How to function on no sleep reddit

How to function on no sleep reddit. Some need as many as 9 to function correctly, others around 2. I speak as a boarded sleep health educator (CCSH) when I say that if you need 9 hours to wake up feeling refreshed and motivated, then you need 9 hours. 2 days and I can function but brain's slow and I can't work out. My mind would not turn off 1: Prepare your room 🛏️. Also the protein from the jerky seems to help. Don't use the word "force". You need to repair that sleep schedule tho, try to set an hour when to sleep every night (around 8 before you wake up), and, try to focus on your breath, with no light with your muscles relaxed and in a comfortable position. Get out, move around with as little electric light as possible, do some stretching or exercises. An average sleep cycle is about 1. Its often cited to be 6 - 8 per night for adults, and 10 for children, but it varies so wildly. Flux on your computer/ Twilight on your phone. ) Exercise- more specifically, exercise in the morning, which boosts your immune system, kick starts your metabolism and helps you fall asleep. Nowadays, I prioritize sleep! I am super sensitive to a bad night of sleep - one bad night can lead to the brain fog you mentioned, an a few bad nights trigger the anxiety/depression. There's also something to remember, that most people aren't functioning well on 5 to 6 hours. 8 or 9 hours has always been horrible for me. Stop drinking any coffee at around 2pm otherwise you'll have another night of crappy sleep. I drink 2 glasses of water at night, and finish a third glass first thing in the morning after I take a lovely morning piss. For others, 5 hours is not enough to function properly. Don't interact with them, just let them be. If you have questions about a story that will cause you to break the suspension of disbelief for other readers, you can ask either in r/NoSleepOOC or simply PM the author of the story themselves. Just function. However, you'll probably still feel tired and like you haven't rested at all. Let your thoughts drift no matter how weird they become. Nixplosion. Some people have too much but many actually have too little. You'll have the equivalent of an entire cup in your bloodstream at around 21:30. Hold your breath for a count of seven. 4 coffees a day LFG. So many people I know function normally on 6 hours. One time I had to do it, coffee was really helpful along with walks during breaks. Do push-ups or crunches in between work sessions or dance for a minute or March in place idk. For me, it’s headphones and the star wars radio dramas that I’ve been listening to forever at night that trigger sleep time for me. Sometimes workaholic type students I knew would have a coffee or energy drink addiction, but it still wasn't all that healthy. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight. Don't check the clock if you can't sleep. View light, outside, for at least two minutes once the sun comes up, and limit light exposure at night. It's not healthy to only get around 6 hours of sleep. That will give you some energy for a couple of hours, and get you through until bedtime. Lots of people suggesting coffee. • 8 yr. • 7 yr. Sleep gave us a break. 3. No need for async for sleep-- it returns a promise, so the caller can wait on that with await without sleep being marked as async. however, the tiredness will come and go in waves. Use soft foam ear plugs to block all sounds. They are key to getting actual 'rest'. Minimum is 4hrs for maybe 3-5 days depending on the quality. Your issue is completing sleep cycles. It's good that you are realizing how important sleep is for you! Reply. Your brain no longer associates bed with sleep. When I can't sleep I feel hungover. Self-perception of tiredness really isn't great. You need to know your personal duration of each sleep stage though to not wake up during deep sleep which can cause you to wake up extremely sleepy and disoriented. Three minutes of meditation three times a day (just breathing in through your mouth and out through your nose trying to empty your mind. 2. 5 hours if male, 3. make it cool- our body temperature needs to drop by about 2 degrees C before we can fall asleep, so having a hot shower or setting your room temp to 18C cooled me down a bit before bed. Technically, that "bell" is a hardware interrupt but that would lead too far here. 5 hours if female. It will wake you up for a short while. The second will be a bit harder, then the real push is on the fourth and fifth days. Alamata626. I’m not the type to force myself to sleep less, just never needed as much after 23. Don't rule anything out because you're afraid of what you might find. •. You can try one of the Sleep Cycle (or similar) alarms that wake you in a 30 min period at lightest sleep while phone is on the bed. My toughest rotation for sleep was Surgery followed by ObGyn. 12-14 is ideal for me, but I can only fall asleep after being awake for that same amount of time, so unless the day starts being 4 hours longer, there's no way I can follow my natural sleep cycle and get enough sleep. For me, the memory of that night will always be a haunting reminder of the darkness that can exist just beyond the edge of perception, waiting to drag the unwary into its depths. How will I keep it toghether? I just can't fall asleep. I've tried lots of hangover remedies with no success. I don’t have sleep apnea. While energy is readily available now, there were many times where we had to fight for every calorie. The oppositie is true. 7 hours. The effects of inadequate sleep are cumulative, so while missing out on 0. Get the fuck out! Go sit in the dark until you get tired and then get back in. Also, keep a glass of water to drink in the morning. . Being tired is none of the above in my opinion, except if your job requires you to be on high alert (like a Bus driver or something like that). That extra half hour of sleep could put you back into REM or even deeper, making you way groggier when your alarm goes off. Foods you're addicted too - but it turns out that is the cause and you find out because you cut it out for a week. Grab a quick nap before mid-afternoon, if you are able. If I try to go to bed before then, I just toss and turn and lie awake and don't get tired for hours. There are other variants like usleep() which can sleep for microseconds. I accept that productivity will be low for the day. That just makes your mind more active, thus making it harder to sleep. A lot of people think they are fine but their reaction times, abstract thinking, and emotional regulation is noticeably effected. The majority of people require 7-9 hours of sleep each night. also, if you can mention it, just let people now 'hey, i had assbutt for sleep last night, i'm doing my best. I seem to be sleepy for the entire day. You're better off sleeping the full 9 and having efficient, productive days then shortchanging yourself I'm 17, and I have school at 8:30 every day, but for the love of GOD I cannot sleep before 3. If you can’t sleep more then you should at least sleep better, improve the quality. Use a sleeping mask to block all light. Noobsauce9001. ADHD. Probably the most important lifestyle change one can make to improve brain function at any age is oxygenating the cells of your brain through cardiovascular activity. • 10 yr. 9 hours is optimal for me. When the task calls sleep(4), the OS sets some hardware timer which says "please ring a bell after 4 seconds". Then try the elimination process for each thing, and see if things improve. 3 days and I'm ready to just pass out but not able to, can still function at work but have mini-pass outs. Now, here's the other part. r/ADHD A chip A close button A chip A close button Normally I get home around 730 am and help get the 6 year old off to school, get the little ones fed and ready for the day and lay down to sleep between 930-10 am. You can survive on three hours of sleep a day. I can function on 5 or less for a couple of days, but it'll send me into a grump. Melatonin. yet. One of the "curses" of chronic insomnia is that on low sleep you can usually get adrenaline to push you into some level of higher functionality, but it makes it harder to sleep again the next night. High protein breakfast. Some people might be able to function on 6 hours, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t doing long term damage in terms of longevity, disease resistance, and health in general. Maintaining a regular sleeping schedule. Usually I'm met by some comment from my fiancee that makes me feel guilty for going to sleep. Once I tried to go to sleep at 11 and I just lay awake until, literally, 3. Don't make the bed a place you connect with "I hope I can sleep tonight. As stated below, in 3-4 hours you can get 1-2 full sleep cycles in. Before I would fall asleep around 12 am and wake up around 7 or 8 am uninterrupted. It's important to note that studies have proven cognitive function to be compromised with a lack of sleep regardless of whether or not someone notices it. Your body will adapt this time (maybe just 7 or 6 hours) to be normal and it will use the time sleeping more efficiently. Some studies suggest that sleeping longer (8+hours) can be harmful for some individuals. I have no idea why this works and it’s anecdotal, but it’s a game changer for me, personally. Don't get in the mind set that you have to force yourself asleep. The more sleep cycles you can get the more your entire system gets to rest. I couldn't sleep at have to work a 12 hour shift today. What's much more effective (learned this from a psychiatrist and a sleep doctor after not being able to sleep for years and not functioning anymore) is taking a 20 minute nap. I need 8-9 hours sleep daily to function or else I get severe migraines. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Very, very few people only need that amount of sleep or less. it's on me, yeah, but i'm tryna do my best, won't happen again'. 5 hours sleep one night might not seem to affect you, missing out on 0. Most of the people I knew who slept 4 hours at night also had a habit of skipping a class to sleep in the bathroom. • make it dark- using blackout curtains or in my case, an eyemask, helped a lot. For the first hour and a half read a book ( not an electronic version). Stying in bed is pointless and will make you anxious. Repeat until you fall asleep. This clears your mind but activates your parasympathetic nervous system. So in my opinion since you can complete a sleep cycle in those 2 hours it is better to sleep. I will always be on that watch for about 1-2 weeks. Remember it has quite a long half life of 5 hours. Reply reply. For example, this classic study kept people on a 2-week schedule of either 8 hours time in bed, 6 hours time in bed, or 4 hours time in bed. Actually being properly comfortable during sleep, quiet enough to stay asleep. Coffee, adrenaline, and naps in between (. Keep it to 30 minutes or less. get sunlight in the day. Correct, an hour of sleep is better than none because your brain ends up getting rest. Obviously hes overwhelmed, and being passive aggressive. ) Don't sleep more than eight hours a night- you don't need any more than that and it helps you keep on a schedule and fall asleep easier the next night, plus you get more time during the day. If it's one night or sometimes: you'll be perfectly fine. Two hours of sleep is quite literally killing you, not figuratively according to what I have read. Worst decision ever, but I will say taking my first dose of ADHD meds helps wake me up better than coffee ever has when I’m running low on sleep. In my experience this tends to reign true. Those that think they can fully function on less than 7 hours have had insomnia for so long that they don't even remember what a normal number of sleep feels like anymore. To make it associate bed with sleep again you need to not spend time in bed awake. Prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to severe health problems in humans and other animals. No matter what I do. If you’re in bed for 20 minutes and not sleep GET OUT OF BED. Get help specifically ask the doctor to see a sleep specialist or just book in with one if you are worried they will diagnose something incorrectly. I recently started waking up earlier Have a set bed time and set waking time, and stick to it every day. probably because youre not ACTUALLY get 11 hours of sleep. Medical school is definitely doable with 8 hours of sleep a night. 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep with absolutely zero sensory stimulus. All about intention. For me, it's more about staying awake in the mornings than waking up. Well it’s currently 6:18 and I didn’t sleep at all. If I get under 6 hours I’ll feel sick and nauseous the next day with no appetite, and of course super tired. I feel so foggy and crabby if I only get like 6 hours. Hydrate, eat regularly and eat well, stay away from alcohol and strategise your caffeine intake and you can easily manage a decent stretch. There are times if I sleep poorly (posture, frequent waking, etc) that will end up with me being a bit tired but a solid 4-5 and I literally pop out of bed 3:30-4:30 not needing my alarm (set to 430am weekdays, 7am weekends). Although laying in bed for the 11 hrs should help fix this, in this case its not fixing. For example, last night I slept for about There’s never a moment in my life where I don’t feel like I could use 3 more hours sleep. And even people on insomnia forums rarely say what you just said, so I assume regular insomniacs are people who have trouble sleeping, then nap a little during the day and ruin their sleep, and it goes in circles. Consider things like caffeine and exercise as well. Be strict with it. If you drink a coffee every 2 hours from 07:00-13:00 (4 cups). First, running on full around the clock is expensive. From my experience there are NO benefits at all to sleep deprivation. If you don't get enough REM, your immune system is negatively effected - making you more prone to illness. But why is sleep so vital to our health? A UCLA-led team of scientists has made a major advance in answering this question and has shown for the first time that a dramatic change in the purpose of sleep occurs at the age of about 2-and-a-half. Second, we evolved to have very precise color vision. You are afraid that you could be contagious, risking the health of your coworkers. For further reference, please see this Meditate from 5-10 minutes a day. hammer_space. I can power through, but lack of sleep over a period of time makes me so sick. Exercise can be a booster to get more stimulation. TheGeneMan. If you can, try to take a cat nap during your lunch break. 30 minutes a day of intense but steady state cardio will do. You may be able to "improve" your routine so you can sleep more easily on time in future. I need 8-10 hours to feel good. Combine this with getting up the same time every day and you should be fine. async is only needed by functions that use await. That means you're either sick with an ailment that is not contagious or have physical/mental injuries. Even though I’m still a little stressed I do programming and i get better and better after 2 am. Go to bed and rise at the same time every day. So i did and I encourage you to do the same. Well, back again, because I have problems sleeping, the most important thing for me is how many hours of sleep, not how regularly. I protect my sleep at all costs now. I've been an insomniac my entire life, so I can function on 2-3 hours of sleep. It is the shortest sleep cycle and it ranges from 70-100 minutes. We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Sometimes I rub peppermint essential oil into my stomach and reflex points which helps a little. Sleeping too much is also associated with negative outcomes. Find and strengthen your best habits and help others improve theirs. I have insomnia without a clear cause, and the sleep doctor diagnosed me with ADHD. The best answer I've heard has to do with energy, vision, and predation. 25 jumping jacks - increases endorphins and sends the feel-good hormone in your brain. It also affects your digestion, mostly through your glucose levels. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. I usually sleep 6. Work days often drag at the best of times, but when you’ve had no sleep, 8 hours feels like 80. . Awfully. Getting any less will make you less productive during the day. That means not getting enough sleep can lead to weight issues and increases your risk of diabetes. If your alarm wakes you up during a deep sleep cycle, then you will likely feel tired all day. Also, staying in bed getting frustrated makes the problem worse, you're better off just getting up and doing something low-key [like playing a repetitive game or reading] than keep trying to sleep. ) Ideally anywhere between 8 to 10 hours [I like to sleep - a LOT!] But I usually get 6-8 hours. I wouldn't say 3 to 4 hours for me but 6. The inability to nap has been, to me, the worst aspect of my insomnia. lots of people only have 5 hours of sleep and are doing "fine" or great. For some reason that's associated with drowsniess. Incidentally, if you try to blank them out gently, that's a form of meditation. Skip to main content. Any good survival tips? Looking at good sleep hygiene, like no caffeine from 3, no screens an hour before bed, winding down appropriately before bed. I cannot sleep before 3. The sleep doc suggested going back on stimulants, but I didn't want to deal with the hassle and expense of additional tests and office visits. Also: blink your eyes until they are tired and then some more. Stay away from the abandoned train station in As. Do whatever your normal bedtime routine is, lay down, enjoy your body high, close your eyes without distractions and get the best night sleep of your life. if you're not working today, get in a sneaky nap. My hair falls out, I’m nauseous all the time, brain fog, etc. Across the 2 weeks, reaction times became progressively worse and worse for those getting 6 hours or 4 hours of sleep, with no sign of leveling off. dark room obviously. That's why medicine's long overdue for a overhaul in this regard. I aim for 8 but it normally takes me at least an hour to actually drop off so probably more like 7 on weeknights. We are not equal about sleep needs. However, I think it is unrealistic to assume that sometimes we won’t have nights where we don’t get sleep. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four. When I used to have nights like that, I’d call in sick the next day. But if I just roll over and close my eyes, I’ll toss and turn the entire night. daoxiaomian. So you can possibly feel much more sleepy compared to having not slept. Sleep A LOT on the weekends. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths. if only i could be on a 28 hour sleep cycle everything would be right with the world For example, sleep(4) means that the caller wants to be suspended for 4 seconds. In your regular awake hours you should feel less sleepy, but expect to be sleepy a lot sooner than on your usual day, and then also anticipate sleeping at least 150% of your regular night. The whole premise behind Polyphasic Sleep is that you ultimately end up sleeping less, but more often. 5 hours sleep for 4 nights in a row probably will affect you, maybe even more than just missing 2 hours for one night. Reply reply More repliesMore replies. The first day will be absolutely fine. NO PHONE FIRST HOUR U WAKE UP. There are sleep patterns you can follow like the Uberman and many others. After nights of poor sleep, I escape to the bathroom, sit on the toilet and close my eyes for a while. This trains your body and mind to fall quickly in Deep and Rem sleep cycles. I sleep pretty deep. This is where I need help. Light wakes us up and brings us out of the deeper stages of sleep. To function normally: about 4 hours a night. HellPigeon1912. MadSquabbles. ) One option might be just to push your body until your day is over. I get motivated by saying to myself Avoid blue light from screens an hour before bed. Having to chew up the jerky keeps my brain engaged. Allows you to de-stress quickly. If you can't sleep, get up and read (no screens!!!) until you feel tired. It's a circadian thing. Waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle can make you feel more tired as your body was in a different process. Hey everyone since late may all of sudden I started waking up after 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Mortality rises if average sleep per night drops below 4. if you do have to work, caffeine and food will help. take 6 deep breaths - inhale through your nose and exhale through mouth. But, if your alarm wakes you during a light part of the sleep cycle, then you would be more likely to feel rested. Make sure to do things you would do on a normal day: get sunlight, walk, move, eat, etc. 5 hours from light sleep into deep sleep and then Effects of chronic sleep loss on cognition. But 8 hours is actually really not good for your rhythm. Sleep aids often keep me awake, but ADHD medications make me tired and sleepy. It's something like 1 in 10,000 can function 100% fine with less than 5 hours sleep a night. IseultDarcy • 1 yr. Take some sleep medication (preferably from a doctor) if your poor sleep continues much longer. I don’t know what caused it but I’m guessing it’s because I was really stressed out around that time period. Get a bag of mixed nuts and dried fruit to snack on all day. 1% world wide, and it's most likely caused by a genetic defect. The next biggest lifestyle change will be sleep. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Youre not completing sleep cycles. But depression comes back after the person has slept so there is no therapeutic way to recommend it or use it. Some secrets are meant to stay buried, and some places are better left unexplored. But a sleep specialist will go over all of this with you in far more detail. 5~6 is manageable but fatigue accumulates over a few days of 5 to 6. Yeah when i sleep under 4h i function well usually but the day after will be shit usually. Yea sleep deprivation appears to almost eliminate depression completely in some people. 6-7 hours of proper sleep is ideal. When you actually come down to it, what your body and primarily mind need is deep sleep and REM sleep. And caffeine can both make anxiety worse, and keep you up too. Is there any supplement or superfood I could take? I try to avoid caffeine, because that will just keep me up another night. There is limited but growing evidence that some people are true “Short Sleepers” who may experience fewer or no apparent negative cognitive effects of short sleep. I often sleep 10, sometimes 12 hours a day. I also don’t “fall asleep,” like a normal person. r/AskReddit A chip A close button. You just spent 8+ hours without drinking anything and you are quite dehydrated when you first wake up. Expressed as an arrow function: const sleep = milliseconds => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds)); The only way to figure that out is by personal experience, you just gotta wing it for awhile until you find your appropriate amount. you get through it the best you can. I would be glad that you found a way to have a good studies sleep balance. You can get it tested. Asking for photos, videos, police reports, maps, or any other sort of proof is also a rule violation. I go to sleep around 11:00pm and wake up around 4:45am to go exercise by 6:00am and head to school around 8:00am (I'm a college student). You might find it hard to sleep at first, but Now I 18m seem to have developed a similar problem I used to be a lazy slob sleeping 9 to 11 hours since I began working for my dad about a year ago he makes sure I follow in his rigorous assaults on work and I generally gwt around 4 to 5 and a half hours of sleep a night. you're going to feel tired, that much is inevitable. I hate my life because of this shit Do a full audit of your life. You're just normal, so sleep more than 6 hours for the sake of your health. Two hours before you go to bed don't use ANY electronics. If it's regular or every night: it's not that good for long term. Sleep in the total darkness, adequate room temperature, sun light exposure during the day, maybe ear plugs, warm light bulbs, blue light blocking glasses, maybe slow release melatonin to help you falling asleep quicker. " Your body remembers weird stuff like that. You obviesly need it. 2 years ago I would have said 9-11 hours sleep but as I’ve got older that seems to have gone away so maybe you’ll need less in a few years. 5. What I get: Somewhere between 1 and 4 hours a night. Sheer willpower alone. That's not how it always turns out though, but people told me to stick to the therapy and it will get better. in other weeks it becomes later, namely going to bed at 3-6 pm, waking up and doing activities, then being able to sleep at 4-8 am. Based on what I’ve read only a tiny fraction of people actually need less than 7-9 hours, and teenagers almost universally get less than they need. Good sleep is essential for our health and happiness. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Usually it’s reading or watching tv. I’ve never fallen asleep while chewing. Only go back to bed when you feel that your brain and body is ready for sleep. Supplemental cortisol can go a long way in helping energy and increasing sleep quality in those that need more. It's so much better to get the same amount of sleep every night at the same time (even if it's just 5 hrs), than it is to get 5 -> 8 -> 9 -> 7. Sleeping 5 hours a night for 30 days (AMA) As the title explains, I will be sleeping for exactly 5 hours a night for 30 days to see how beneficial or detrimental the lack of sleep is. We're talking less than 0. How to function without sleep? It's 5 AM for me, and I have to wake up at 7 AM for school. only stay in bed if you're sleeping, if you've been trying to sleep for 20 mins, get up & go read a book in another room. I'm already on a daily migraine prophylaxis, which I started in college. Get the fuck out of bed. Reply. Anecdotally I need about 6, but will grab 7-8 if I'm able. Sleep cycles average about 90 minutes for most people, and you'll be the least groggy if you wake up in a high state in the cycle. 4. Extra hard Beef jerky (brand called Oma’s choice from Texas) and Diet Coke. 1. Anywhere from 7-9 hours is normal for me, it’s just what your body needs. feel like shit for half the day and then feel more and more awake as the day goes by. Take a nap. Trying to stay active also helps. It depends on age, time of year, mood often can factor into it, lifestyle and so on. it just gets easier and easier until about 5am when i crash, but i try to force myself to sleep at 2:30am because I have to wake up at 7:45am for work. enkideridu. I have to be doing something until I pass out. You shift in and out of light sleep and deep sleep. a) Take a sleeping tablet; b) Have one night of lots of sleep [12+ hours], followed by several nights of 4-5hrs. 18f. This means you'll get so tired at one point, then you'll get a "second wind" and be totally fine for a bit, then you'll get a little bit tired generally, and maintain that level of tiredness for a bit. terrysmith55. rubio2k13. I realize that this is a bodily demand, but someone must have hacked this. Point is, move your body. 4 days and I'm ready to kill someone No. Well. For me personally, after 3 weeks of CPAP I'm maybe 5-10% improved which discouraged me because I though I would be a new person after the first night of CPAP. This is one breath. We actually know very little about the bare minimum hours of sleep necessary for humans. get some exercise, but not right before bed. 0 hours I can do 1 day and still be able to work out. ago. 1 and a half hour sleep cycles. Also, if you use caffeine, gradually sip away at it over the course of the day rather than bingeing on it first thing in the morning to avoid crashing. Exercise can help "burn off" some of the anxiety, so you feel less stressed overall. For example, sleeping more than 9 hours is predictive of elevated cardiovascular risk. I am surprisingly able to function really well with little sleep. listen to a meditation- I like deep sleep with Andrew Johnson. You can fully complete a REM cycle in that period of time. Most sleep studies say the bare minimum you can sustainably do is 4 hours a night, but you need to have that be your norm to be functional (and it still comes with drawbacks to your learning and memory). Award. jf ki bb tg xj yh kx be ps mx