Prayer to rise above

Prayer to rise above. Jan 1, 2014 · Jeremiah lived above his feelings and fulfilled God's will. We must underst Strengthen my spirit and resolve, enabling me to overcome life’s trials with grace and determination. Instead, let my faith rise, unwavering and steadfast. The Gospel of our LORD JESUS is good news to any person – man, woman, boys and girls, rich and poor, worker and student. I can’t explain your presence, but I feel it. Today, I make the commitment to start having a daily quiet time. Sep 8, 2023 · Prayer for Resilience in Pursuing Dreams. May 18, 2023 · Prayer is a potent weapon in our battle against fear. Remove the yoke of loss, lack and misfortune from your neck. I. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You. Diffuse and/or apply topically as desired while meditating, vision questing, etc. Feb 26, 2017 · For it’s the way God works. I ask that You lift me out of despair and worry. Written by: Selected by Dan Clendenin. Prayer Against Temptation Father, my Chain-Breaker, I know that Apr 3, 2019 · PRAYER TO RISE UP. May 15, 2024 · We, too, encounter seasons of deep distress and exhaustion. "May The Road rise up to meet you" is about God's blessing for your journey - may your walk be an easy one - with no huge mountains to climb or obstacles to overcome. 20. Hence, we encourage you to incorporate these prayers into your daily routine. ”. Help me to come to You at the Mar 1, 2021 · And significantly, before that prayer leads us to ask for daily bread, it sets our minds on things above: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Laurie Sue Brockway and Rev. Shield my mind, heart, and spirit from the influences of darkness and despair. Our prayers don’t have to rise anywhere to be heard by God because He is with us where we are. Guidance Prayer. Mighty God, as challenges loom before me like mountains, infuse me with the strength to overcome. May 24, 2024 · Looking for a spiritual boost? Discover 10 powerful Christian prayers to kickstart your mornings with faith, hope, and encouragement. 63. Apr 10, 2024 · A Morning Prayer for God's Presence. But I still like the visual. Oct 11, 2015 · Knowing this might give our minds the ability to rise above the suffering which we’re experiencing at the moment. Grant me the discernment to recognize negativity and the strength to rise above it. Heavenly Father, As I prepare for this competition, I bow before you, seeking your guidance in maintaining unwavering focus. Let my trust in You be my shield against adversity, and may Your unwavering support empower me to rise above the trials that beset me. I’m grateful that when I pray to You, You answer me. You are our rock and our defense. " As I face life’s trials, may your divine energy course through my veins, empowering me to rise above adversity with grace and determination. Day by day, help me to comprehend Your grace more and more in my life. Heavenly Father, In the grand tapestry of existence, I seek the ultimate gift of salvation and the promise of eternal life with You. Lord, give me grace to learn to yield to your Spirit, His pull, nudging and promptings to pray, in Jesus’ name. Prayers for guidance. In these dark times, please counsel and guide me with Your Word. May the light in our hearts shine clearly so that we see, recognize, and live in accordance with what Sep 16, 2017 · To rise above the downward pull of his emotions, all he had to do was to look up and talk to the Lord-the One he thought had abandoned him! In my own life, there have been times when dealing with everybody else’s problems, problems in the family, and personal problems, and then something happens like a car breaking down or the house needing 3. Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. Two young men ran for about 10 minutes in the pouring rain, and finally reached their car just as the rain let up. A Powerful Prayer to Jesus for Salvation and Eternal Life. A Prayer for Restoration. Heavenly Father, In the face of betrayal and deceit, strengthen our faith to forgive and heal. Whatever you speak becomes yours. I rise above all my enemies in Jesus name. May 23, 2016 · Prayer For Protection Against Negative Forces. We, too, can rise above discouragement. Jul 12, 2022 · Angels Of God is now the the new host of all our prayer listing. May Your calming grace wash over me, and may I be a vessel of peace to those around me. 4. 17. Help me recognize that within each challenge lies an opportunity for growth and Sep 8, 2023 · In the silent whispers of my heart, I call upon You, my spiritual one. Prayers. "Truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water. 16. As you pray these prayers consistently, you will witness the positive impact they will 18. Give me clear guidance in my life. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Whenever your old dreams die, there is the potential for new dreams to be born. A Prayer for Trust During Challenges. Help me to be sensitive to your Spirit in the ministry of prayer and intercession, in Jesus’ name. A Prayer For Spiritual Warfare. Father, I can sense the power of darkness trying to surround me. Grant me, I implore, the spiritual strength to stand strong amidst the challenges. Just as the eagle soars above the storm clouds, help me rise above my difficulties with grace and courage. The essence of this prayer is a bit like World Vision Radiance of moon, Splendour of fire, Speed of lightning, Swiftness of wind, Depth of sea, Stability of earth, Firmness of rock. Blessing & Prayer To Rise above. I know, Lord, that in this world, challenges and adversaries are inevitable, but I also recognize the unmatched power of Your Amen. Father, i come into your throne of grace this morning to recieve mercy and grace to overcome the challenges of Life in Jesus Christ name. We bring you good news. Righteous life: Living a righteous life is very important to find favour in the sight of God. Through Jesus, You have extended grace to me. Fill me with the fortitude to rise above adversity, knowing that I am never alone. Dec 8, 2023 · Pray this powerful prayer to overcome your struggles and trials and God can change your situation suddenly and bless your day. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Help me to fix my eyes on you as I run the race of life. #9. Give me confidence that your direction is always the best way to go. Guide me in Your gentle These prayers are not just words; they are an outpouring of our hearts, a lifeline to the divine. Father, open my eyes to the power and purpose of prayer, prayer as you intend it, in Jesus’ name. I bury my shame and disgrace by the power in the name of Jesus. " -Carol 'CC' Miller. Psalm 40:17 “As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me Jan 5, 2024 · It makes me think of my prayers rising above whatever situation I find myself in. This verse reminds us to rise up by turning to God’s Word, which brings comfort, encouragement, and divine strength. Prayer to Rise Above Adversity. Find solace and strength in these prayers, each tailored to uplift you in various challenging moments. 7) Jeremiah was honest. Fill my heart with Your love and keep me faithful to the Gospel of Christ. Radiant Light of Blessings, I open my heart to the inflow of positive energy and blessings. Father, I need to hear from You. He felt deceived by God. Lord, teach me how to center my life on You and help me obey what I hear You say. Featuring prayers for the economic crisis, prayers for jobs and work, money . Dear Father in heaven, open our hearts to see what is good in our lives. In some of the most difficult times in life, I’ve learned the power of praying God’s words back to him. Prayer for Emotional Stability Amidst Fear. By: Mr Allan Kwashi. God, help me trust you with my decisions and future. Let your grace be upon me during these times of anguish. O. Here are powerful prayer points for breakthrough you can pray to put pressure on invisible barriers in your life that are holding you down to defeat and failure until Jan 7, 2020 · 2. Lord, grant me all grace and all blessings to conquer and stay conquering through it all, in Jesus’ name. Feb 1, 2020 · Here are the 11 most powerful prayers for difficult situations. Dear Lord, I want to thank you because you have always been there for me even when I am faced with trials and temptations. “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. A Prayer for Healing. I am profoundly thankful for the resilience you instill within me, allowing me to rise above adversity and emerge stronger. Jan 12, 2024 · Recognizing the profound depths of such struggles, the following prayer is a heartfelt invocation to rise above affliction, seeking solace, guidance, and divine intervention. Dear Lord, I humbly come before You, acknowledging the challenges that loom before me. It may feel funny if you are alone – but the sounds of the prayers are important in the meditation process. Feb 17, 2023 · A close relationship with God also helps you rise above your circumstances. It can be done through worship. "I'm going to always rise above the doubt that may exist about me. A Prayer for Positive Vibes and Blessings. May 1, 2020 · The Lord says, “Tell my people to ascend. Grant us the resilience to rise above the pain and to extend forgiveness as you have forgiven us. Thank you for all of the people and things that I have been blessed with so far. #1. The word deceived means to be enticed or seduced. Help me to walk by faith and not by sight. St. In Your holy presence, O Loving Creator, I seek the gift of resilience as I pursue my dreams. Pray from a position of authority and I will work their prayers and provide protection for them” ( Ephesians 2:6, Psalm 61:3 ). Topical: Apply 1−2 drops on temples, base of the neck, or as desired. Jul 28, 2022 Keep me pure in thought, word and deed for Lord, I want to follow You and I want to live my life to Your honour and praise. Praising and honoring God helps us focus on Him and remember His goodness and faithfulness. Prayer and fasting: We need prayer and fasting to rise above all odds and obstacles, to keep our fire burning and to keep our lights shining. Lord, may nothing separate me from You today. Confess any personal wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness. ( Proverbs 11:2) Join us in this prayer as we try to be quicker to see criticism as an opportunity to discern, learn, grow, and be Reveal then Thyself, O Lord, by Thy merciful utterance and the mystery of Thy divine being, that the holy ecstasy of prayer may fill our souls—a prayer that shall rise above words and letters and transcend the murmur of syllables and sounds—that all things may be merged into nothingness before the revelation of Thy splendor. Father God, thank You for this day. Apr 24, 2020 · Prayer for Encouragement of God’s Love and Truth Lord of Hope, please encourage me with Your love and truth. 62. ” Jul 28, 2022 · Prayer How it really works (I hope) Christopher Jolma. Amen. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the profound wisdom to discern the difference. Jul 7, 2023 · 2. I rise above my opposer’s in Jesus name. Grant me the perspective to see beyond the present moment and the determination to overcome. 60. If you are struggling with a sinful nature as a believer and you don’t know how Let us embark on this spiritual journey together, seeking solace, guidance, and the unwavering support of a higher power. Gracious God, You are my creator who has chosen me to be in a relationship with You. site > Prayer to rise above. Father, thank you for empowering me by the Holy Ghost to overcome my challenges in Jesus name. To submit a question, please complete the EMAIL FORM Apr 25, 2022 · John 16:33. Equip me with the resilience and determination to rise above my uncertainties. In the face of adversity, grant me the strength of character to persevere, to rise above life’s trials and tribulations. May challenges become stepping stones towards growth and purpose. Prayer for negativity at work. But Jesus overcame the trials of this world which set us up as Christ followers to overcome personal trials as well. Please be with me today as I go through each moment – reminding myself to see your hand at work in my life. Jan 6, 2024 · Holy Spirit, I invite You into my life to empower and equip me with the strength and courage I need to rise above the storms that I face. instagram. in this special week of tarrying, i receive the fuel ⛽ of ascension to mount up with wings like eagles #23. It alludes to three images from nature - the wind These prayers for jobs and money, by Rev. It's important to remember that God is always with us and can work in our lives in ways we cannot imagine. From the onset, St. Prayer for Inner Strength and Courage. For best results, pray the Rosary out loud. Prayer against temptation #2. When those moments come when you feel lost and confused or beaten down once more, an “again” which feels like the last time that yo u’ll ever be able to take anymore, and you feel that you cannot rise from your knees, trembling from sadness, look within and see that you are not alone. Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, Through a belief in the Threeness, Through confession of the Oneness. I stand on the eternal promises of your word that you are with me. By grace, I have been saved. Apr 2, 2024 · This act of faith is a powerful testament to the enduring hope we have in Christ, no matter the storms we face. Jan 11, 2023 · The most famous Irish blessing is “May the road rise up to meet you. Follow Rise AgainstInstagram: https://www. Teach me to love unconditionally, as You do, and to spread love to those around me. A Short Prayer for Today to Embrace Love. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV. Help me walk by the Word and Dec 20, 2018 · Help me to have faith in your promises. Apr 7, 2021 · The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but God shields us with his armor each and every day. A Prayer for Hope. September 1, 2024. All praise to You, Holy Father, who guides the way. Jun 4, 2023 · 2. Yes, God allows trials. I rise above every demonic strong man in Jesus name. Ascended Lord, help me to rise above the things that hold me down, the press of problems, the weight of worry, the drag of doubt, fear of failure, inaction, angst, me. 5. Jeremiah 1:17 Sep 1, 2014 · Daily Prayer. Aug 29, 2022 · Jesus has the power to help us rise above our fears and doubts. Today’s good news is that you can rise above your limitations. We are meant to be overcomers! Jesus rose up the overcomer of everything life throws at humanity so that we can rise above our own storms. This Prayer to rise above is now listed on the A. Obviously, God does not mislead or trick people, but Jeremiah felt that God had lured him into Apr 13, 2020 · Armour yourself with the knowledge of your truth. Prayer for Mental Healing: Inner Strength and Resilience. The enemy is trying to take back ground that Jesus has already won. I bind unto myself today the power of God to hold and lead, His eye to watch, His might to stay, His ear to hearken to my need: the wisdom of my God to teach, His hand to guide, His shield to ward; the Word of God to give me speech, His heavenly host to be my guard. You are my refuge and my strength; my present help in trouble. 7. May 15, 2021 · PRAYER FOR ASCENSION. God’s shield to protect me … afar and anear, alone or in a multitude. Almighty Sustainer, in a world riddled with doubt and uncertainty, be the anchor of my faith. May 17, 2021 · Here’s how you can rise above unexpected challenges: See the potential that exists. com/riseagains Jun 29, 2021 · Here’s one of the many Bible verses about criticism, (or at least about the pride that often keeps us from receiving it well!)…. I rise above witches and wizards in Jesus name. 61. Help me to rise above my circumstances and place my confidence in Your goodness and compassion. Patrick tells us that he arises “through the strength of heaven. Easter 2C April 15, 2007 John 20:19-31 “Rising Above the Fear” There was a beer party out in the woods and, all of a sudden there was a downpour of rain and thunder. I rise above familiar spirits in Jesus REMASTERED IN HD!Official Music Video for Prayer Of The Refugee performed by Rise Against. We will not be alarmed or fearful. . Dec 3, 2018 · 57. Be honest - tell God how you feel (v. All uses are appropriate, but this blend is most Nov 7, 2023 · Today, as part of the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted church, we gather to come along side our brothers and sisters in prayer. Here are 10 powerful prayers for temptation. May the sun shine warm upon your face; 4. Help me to see my coworkers and superiors in the same light as You do. " -Miguel de Cervantes. I am confident that I can overcome doubt through Your empowering grace, for in Your strength, I find the fortitude to Dec 29, 2018 · These 9 strong prayers for safety during storms will leave your safety in the hands of the Lord. Aug 11, 2020 · 17416. When the wind rages around us, we have our safe retreat in You. Mar 3, 2021 · Read these 'rise above' quotes and sayings to uplift your soul. Heavenly Father, As I face adversity, lift my spirit above the challenges that surround me. G. 30. He is a God who came down to meet us even at our lowest and most unworthy. I humbly surrender my life to Your divine plan, seeking redemption through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. When we live righteously, we get God’s blessings which enables us to shine bright in every area of our lives. The above 21 powerful prayers to overcome fear are invaluable resources for overcoming fear and finding peace amid uncertainty. Of the Lord of creation. Of the Creator of creation. May be diluted with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex in case of sensitivity. Dear Lord, In moments of doubt and weakness, I turn to You, seeking the inner strength and courage to face life’s challenges. Once more before you. I am willing to rise above all circumstances in order to accept my part in healing the world by living with integrity, love, honor, compassion, and goodness. As I walk through the valleys and traverse the mountains, may Your presence be a constant source of comfort, guidance, and reassurance. I stand by faith in your word Lord and I know you are watching over your word to make it good in my life, in Jesus’ name. everlasting father, we thank you for this day as we continue to rise in testimonies of ascension by your soaring power above every affliction and calamities in this world in jesus mighty name. 21. At your feet, I place my worry, my fear… my pain. Heavenly Father, May Your boundless love fill my being today. I don’t need understanding to acknowledge your mysterious nearness. 22. Give me the grace to rise above my human weakness. Lord, please open my eyes to see and to be able to recognize temptation today. 23. 29. 2023 Theme: Courage to Rise Above. By Martin Updated on January 6, 2024 Patreons, Spiritual Warfare Martin Updated on January 6, 2024 Patreons, Spiritual Warfare with You in love and prayer. 31. It is both a traditional Irish blessing and an ancient Celtic prayer: May the road rise up to meet you. Let me lean on you with all my heart instead of relying on my own imperfect understanding. #2. I will listen for Your voice above all of the other voices in my life. In the face of turbulent storms and unpredictable natural disasters, human beings often find themselves feeling vulnerable and helpless. Stop doing without. If you entrust your situation Morning Prayer To Focus on God’s Voice. 2. Let not the waves of skepticism drown the flames of my belief. Just as Jesus didn’t let the issues of the world and His death pin Him down, we too must rise and take our seat in the heavenly place with Christ Jesus. Give me the confidence now, oh Lord, to open myself up to you. IDOP 2023 is on Sunday, November 5. 1 Peter 5:7 in the Amplified Bible says: “Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]. 15. Let him have faith for the future. Help me not to be tempted and give me the eyes to see and grasp Catholic Online. 1. My heads shall be lifted above my enemies and my enemies shall serve me, in the name of Jesus. Father, I believe that no temptation comes to any of us that is not common to all men and that by Your grace You always provide an escape from temptation. rise above this trick of the enemy. Jun 26, 2020 · Here are 25 powerful prayers for grace along with printable images to use or share. A Prayer for Thankfulness. Victor Fuhrman, offer spiritual help and healing. Dear Lord, I thank you that I can come to You always for any reason. Feb 26, 2020 · We have the power, through Him, to claim victory in any battle. Oh God, our Rock, You are our shelter when storms come our way. Let it be that henceforth, You are my only treasure, for Jun 5, 2017 · 4. Father, our source of life, I reach out with joy to grasp Your hand; let me walk more readily in Your ways. Psalm 102:13. I know that isn’t really how prayer works in general. 14. Through words woven with hope, faith, and reverence, this prayer endeavors to uplift the spirit, illuminate the path, and connect with the Eternal Source of Light A Prayer of Thanksgiving to God. Give your circumstances to God. A Prayer to Encourage Strength in Adversity. I rise above shame in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, I long for the strength to face life’s challenges with resilience and grace. Pray the Rosary. Powers, that want me to serve God without results, be terminated, in the name of Jesus. A Prayer for Strength to Overcome Challenges. Jun 9, 2023 · Tthese powerful morning blessings and prayers to start your day will help you to ommand your day and watch the Lord take over. HOW TO RISE ABOVE LIMITATIONS. Let him be refreshed by the fact that your grace is sufficient for him . Apr 1, 2019 · O Jesus, Who chose a life of poverty and obscurity, grant me the grace to keep my heart detached from the transitory things of this world. Time and again you show me. Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour up to 3 times daily. Prayer for Faith and Strength in Times of Betrayal. 17417. Thus, please go visit to read the entire prayer to receive the full blessing. Bestow upon me courage and steadfastness, as I place my trust in Your boundless love. 58. Oh heavenly Lord, Here I am. Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Sep 18, 2018 · A Short Prayer for An Anxious Heart. God never set limitations for His children as it concerns success in life. A Morning Prayer for Inner Peace. Explore the deep sense of protection and deliverance embedded in this sacred text. Prayer for Focus. My circumstances do not define me, my identity is as your child. Additionally, forgive those who have wronged you, as harboring bitterness or unforgiveness can hinder your prayers. We are secure, no matter what news we hear of danger. The “good” will shine through. Directions. "Your fears will appear smaller and smaller as you rise above them. #13. Just believe with us because n Mar 21, 2017 · Lord, please encourage my pastor by the power of your Holy Spirit. 59. Creator God, you made me and you love me. Oct 27, 2023 · The good news is, committing to just a handful of short daily prayers to get you through your day can continually renew your faith. As long as you belong to Jesus by reason of salvation and baptism with the Holy Ghost, you carry the potential to rise and overcome any form of limitation. Science proves this fact. I ask that You fill me with Your Holy Spirit and guide me in how to handle these situations with grace and wisdom. Rise above the fray. Hold my hand and do not let me fall. and tell Our Lady of the Rosary your intention of being free from anxiety. O God, arise, let my enemies bathe in their own blood, in the name of Jesus. Strengthen my spirit, that I may endure and overcome. I believe it is my time of set favor; it’s my time to rise higher; it’s my time to experience every breakthrough and every blessing You have in store for me in Jesus’ name! Amen. By faith, i destroy every negative dart of the devil in my life in Jesus name. Shield me in this spiritual warfare; Heavenly Father, guide my path. 18. Only you know my true, intimate self. Amen! Rising above your limitations. A Powerful Evening Prayer for Protection from Negativity. Father, I come before You and I am burdened by the negativity and toxicity in my workplace. Any type of meditation relieves stress. I rise above situations and circumstances in Jesus name. Help him to keep pressing forward even when the way is littered with landmines. May our faith in your grace guide us to the path of reconciliation and growth. Heavenly Father, thank you for everything in my life. Help me to be humble. Heavenly Father, I come before You with a humble heart, seeking Your divine protection against all negative forces that aim to disrupt my peace, purpose, and well-being. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Let his soul be refreshed with the love of Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen. Dear God, In the face of adversity, I turn to you for strength. The Prayer of Saint Patrick. “God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me …. It alone holds the ability to soothe our souls, to refresh our spirits, and cause hope to rise above the pain we might be feeling. I arise today. and Bible Verse. Through prayer, we find not just solace, but strength—the strength to rise above our anxieties and to live fully in the peace of God. (Matthew 6:9–10) If we take the Lord’s Prayer as our model, then heaven will fill some of our first thoughts every morning. Repent and Forgive: Before approaching God with a prayer for victory over enemies, examine your own heart. A Prayer for Trust in God’s Provision Dec 10, 2018 · LORD, let the entrance of YOUR Word give light to YOUR people…in JESUS’ Mighty Name we pray. Dear God, In the stillness of the evening, I seek your divine protection from the negativity that surrounds us. 3. Register to receive first access to the IDOP resources, updates, stories and more! Free, downloadable resources are now available! REGISTER. Again, Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear not I am profoundly grateful for your unwavering guidance and strength, which empower me to rise above my doubts and approach this competition with a steadfast spirit. Through the Scriptures, we find solace and nourishment for our weary souls, enabling us to rise above our burdens. Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit, Christ when I stand, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. A Prayer for Increased Faith. Patrick of Ireland (fifth century) The Prayer of Saint Patrick. I have no power of my own Lord and I rely on your power to overcome temptation today. I ask for your help to direct my path. Heavenly Father, I humble myself before you asking for your hand of support during these difficult situations. Thank You for the good plan You have for me. Prayer for Strength to Overcome Doubt. Heavenly Father, I stand before you in the quietude of this morning, seeking your divine presence and inner peace. Here's how. Dear God, Doubt can be a formidable adversary, but I know that with Your strength, I can conquer it. Pros: A Psalm of Trust: Prayer for Protection and Deliverance in Psalm 3 - Prayer Prompt Trust in the words of Psalm 3 as a guide for prayer in times of trouble. Follow the powerful 8 prayers of authority below and put the devil on the run: 1. Amidst the trials and tribulations, let me not falter or lose sight of Your divine plan for me. For with Your guidance and my faith intertwined, victory will prevail amidst any strife. Give me new life by Your Sacraments, especially the Mass. 19. Even when I cannot see the next step, allow my trust in Your plan to be the guiding light. Prayer To Rise Above Every Obstacle. Jan 6, 2024 · Prayer To Rise Above The Storms Of Life. #23. #21. May the wind be always at your back. God’s word to speak for me …. la yl wl sp gw ui ut gn gm um