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Wkwebview javascript not working

Wkwebview javascript not working. Participants 3. uiDelegate or otherwise the delegate methods will not be called. XCode Debugger does not show any message relevant to this issue. Learn about better ways to handle JavaScript, fine tune the rendering process, export web content, and more. com site. load(URLRequest(url: webViewUrl)) // Run inline Javascript or call a function on the page loaded in the web view. Explore WKWebView additions. Modified 6 years, 10 months ago. If my question/wording is a bit off, I apologize as I'm new to Objective-C and Xcode. body. 8fFsD. 環境. My only problem was that the mailto: link wasn't formatted the right way! thanks to you all. That mechanism is being used by Cordova to define a new JS to native bridge when the WKWebView plugin is Oct 15, 2019 · 3. postMessage sometimes doesn’t work well, and it doesn’t work well when you need to synchronize the JS side to get the data from the native APP before you can continue executing the JS code. May 16, 2023 · Here’s how you can use it: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Link("Visit SwiftyPlace", destination: URL(string: "https://www. 2. Do this by becoming a WKUIDelegate: #import <WebKit/WebKit. open() from javascript (using the Safari debug console for example), this has no effect. 3. Based on documents decidePolicyFor navigationAction (WKNavigationDelegate) should do the job but my problem is this delegate gets called after new url get loaded not before that. Safari on iOS 9 does not trigger click event on hidden input file. setJavaScriptEnabled (true); then it won't work. But! Nov 28, 2019 · After you have download task in WKWebView, you can get the file url to download from method func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationResponse: WKNavigationResponse, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationResponsePolicy) -> Void) {. Open the Safari Jul 18, 2020 · 1. So, yes, it seems like you are correct in that it needs a parent view in most cases. zero, configuration: webConfiguration) webView. regular alert() from javascript or I should pass some different instructions in js to trigger this native alert? so my question is: 1) how this should work when implemented 2) what am I missing in implementation Nov 6, 2014 · I need to change a function to evaluate JavaScript from UIWebView to WKWebView. Here is how to fix that: Navigate to Project Settings/Target/ [your app's target]/Info. Oct 22, 2014 · It seems that since WKWebView runs javascript off-process that it will pause any javascript that is considered idle to save resources (<-IMO). It utilizes Core Animation and hardware acceleration so that webpages could scroll at Sep 25, 2015 · I'm experimenting with WkWebKit talking back and forth between app and page. Idle includes not having a parent or the app/device is inactive. I want to enable all JavaScript banners that appear on most web pages. May 8, 2018 · Is there any way to get the JavaScript errors from the WebView? I mean the following errors and possible warnings? I am running JS code with the following extension: extension WKWebView { func Apr 14, 2021 · The crowning achievement of WebKit was WKWebView. 4. messageHandlers. If not, create it. open() in JavaScript, the WKWebView will call the. css plus several other javascript and image files. Many developers have encountered this issue and posted their questions and solutions on Stack Overflow, the largest and most trusted online community for programmers. Aug 13, 2016 · Javascript popups are not working for me with WebKit. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. cnn. view. I tried to enable all javascript like below code but it still not working. The App does allow mic permissions. Oct 15, 2019 · My app use WKWebView to display this html file. In order to do so, I am going to use an example to demonstrate how to achieve communication in both directions; both from the web page to the app and from the app to the web-page. First, we create a new instance of Apple's WKWebView web browser component and assign it to the webView property. First, set UIDelegate where you configure your web view. Mar 1, 2015 · Qualification: this test will work if you are using the official Cordova WKWebView plugin to build your webview app, because that plugin does initialize the addScriptMessageHandler method, as noted by @hexalys in the comments to this post. Jul 1, 2019 · Are you having trouble playing audio in your iOS app using WKWebView? If so, you are not alone. I want to inject a script using WKWebview API. allowsInlineMediaPlayback = YES; Sep 27, 2016 · Basically you just need mailto://tes@test. _webView. Using @font-face is mandatory. Apr 29, 2024 · Link not handled by the web view. webkit. Mar 29, 2019 · WKWebView is a bit like having one lone tab in the iOS Safari app, which means the user can’t open and close new windows to browse multiple pages, and it won’t even show alerts or confirmation requests triggered by JavaScript. Sep 27, 2016 at 14:37. Jul 4, 2018 · This code was causing the issue. log('in foobar');}" completionHandler:^(NSObject* res,NSError* err) { }]; Aug 3, 2022 · I have come up with a MAUI solution that work for both iOS and Android, using the new Handler pattern as described in: Porting Custom Renderers To Handlers. webView);<br>. Solution (Quick) Add the web folder to your project (File > Add Files to Project) Copy items if needed; Create folder references * Nov 21, 2016 · I do not know very well web development, but it seems to me that the problem with JavaScript of the money. Yes, I missed out the second line, and that's because it introduces new concept: delegation. The above documentation was somewhat poor, and did not feature an implementation for the iOS version. How am I able to do this with WebKit on OSX? 1. 2. I could not get the evaluateJavaScript to work until i added the setTimeout () function. frame) Jun 17, 2019 · Listen for javascript postMessage calls in the iOS app To add a javascript message handler the handler name needs adding to the configuration object passed into the WKWebView at initialisation time. When this app is run a window appears within which the WKWebView can be seen and also inspected using Safari. Firstly you need to implement also WKUIDelegate, so add it to the ViewController declaration: class ViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate {. Jun 30, 2019 · How do i execute javascript function at runtime, the function to load the chat window does not get executed func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) { let javascript = "const params = {typeId: ‘someid’, callback: getContextCallback} loadChatWindow(params)" evaluateJavascript(javascript, completion:{ _ in }) } Discover WKWebView enhancements. To disallow navigation, or to customize your web view’s navigation 11. I've tried debugging in Safari developer console and I can't find the JavaScript code in there either. May 11, 2018 · 24. AppTransportSecuritySettings AllowArbitrary loads. This code is supposed to load the Apple homepage, but instead shows a blank screen. WKWebView get Javascript Errors. let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration() webView = WKWebView(frame: . We can introduce a delay which obviously is not a clean solution. Reading the answers in the linked thread in DonMag's comment:. I tried: request. png 2. WKWebView is also superior to UIWebView in many performance aspects as well. WebSettings settings = webView. Delegation is what's called a programming pattern – a way Mar 8, 2022 · It prompts for permission on the simulator but not on an actually device. I try to catch the url about to load in WKWebView before it loads. g. // if script is "var x = 1; x++;", result WKWebView provides a complete browsing experience, including the ability to navigate between different webpages using links, forward and back buttons, and more. Make sure to adhere to the WKWebView. Implementation Code as follows: NSString *js = @"document. [name]. App-Bound Domains Domain WebKit Blog Post. I am using sessions to keep user logged in Javascript on my website, but the sessions are not working on WKWebView. So here is possible approach. May 30, 2023 · This article explores inter-process communication between the WKWebView and the native application. For some reason it isn't working and I can't figure it out. I was able to work around this using the following code: Jun 5, 2014 · It may not be an ideal method but depending on your use-case, you can just reload the WKWebView after you've infected the user script: NSString *scriptSource = @"alert('WKWebView JS Call!')"; May 2, 2017 · This class has web view loading logic. Jan 28, 2022 · WKWebView - Javascript Confirm and Alert not working. class ViewController: UIViewController, WKUIDelegate, WKScriptMessageHandler Sep 19, 2019 · The Url not loading in the wkwebview. override func webView(_ webView: WKWebView Oct 7, 2016 · To help you get what's wrong with your solutions, i'll add some suggestions: 1. swiftyplace. Set the WKNavigationDelegate on your WKWebView instance. Jun 10, 2019 · In that solution frontend developer have to add to JavaScript code specific code for iOS. 4. You do NOT need to change your HTML, CSS or JS code. evaluateJavaScript(script, completionHandler: { (result, error) in. evaluateJavascript that add data to textfields, removes elements on the website etc. com. (in viewDidLoad in your case) webView. Your user will leave the app. I want to use the Safari inspector to debug the JavaScript in my app. you just solved the problem. UIDelegate = self; Then you need to actually implement alert, prompt, and confirm. Second, implement this protocol method of UIDelegate. I want to find a solution to intercept the web view request to detect which local resource files are load together with this html file -> then unzip them if they are still zip format. This approach worked well in UIWebview so far, but in WKWebview is not working as expected. WKWebView not only replaced UIWebView in UIKit but also WebView in AppKit. // result is the value of the final statement in the injected javascript. href is all executed, but usually when you run the app, only the last location. This is the one we are going to use to send a call from iOS to JavaScript. Explore Teams Create a free Team. 8. /// Adds a event listener that will be call on WKScriptMessageHandler - didReceiveMessage. This can be any JavaScript you want, which effectively means you can dig right into a page and pull out any kind of information you want. WKWebView has key performance features, including: Responsive 60 fps Feb 19, 2022 · WKWebView and JS interaction synchronization problem. let script = "getWindowInfo();" webView. Note - I don't have xamarin experience but I know how "window. . Here is what I am trying to use. Swift WKWebView Loading local file not working on a device. getSettings(); settings. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Then assign the delegate: web. Apr 11, 2017 · OK, finally figured out why it is not working. I need my swift class to interact with the html and javascript in a wkwebview that it references, in particular, feed it a variable. Apr 7, 2020 · 7. Dec 17, 2014 · I am experimenting with replacing a dynamically allocated instance of UIWebView with a WKWebView instance when running under iOS 8 and newer, and I cannot find a way to determine the content size of a WKWebView. uiDelegate protocol contains the methods necessary to support Javascript alerts in a WKWebView. Aug 20, 2023 · 2. 4 / iOS 13. background = \"#FF0000\";"; NSString *myScriptSource = @"alert May 7, 2017 · WkWebView JavaScript script not working. href is called. In our app we are dynamically creating a form with input fields and relying on evaluateJavaScript () function to submit the form and load the url in the decision handler. webView = WKWebView(frame: self. I have hybrid app (web/android/ios) which uses webview on ios/android and I want to have only one Sep 18, 2022 · I am using WKWebView to load some links in my application. httpShouldHandleCookies = true but it is not working. Here’s a simple example of adding a script to change the background color of the Google web page from above: let contentController = WKUserContentController() let scriptSource = "document. 1 Swift 4. In my IOS Application I've created a WKWebview of a website that I'm not owning myself. The code below is the original solution what is works perfectly, but in Xcode 8 beta and iOS 10 with swift 3 the userContentController delegate does not called when I use the original html+js code to call the native side. ViewController. Capture Javascript Errors From A WKWebView Using Message Handlers. configuration. I would expect it to trigger: func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, createWebViewWith configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration, for navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, windowFeatures but I'm not sure how should it work when implemented - should this just add extension to WKWebView for triggering e. - webView:createWebViewWithConfiguration:forNavigationAction:windowFeatures: method on its UIDelegate. 0. public func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor May 31, 2022 · I am using WKWebView on my app where user can login, but I have an issue. Check whether there is a dictionary called App Transport Security Settings. I thought I would start simply by trying to get the webview to fire an alert: Here is the code: let webView = WKWebView() override func viewDidLoad() {. onclick event doesn't work on iphone. webSettings. Found a similar post about the iFrame problem Nov 21, 2017 · WKWebView can be initialised with a custom configuration including its user agent and its data store for the session. Mar 11, 2021 · Paul Hudson @twostraws March 11th 2021. I do not like this ugly platform addtions - I mean JavaScript function getLocation invoked from swift which is never used by web or android platform. You try to apply 'reference'-base approach to value based SwiftUI views. Using evaluateJavaScript() you can run any JavaScript in a WKWebView and read the result in Swift. Nov 12, 2018 · webView. I am trying to load javascript in webView (WKwebView) its working fine in simulator but does not work on the device. Dec 10, 2019 · 5. This class sets all the properties of web view and there is a call back function which will get called when javascript function gets called which will be stored locally in the project. The same iFrames works on UIWebView and Safari. style. JavaScript is working as expected, but when I try to use a class it makes the WebView just appear blank. In Safari (on OSX) this document will create the expected alert and confirm popups. I had a scenario where I need to display an url in Webpage . navigationDelegate = self; and implement following code in the delegate callback decidePolicyForNavigationAction Jul 31, 2023 · There was a requirement from the client that we have to pass the custom header in webview in every request (request made by us and request made by webview too). Ask Question Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. WKWebView can not load the local HTML with the local front. HTML Oct 22, 2019 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I thought it was supported on iOS 14. Oct 14, 2016 · 0. h>. Jun 22, 2015 · Iframe is working when running the site in desktop web browser from any server (including server running in the iOS simulator or device). Dec 5, 2020 · WKWebView UIDelegate. If you are also struggling with "why my javascript is not working in WKWebView", below is a neat way to figure out why: 1. /// - Parameters: /// - elementID: The name of the element. Open Safari on your desktop, Preferences -> Advanced, enable "show developer menu in menu bar" 2. Now developers have access to a consistent API across the two platforms. Tested with Xcode 11. That JavaScript conflict with native WKWebView handlers. png != 8ffsd. So if you have your filenames in html in lowercase - this won't work on device. OS: Mojave 10. You need multiple @font-face declarations to use multiple font files as a single font family Jun 7, 2019 · SwiftでWebViewを表示させる場合、WKWebViewを使うことがほとんどだと思います。現在ではUIWebViewは非推奨です。そちらについては以下の記事がとても参考になります。 [参考元]:UIWebViewを使わない理由とWKWebViewを使う理由. javaScriptEnabled = true. It seems that the transitions between the site pages and their loading is carried out with help of JavaScript. evaluateJavaScript("setTimeout(function(){. This adaptation also makes the Source property a BindableProperty. In your usage code webView in button action and in below are different independent values (because WebView is struct). Paul Hudson @twostraws March 11th 2021. There are two ways to perfect the time of evaluation of the javascript. com")!) } } The user can go back to your app by tapping your app name in the top left edge. Swift WKWebView interface with I'm developing a Mac app that uses WKWebView to display HTML resources. open ()" js works in WKWebView with native code so I hope this answer will help you connect the missing dots. Dec 19, 2017 · 1 Answer. +50. Feb 7, 2020 · TeamMap. webView. This question addresses the issue and says is was fixed in iOS 10. I have tried using ES6 syntax and ES5 syntax they both cause the same problem. Nov 4, 2020 · For my Swift development I have tried to add a function inside a WKWebView extension so it can be reused like that: extension WKWebView {. First announced at WWDC 2014, WKWebView was a game-changer for rendering web content in iOS apps. Viewed 1k times Part of Mobile Development Apparently Apple changed the semantics of evaluateJavaScript: depending on when the following code has been called the new function does not appear in the JS namespace if it is called too early. Remember, that simulator filesystem is case-insensitive, device filesystem is case-sensitive. The following code will work as expected. In that delegate method you should create a new WKWebView with the WKWebViewConfiguration that is given to you. In this web page, you will find a detailed and accepted answer that explains how to enable audio playback in WKWebView using May 13, 2018 · I am trying to load content from a website using WKWebView from a certain website but I end up with a white page. It is not allowed, so does not work. setDomStorageEnabled(true); Actually, you need both setJavaScriptEnabled () and setWebChromeClient (new WebChromeClient ()) to make the JavaScript work. Third, we make our view (the root view of the view controller) that web view. WKWebView is not working with JavaScript Classes. findViewById(R. Sorted by: 2. 17. The evaluateJavaScript function works asynchronously. I can get javaScript to execute fine using WkWebView evaluateJavascript method, but when I try to execute window. Jan 19, 2017 · 2. js TeamMap. In your code, you're calling evaluateJavaScript immediately after constructing the JavaScript string. For what it is worth here is my code below. When I debug my app by launching it from Xcode, Safari doesn't show my app in the Develop menu — it displays "No Inspectable Applications". Implement webView(_:createWebViewWith:for:windowFeatures:). Feb 7, 2018 · Add yourself as the WKNavigationDelegate. Code: var webView: WKWebView! override func loadView() {. Using JavaScript webkit API is almost the same as injecting JavaScript helpers into an iframe, however we need to implement WKScriptMessageHandler protocol to receive Dec 9, 2018 · There are two ways to communicate the answer: First way From Flutter to the webview (javascript, react) From the flutter side (using a button or in a trigger method): This fromFlutter will be the name of the method in your javascript, react, whatever and also you can send text, in this case "pop". OnClick not Working on Ios11. Implement webView(_:decidePolicyFor:decisionHandler:). In the Safari menu, Develop -> simulator, connect your iPhone simulator. Debug the WebPage in Safari. May 28, 2018 · 4. What have I done so far: Debugging webpage with Safari Web Inspector, Console does not display any message relevant to this issue. The user credentials are not saved so the user has to login every time he starts the app. //This condition was causing the problem while trying to get popup. href is executed through a conditional statement, which satisfies both conditions. 1. Below is the code for that. html TeamMap. javaScriptEnabled = true 3. Mar 11, 2021 · How to run JavaScript on a WKWebView with evaluateJavaScript () Swift version: 5. It is likely that the JS scripts are from a non-HTTPS source and you left App Transport Security 's Allow Arbitrary Loads disabled. here is the extension I wrote. setBuiltInZoomControls(true); Aug 27, 2022 · iOSアプリでWebViewを表示するために、現在はWKWebViewを使うことが多いが、よくあるJavaScriptによるアラートや文字入力ダイアログを表示する方法やより高度な連携方法を紹介する。 alert, confirm, promptを表示する alert:アラートダイアログで、OKボタンのみ confirm:確認ダイアログで、OKボタンと Oct 5, 2014 · 7. If you will use only webSetting. Click events not firing on iOS. – OhadM. Jun 24, 2018 · 1. Then, I figure out what the problem is. preferences. But with my WebKit instance running on IOS simulator or d Jan 14, 2016 · I found that the javascript code in the onload function will be executed when click goback button in uiwebview, but this does not happen in wkwebview WKWebView does not work on evaluateJavaScript () form submit. print () to let you print a page, or at least when a user chooses File > Print you like them to be able to print the web page they are currently viewing. Loading WKWebView: - ( Jun 13, 2019 · Solutions attempted include: 1. The answer below is the right way to do it and the code above shows the solutions. Oct 18, 2015 · When a web application calls window. We'll show you how to use APIs to manipulate web content without JavaScript, explore delegates that can help with WebRTC and Downloads, and share how you can easily create a richer web experience within your app. The url contains a popup which does not show and an empty screen is displayed instead of popup. Just to expand a bit, WKWebView requires you to show alerts, prompts, and confirms yourself. Here is my code: import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewControlle Sep 23, 2019 · After iOS was updated to 13 version long press doesn't work and contextmenu event is not triggered. 10. The WKWebView. So inside my: func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) I've a couple of . plz find below my implementation: webView = (WebView) instamedWebView. This approach has been working fine and seems to have been broken in iOS 14 (tested beta 3, 4, 5). So to solve this, I added the decidePolicyFor method to pass custom header to the request that webview made. Apr 12, 2018 · WKWebView. Jan 11, 2022 · Learn how to inject JavaScript into the iOS web view (WKWebView) to customize the HTML styling to fit the look and feel of your apps. Problem Statement: When we try to execute some javascript in wkwebview with help of "evaluateJavaScript" method in background, sometimes javascript stopped executing in between, but if we keep webview in foreground, then no issues, same javascript code If it's not working after that also, then add below line also. 3 Load Javascript files through HTML file on WKWebView in iOS The simulator is running 12. Oct 15, 2018 · I am trying using WKWebView to load my local html file and want to send postMessage to my html , but postMessage is not working, WKWebView is unable to load the html file. alert() not working in WKWebview evaluateJavaScript() 1. . Nov 1, 2016 · But for some reason in certain applications the WKWebview will not perform the javascript unless the WKWebview is added to the view hierarchy. It also lets you setup a controller to inject scripts or post messages to a web view. Currently when I open the WebView I cannot manipulate the button in the webView. [_webview evaluateJavaScript:@"function foobar() {console. When i put a breakpoint in each conditional statement and run it, location. I used the below instead. When the user clicks a link in your content, the web view acts like a browser and displays the content at that link. I find that the html and js file have both loaded but that the css file has not. – OYPS. Make sure you're calling it after the WebView has finished loading the web content. You need to set the configuration before initialize the WkWebview instance: WKWebViewConfiguration *config = [[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]; config. Follow these steps to optimize the click behavior in your WKWebView instance: Set the WKUIDelegate on your WKWebView instance. I know the title is familiar, but the answers weren't ! The answers here : Button onclick event not working in iOS unless you go away from app and back, then it works. Teams JavaScript not executed in WKWebView. 3 and higher. Explore the latest updates to WKWebView. Feb 2, 2020 · In this post I will show how to use Swift and JavaScript to communicate between the app and the web-page that is loaded on the WKWebView. Dec 5, 2018 · I am working on a project with WKWebView and I have the html loading from the local project. As you can see, the interaction using window. uiDelegate = self. iFrame interactions are not working in WKWebView. @interface MyController : UIViewController<WKUIDelegate>. I need to return result of evaluating in this function. Nov 22, 2019 · JavaScript not working in WKWebView in iOS. Once on my site I have a form on a page within my website that when a user submits it brings up an alert stating "Message sent! Should the seller take interest they will reach out to you". Then when you instantiate the WKWebView object, as for example like so: self. Explore new APIs that help you convert apps using WebViews or UIWebViews while adding entirely new capabilities. Here's an example to get you started: SPONSORED Superwall lets you Aug 29, 2022 · On the code, each location. Communicating with iFrame. Once the webpage is loaded on the webview, if something goes wrong or you need to debug or inspect the webpage, you can do it with safari. How do i change font size in WKWebView swift 5? 1. WKWebView evaluateJavaScript not returning html. But I'm trying to add an . swift webview. Anyways, I am using the WebView property to open my website. 1 4. 7. id. Sep 27, 2016 at 14:23. If you build a WKWebView app you like to enable window. This methods allows WKWebView to properly read your hierarchy of directories and sub-directories for linked CSS, JS and most other files. style but it is not work. 5 Xcode: 10. 14. WKWebView is the best way to present rich, interactive web content right within your app. Dec 5, 2020 · You can ensure Javascript is enabled using: webKitView?. But in the WKWebView running in simulator or device content of the iframe is not shown. /// - callbackID: The ID for the callback. One method to capture Javascript errors from a WKWebView uses WKScriptMessageHandler and WKUserContentController. Then you initiate a download task to download the file, URLSession is an option. This happens with both HTTP and HTTPS URLs. I provide that, here. Dec 11, 2019 · The WKUserScript object, when added to the userContentController, allows developers to take JavaScript and inject it into a webpage. I need to update my code to swift 3. Please provide enough code so others can better understand or Nov 24, 2019 · 1. I know it has been a while since this was answered and I found that this didn't really work for me. evaluateJavascript (Or other) that will Apr 2, 2017 · 1. By the time our javascript got evaluated the elements had not been created and thus no event listeners were added. var speechRecognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(), response = {onChange: function() {}}, allowEnd; Jan 24, 2017 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Aug 24, 2018 · The timing of evaluating the javascript to add Event Listener to each element was not perfect. - (WKWebView *)webView:(WKWebView *)webView createWebViewWithConfiguration:(WKWebViewConfiguration *)configuration forNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction *)navigationAction windowFeatures:(WKWindowFeatures *)windowFeatures {. Ensure that the JavaScript code is being evaluated after the web page has fully loaded. Mar 7, 2018 · To disable zooming, I also evaluate the following JavaScript: Adding custom font to WKWebView is not working. If you present this new WKWebView on screen Apr 13, 2018 · I'm trying to open new tab in a WKWebView, but when I call window. ud xz mw bi fo ev vg aa db sc