setContentView in the Activity that holds the fragments. Everything was working that way prior to me switching to use the android design support library's navigation view, but now that I've switched the toolbar will not show the back button as it once used to. I know that I need to override onOptionsItemSelected, catch android. RegisterActivity. Boot into Safe mode. Thanks for your answers Jun 25, 2019 · You would learn how to add the Android Up/Back button in the activity toolbar to navigate back to previous parent activity. Dynamically modify the menu Place the logic to hide or show a button or change the icon in onPrepareOptionsMenu() . Here’s how to boot into Safe mode on Android: Press and hold the Power button until the Power menu appears. Aug 1, 2016 · 2. Can anyone help me? Oct 21, 2020 · I'm trying to learn how to test my Android project including my navigation. menu. <meta-data. But the back button on the sub reference screen also goes back to the main activity rather than the root preference screen. public void onBackStackChanged() {. The back action works perfectly with anroid hardware back button but I also want to implement actionBar's home button. This back stack is managed by the activity and allows the user to return to the previous fragment state, by pressing the Back button. Any press of the Back button, results in Activity 1 appearing, there is no BackStack. If I navigate to the next fragment, backbutton works and brings me to the previous fragment. Handle click events. Following is my Fragment code: (It is same for all fragments in The best way to get all views created you should to redefinition the methode : @Override. Fragment yourFragment = getSupportFragmentManager(). about_us, container,false); return view; } } How to go back to main page again after pressing back button from fragment. Sep 12, 2017 · 1. Option 1: Non-programmatically you can add meta to the activity in manifest file as. How can I use the second fragment. Jul 13, 2014 · Each time a fragment does not have any "option menu" it keeps the last menu added to the action bar. Jan 3, 2024 · Navigation and the back stack. The back stack allows the user to reverse a fragment transaction (navigate backwards), by pressing the Back button. When the user clicks on an item in Lis Nov 2, 2017 · Fragment B. commit(); Transitions are accomplished by hiding the currently visible fragment, then showing the appropriate fragment. android:label="Setting Activity">. // (clickable or not) May 17, 2020 · 1. class > FragmentExplore. tripdatacollection; import android. However, the backbutton does not work or the app does not go to the previous activity. It's either you stop adding and start replacing fragments or you inflate a new "empty" menu. To do this, provide an Up button on the app bar for all activities except the main one. May 3, 2015 · I am making one chat application in this i have so many fragments but i am using only one activity. I've tried setting a custom icon and setting the toolbar onclick when the fragment is being changed and the toolbar always shows but the backarrow never shows. setupWithNavController(navController) Everything works as expected except when I navigate from inside a fragment instead of the bottom navigation bar. But I unable to use toolbar back button to navigate back from fragments. Oct 23, 2019 · I have navigation toolbar, whenever i go to other screens (fragments) instead of hamburger icon i will have back arrow. The first one contains 3 fragments within each is a button which starts a second activity. But there is a way of getting the back button back – read on to find out how. Later i go to different fragments. clear(); inflater. eapple. probably in onDestoyView if you are using replace transactions further . inflate(R. Apr 11, 2012 · So make sure you have an ActionBar first. Aug 30, 2021 · I want Fragment B to have a back arrow that can return to Fragment A, but I don't want the back arrow in Fragment A. Any help or suggestion would be really great. Custom the back event at onOptionsItemSelected. Should I set main activity's toolbar to the actionbar again? The app is not crashed when i use the above code, but actionbar is not shown Jul 23, 2015 · It seems as the back button and the back icon in the toolbar (not actionbar!) are not working properly. Oct 14, 2021 · Hi I have an activity A with a button that sends to Activity B with ActionBar and up button enabled, this activity has tabs with fragments and a button that send to a new fragment C not related with the tabs. We will go from main activity to new activity by clicking button in main activity. # In this situation I have the MainActivity that calls FragmentA. Sep 13, 2018 · I am trying to navigate back to the previous fragment using actionbar's back button but it's not working. main, menu Aug 7, 2022 · I am working on an android application where I have three fragments I want to show the back button on the toolbar of the fragments to go back to the previous fragments now how can I achieve that?? I am new to android please guide me. Also add this: ((AppCompatActivity) getActivity()). class. Jan 3, 2024 · Dynamically modify the menu. setOnClickListener {. To do this you have to declare th 38. findViewById(R. navigateUp() When moving from the top level fragments to other fragments the back arrow is shown but when on clicking it opens the drawer itself. The fragments B and C are called by. home: Nov 3, 2011 · So, care must be taken in the way you add fragments. I found Trigger back-button functionality on button click in Android but I'm thinking simulating a back key event isn't the right way to go about it (and I can't get it to work either): dispatchKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent. Here is my code. You can capture the users back click in the activity that the Fragment is hosted in. It does not know by itself that what it needs to do on click. Apr 15, 2014 · For example : I have fragment 1 for presentation And fragment2 that contains a listView. getSupportActionBar(). Jan 10, 2018 · 11. Mar 19, 2015 · return view; In the above code actionBar. getItemId()) {. 3) User then presses back button to return to the homescreen Fragment Problem: The homescreen fragment is displayed but the ActionBar still points to "Item1". Activity 2 contains action bar with back button. I have implemented a navHost fragment as a NavController, and use it to set up my action bar back button for moving through my fragments. Sep 13, 2018 · 1. <application. What's the proper way to add this button in the action bar? Jun 26, 2018 · Note that the OnBackPressedCallback only seems to work for providing custom back behavior to the built-in software/hardware back button and not the back arrow button/home as up button within the actionbar/toolbar. <activity. I now want to add a new action button to the action bar, but just for the first tab and first fragment, and I don't want it to appear on the other fragments when they are displayed in their tabs. setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled (true) this will enable the back button. @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { setHasOptionsMenu(true); menu. I want to set back button in the toolbar of the main activity. In being a stack, the back stack is a "last in, first out" data structure. kt . setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled (Showing top 20 results out of 783) Feb 25, 2019 · So, I have one activity and rest others are fragments. beginTransaction(); ft. public void onBackPressed() {. Jul 4, 2012 · On a button click I am starting a new fragment, adding it to backstack. Here is the code: package com. Show back button using actionBar. Dynamically modify the menu. class > FragmentOne. But this reference to FragmentManager does not contain any fragments, the fragments are in the FragmentActivity 's manager. May 1, 2019 · 4. The back button works and shows the tabs but not the contain. show(mapFragment); ft. Added in main activity. When we click back button, the last replaced fragment will be pop out, and the system then restore the first 2 fragments. Add to your Activity: private MenuItem mRefreshMenuItem; I set my custom toolbar and set "setHomeButtonEnabled" and "setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled" to true and for some odd reason the toolbar is showing but not the actual back button. ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent. Create action bar variable and call function getSupportActionBar () in the java/kotlin file. So I'd like to know a good solution to prevent Mar 31, 2016 · public class FragmentAboutUs extends Fragment { @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater. findFragmentById("ID"); Oct 3, 2016 · how can I create a code for my android app where When I pressed the back button on the toolbar (Action Bar) some code will happening. Here's my problem. Hardware back button works perfectly. FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag. As an example, If you add Fragment B to an existing Fragment A via add () method but without addToBackStack (), then onBackPressed () will NOT pop Fragment B to get back to Fragment A, but causes onStop () on the parent activity. I started creating of app which use one activity (Navigation Drawer) and many fragments. But the problem is when I press the back button the setTitle() method is executed and the title is changed but it does not reflect on the action bar visibly. Figure 1. Feb 23, 2018 · When we do add-add-replace (or replace-add-replace). This works if you are using this ActionBarActivity . I have managed to do this. How can that be done? Dec 4, 2014 · I have placed a button in Fragment 1 of the app, once the button is triggered, it navigates to Fragment 2. I want to return to MainFragment by pressing back action bar button. switch (item. //Listen for changes in the back stack. Hitting the hardware back button also doesn't pop the detail view. I am trying to navigate back to the previous fragment using actionbar's back button but it's not working. My toolbar button is not showing in fragments i tried with setHasOptionsMenu (true); . Please check out my code below. class or FragmentTheree. Jun 8, 2020 · It opens an activity but without a back button to the previous fragment. commit(); This all works fine, but when the back button is pressed, the application exits, regardless of which screen is visible or what Apr 22, 2012 · Honestly, I think your solution is the correct way in implementing the described behavior. In your activity: @Override. Bundle; Jan 3, 2024 · When using an activity-owned app bar, handle click events in the activity for the Up button and for menu items that aren't added by a Fragment. I want to be able to go back to Fragment 1 using an actionbar back button as shown in the second picture. I've tried. Therefore the event will get swallowed by the Activity class if ActionBar. shouldDisplayHomeUp(); shouldDisplayHomeUp(); Apr 11, 2012 · So make sure you have an ActionBar first. Step 2 implementation of back click: Override this method. Jul 19, 2014 · Each fragment is able to make changes to the action bar items. The first hit has no effect, the second hit quits the app. This fragment implements OnBackStackChangedListener, # and checks the size of the backStack; if it's less than one, then it hides the UP button. I tried but it does not work. Then make the refresh item invisible and save it as an instance variable to access later. getSupportActionBar(). setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); But this causes the back arrow to appear in every fragment. hide() in the fragments before inflating layout. I am able to change the icon of the menu from hamburger to back button, but I am not able to change the functionality of the icon when back button is loaded. I added this code to the Main Activity: Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(R. May 15, 2017 · The fragments loaded after that are added to back stack. Android will automagically show the 'back' button in the ActionBar. About is accessible via drawer menu item. Example: My solution: May 17, 2020 · 1. toolbar); setSupportActionBar(toolbar); getSupportActionBar(). In my app, I add back button to action bar. wq zf sr it jn xy li fs au cj