"As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow" (1Peter 2:2). These sins are considered "deadly" because they are the root causes of other sins and moral corruption. Goudy Initialin The Drop-cap font that is used in the Bible Books is a free font, even for commercial use. 1, 2, 3 John. Well Providing Water = Teacher of Truth. The Drop-cap font that is used in the Bible Books is a free font, even for commercial use. I hope this list helps you to read prophetic scriptures! Key to Biblical Symbols Free Software: Bible Analyzer. Colored pencils – Useful for light underlining and notetaking. Twelve has always been an important number in the Bible because there were twelve tribes of Israel and twelve apostles. Unlike other dream interpretation websites or books we extensively research dream symbols by interviewing people about the events occurring in their lives at the time of their dreams. The Ichthys (Fish) Symbol represents Holy Trinity. In the Old Testament, donkeys were commonly used as beasts of burden for carrying loads and transportation. The best way to make sense of a text in the light of its symbolic meaning is a “paraphrase”. Revelation 22:3. Silver = God’s Pure Words, Knowledge, God’s People. For example, it might have symbols like a dove, representing peace and the Holy Spirit, or a rainbow, symbolizing God’s promise. Oil – Anointing and Empowerment. From animals and colors to numbers and objects, these symbols carry significant meanings that Mar 6, 2021 · Christian Symbols Illustrated Glossary. Jul 8, 2017 · Published in 1980 and updated in 1996 the Dictionary of Bible Themes by Martin H. The Golden Rule is “Let the Bible Interpret itself” in line with Isaiah 28:10, 7-13. Nov 8, 2021 · The symbolic nature of the book is announced early on in Rev. The Bible stresses that all animals are created by God and sustained by Him. The Idea of Printable Bible: Print the pages single sided 8. Verse Concepts. While the Bible is filled with symbols, here are seven that can powerfully demonstrate God’s love for humanity: Rainbow. In order of Preference for Free Software. 3. A Beast that comes up out of the Water or Sea is a Kingdom that is developed in an area where there is a population of people, as opposed to the Beast that came up out of the Nov 2, 2023 · Key Takeaways. WHY CHRIST USED PARABLES. WOODPECKER – A woodpecker is a symbol of Satan because of its destructive nature. The word pictures found in Scripture include the following symbols: 1. The act of baptism involves water, symbolizing the believer’s identification with Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. Bind them in a notebook using a 3 hole punch or another binding method (glued binding). Ram = Medo Persia Daniel 8:20. Jeremiah 23:29 (a) NLT There are so many fun Bible verses about color. I have more than 400 Symbols listed with proof texts. Horse = Strength and Power in Battle Job 39:19, Psalms 147:10, Proverbs 21:31; Dragon = Satan or his agency Isaiah 27:1;30:6, Psalm 74:13-14; Rev. In the early church Christians used a fish symbol called an Ichthys to identify each other’s faith in secret circles, because many Christians were persecuted during that time. The Bible is full of symbols, allegories, types, anti-types, shadows, metaphors, and many many more expressions of human language. Definitions. Fire and anointing oil are symbolic representations of the Holy Spirit's purification and empowerment. Tree. Bible Symbol definitions are Sep 29, 2019 · Learn how Bible Symbols can help you to know God and His plan of Salvation, and help you study and understand the Bible in a deeper way. Donkey. "Wisdom is like honey for your soul" (Proverbs 24:13-14). 9:5. Apr 9, 2023 · The Alpha and Omega are often depicted as a single intertwined symbol, with the Alpha above and the Omega below. Jul 1, 2024 · Welcome to The Dream Bible. To Obey or Disobey: The Role of Obedience in the Iliad and Genesis 1-25. Water and bread, in particular, are used repeatedly. Since the Bible uses Symbols, you need to understand the text in light of what the symbolic definition is saying. The Bible uses a variety of symbols, or word pictures, to describe itself. The Language of the Bible. Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the Papacy during the middle ages. The hearer or reader can easily understand the short story and remember it. 2 The Incredibly Interesting Symbolism Of Plants In The Bible. Seen It is a new app from the creators of List Challenges. Here you can find out what Bible Symbols are, and why they are used in the Bible. There is only one God. The language of the Bible is rich with metaphor. Revelation 4:2. Fermentation is a Symbol of Sin especially in wine where “Leaven” or yeast, is used to make the wine ferment. This is where the Bible’s story begins, and a good deal of the Bible stories we know so well are in Genesis (Noah’s Ark, Cain and Abel, Joseph’s coat, Adam and Eve, etc. Chaos and creation. 1-22) Don't spend any more time laboring over what symbol to use to mark key words! I have made printable Key Word Symbol Sheets to use when doing inductive Bible study. Donkey, in the Bible, often symbolizes humility, service, and submission. There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; Ezekiel 37:1-2. Bitterns are in the same family as herons, though they’re smaller. Each symbol has its own unique meaning and significance. The most common symbol used for the Holy Spirit in both the Old and the New Testament is oil. 1. Glory and Light – Radiant Presence. Logos Software Engine (free, paid upgrades) Accordance 12 Lite, (free, paid upgrades) Bible Analyzer (free, paid upgrades) Numbers in Bible Prophecy Many of the numbers in the Bible have deeper prophetic or spiritual significance. 4 Eagles, Ravens and Unclean Birds of the Bible. When repeating the message the author will use words that have similar meaning but different words Jan 22, 2017 · The Idea of Printable Bible: Print the pages single sided 8. Dr. He learned that the verses in Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34 revealed this and with these verses and other Bible symbols he used these keys to unlock and understanding Bible Prophecy. 10 Water Sources and Their Spiritual Symbolism In The Bible. The biblical writers used familiar, everyday objects to symbolize spiritual truth. Wings = Speed / Protection / Deliverance Deuteronomy 28:49, Matthew 23:37. These are the 14 Rules for Symbolic Interpretation that have been used with success and in harmony with solid and principled Bible study over the centuries. Sep 10, 2020 · 1. Light and darkness. Oct 6, 2023 · 7. In John’s Gospel, Jesus is symbolized by the life-giving matter of everyday existence: water, bread, light, and words. . Jun 19, 2017 · The Idea of Printable Bible: Print the pages single sided 8. Bible Metaphors and Similes. These visuals create a more memorable, lasting effect. 1:1 with the original Greek word “semainein” which is used to describe the method of disclosure of truth to John. in English. Also, you can track what you've seen, want to see, like, or dislike, as well as track individual seasons or episodes of shows. Jan 14, 2024 · Flowers are incorporated into several holy days and celebrations in the Bible. They give us a better understanding of the character of the Word of God. Why Christ Used Parables? – The Disciples came to Jesus after he told the parable of the Sower, and asked why He spoke to the people in parables? Jesus’ answer was “It is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them (the multitudes) it is not given. As you read your Bible you can look at the Symbols in the list Nov 17, 2023 · Key Takeaways. It is amazing to me that God’s Word is not a set of rules but a book full of stories, songs, poems, parables, and vivid language to show us the things of God. By its very nature, poetry relies heavily on figurative language; when Solomon calls his bride “a lily among thorns” ( Song of Aug 12, 2023 · Overall, the serpent is a complex symbol in the Bible, representing both evil and redemption. God designed to give some texts a deeper, alternative meaning. 1 Rainbows In The Bible: 3 of God's Awe-Inspiring Promises to His Children. For example, rather than just saying, “Satan is evil,” the devil is referred to as “roaring lion ” who “prowls around,” looking for someone to “devour. Washi tape – Decorative way to highlight verses or categorize sections. Genesis 11:9 “Babylon is Confusion”. Use a distinctive marking for each person (author, recipients, God, Jesus) in the text you are studying. Put the pages in your notebook to use as a quick reference. 1908, J. The Bible obviously refers to the latter. Generic colors will make finding Bible highlighters much easier. 12:7-9; Ezekiel 29:3 Nov 20, 2018 · Encourage others to visit this web site to learn truth, and have a deeper understanding of what the Bible says. Mar 21, 2019 · In order to understand some of these mighty benefits within the Bible let us examine the twelve symbols of the Word of God found in Scripture and discover their purpose for our spiritual development: A Fire ~ To Refine “ Does not my word burn like fire? says the Lord. Yeast is also the leaven in bread Elsewhere it is the number of the Trinity, divine perfection, God manifested. Trees are mentioned many times When Wine is used to Symbolize Doctrine it is “Old Wine” or fermented grape juice, that is False Doctrine and “New Wine” or Unfermented grape juice, that is True Doctrine. Ichthys is the ancient Greek word for fish, and it forms the acronym “Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior. You will need to “translate” the text using the symbolic meaning, and replace the literal word with the symbolic definition. – “Spiritual things are spiritually discerned” ( 1 Corinthians 2:13–14 ), therefore you will need help from the Holy Spirit, to guide you into truth. Here is a list of symbols and their Bible interpretations: Animals and their Parts. There is a formatted downloadable document listing all the parables with all the text and references in the Download Articles and Books Page. worship icons - the holy bible symbols Jul 8, 2024 · Seven Deadly Sins: This list comprises pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. Identify Bible Symbols using keywords. Darkness = Wickedness, Lack of Understanding. Here are some excerpts from Exodus Feb 24, 2017 · By Thomas Taylor. Oct 9, 2023 · The ark was a symbol of God’s protection and mercy, and it was a reminder to humanity that God will always provide a way of escape from destruction. The central character in Genesis is a man named Abraham. The first step is as always, is to pray for the Holy Spirit’s influence. The table below lists those examples, with both Scripture note references and antitype or symbol references. Symbols are a path to revelation. A Bible Symbol is a word in the Bible that has a deeper alternative meaning that is in addition to the plain, and obvious meaning. Dictionary Definition: Beast = any nonhuman animal, especially a large, four-footed mammal. The use of symbols in the Bible serves to convey deeper truths, moral lessons, and spiritual insights. James 1:5-6; John 16:13. However, over the centuries many other markings, identifiers, and distinguishing signs have represented the Christian faith. Baptism/Regeneration. Use the Search Box and type in a word that is in the title or text and all the other parables will be filtered out. Symbols add color, feeling or emphasis. The Ichthys (Fish) Symbol. Symbolic Definition and use: Symbolic Definition: Kingdom or Power. And floral crowns were worn at weddings and festivals as symbols of beauty, joy, and honor (Song of Songs 3:11, Isaiah 28:1). It is mentioned numerous times in different contexts throughout Scripture. Theme: Wisdom. Sometimes, a cross is included in the center of the symbol to represent the crucifixion of Jesus. Feb 19, 2020 · 1) When the Bible says something is a type, shadow, figure, or pattern you can trust it. Bible symbols: designed and arranged to stimulate a greater interest in the study of the Bible by both young and old. Prophet – purple ‘P’. Click on the Install button in the upper left corner. The Biblical writers were often inspired to tell us when something was a type and shadow. Before we can learn how to Interpret we must learn how to study for interpretation. Type, Shadow or Symbol: Type, Shadow or Symbol Of: Scofield Note & Verse Reference: Antitype, Shadow or Symbol Reference: Woman The Church Gen 2:23 Eph 5:25-32; 2 Cor 11:2-3 Cp. Some have the Bible reference, and others have many references that can be found in the Bible. See Revelation 17:15 where Water is defined to mean “People and Multitudes, and Nations and Tongues. Some of the most recognizable Catholic symbols include the cross, the crucifix, the dove, and the lamb. Dec 30, 2019 · 3 Symbolism in the Bible. 2. Watch on. Example: If you want to find the parable of the Ten Virgins then type in the word “Ten” or “virgins” then all the parables with these words will be displayed in the results This river represents the divine sustenance and eternal abundance that believers will experience in the presence of God. It is a bit like a map that helps you navigate through the deeper messages in the scriptures. This collection of Christian symbols includes drawings and Jun 14, 2024 · Animals are spoken of frequently in the Bible, both literally (as in the creation account and the story of Noah's ark) and symbolically (as in the Lion of the Tribe of Judah). Manser is a good tool as well as The A to Z Guide to Bible Signs and Symbols Understanding Their Meaning and Significance by: Neil Wilson, Nancy Ryken Taylor. Biblical dream interpretations can reveal hidden messages, provide guidance, and promote personal growth. note: I always mark references to “God” with a purple triangle, “Jesus” with a purple cross, and the recipients with a red ‘R’. There is both a North American Bittern and a Eurasian Bittern. Libraries near you: WorldCat. Biblical numerology is the study of how they are used in Scripture and what they reveal about God, his character and will, etc. Referring to a Government or Power, usually the predominant power of the time or era. All the symbols are God’s and are found in the Bible, however, I have, along with other Bible Students spent many hours studying these things and as Christian protocol would dictate; It would be good to give credit where credit is due and make reference to this Website when using this information or leaving a link in a blog or web page. However, there is still some editing of the List to be done. What this means it that the 16)]. By understanding these symbols, you can gain a deeper understanding of the overarching narrative of God’s redemptive plan. We can trust these. A lamb is a symbol of Jesus Christ as the blood sacrifice required to pay for mankind’s sins (John 1:29). I tend to use symbols that are purple to mark words that relate directly to God. bbbb. Don’t rely on your intellect, allow the Bible to interpret itself. The concept of the seven deadly sins has been used throughout Christian history to educate and instruct Christians on the moral pitfalls to avoid. For the sake of this series a few definitions are needed. Milk. 4:6. This list is only a fraction of the symbolic words that the Bible contains. Read Listen. The writer to the Hebrews compared the basics of the Word of God to milk. Revelation (Ch. The Scope of Wisdom: An Examination of Proverbs 20 and Ecclesiastes 1. 1 Peter. It is a mythical creature with wings, legs and head of a dragon and a barbed, coiled tail. 7:1-12). There is a Bible verse—in fact, many—about this 13. On our Bible marking guide pdf, we keep it simple and basic: Red (or pink), orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. In Revelation, it appears to have no symbolic significance. 2 Peter. Perfect for our 6 color Bible Highlighting system. Jude. “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. . I hope we can be friends! A virtuous woman is a woman of faith, integrity, grace, and humility. Mar 17, 2022 · Acacia is also known as the hardest of all hardwoods, characterized by its resilience, sustainability and high density. A Parable is a short story used to teach a lesson of truth through comparison or contrast. Use the golden rule of Bible Interpretation. In fact, gemstones are even mentioned in the Bible, where they are used as symbols of beauty, wealth, and spiritual significance. WYVERN – The wyvern is symbolic of Satan. But we need to be very careful going beyond what the Bible says. Both in the Old and New Testaments, numbers reveal hidden concepts and meanings that commonly escape the casual reader. It meant signified, or to communicate by symbols. Parallelism is a technique of redundancy, to enforce the meaning of the text. Bible Teacher, Director, Christian Solidarity Worldwide All Nation Christian Fellowship Aberdeen, Scotland, UK Illustrated Dictionary of Dream Symbols i s a wonderful t ool to help train and equip today’s believers in the revelatory realm of dreams, as well as their interpretati on and application. When reading Bible prophecy, it is important to apply God’s given rules (see the study: William Miller’s 14 Rules of Bible Interpretation) for understanding and interpreting the symbols and figures, recognizing that symbolic prophecies have literal statements interspersed, which serve as a key for the When working with biblical symbolism, one must follow two cardinal rules. Two: Two is needed for comparison and separation. Garment, Robe, Apparel = Character. Torrey. Use different colors to mark keywords related to any specific topic or person. It’s also good to create some universal markings throughout your Bible. 11. The Solution is: “ Let the Bible Interpret itself”. The choicest passages of God's Word put in the fascinating garb of pictures. Wine – Intoxicating Influence. It is believed that acacia is referred as “ shittah” in the Bible (Isaiah 41:19 KJV) and its wood, known as the “ shittim wood”, was used in the construction of the Holy Tabernacle. Don’t pass this method by lightly, Parallelism is one of the main methods used to find Symbolic definitions. Sep 29, 2019 · Symbols List Page contains Bible Symbols and their meanings. Dry Well = False Teacher. Inductive Bible Study Color Code. Numbers 1–10. Deadly Delusions: What does the Bible teach about what happens when we die? Do we go straight to heaven, hell, or some 14. Elsewhere it is the number of grace, strength out of weakness. Bible Symbol definitions are Water (s) is used in Prophecy to mean a population of People. Noah and The Bible. Symbols such as animals, numbers, colors, and objects hold symbolic meanings in dream interpretation. 14 Rules for Symbolic Interpretation. He’s also described as a dragon in Revelation. 5. A. Sep 19, 2020 · How to use the Parables List to find a parable. Context, personal associations, emotions, and recurring symbols are important factors in understanding dream symbols. One: This number denotes unity and uniqueness. Click on the links below to print each pdf. He knew that we would be the same as the people in His time, and would ignore important things and use our own wisdom and judgment instead of using the May 12, 2018 · There are 105 Parables in the List. Milk is contrasted to solid food. For instance, the church is symbolized as a woman, a building in which Christians are living stones, a human body of which Christ is the Head, and a family of which Christians A Parable is a short story used to teach a lesson of truth through comparison or contrast. You might find yourself Symbolic Definition and use: Symbolic Definition: Kingdom or Power. Double-click on the . First, understand that several different symbols may represent the same reality in the Bible. What Are Bible Symbols? Can I Use Any Version of the Bible? Why God Uses Symbols? Identify Bible Symbols; How to Interpret Bible Symbols; Methods Used to Find Symbolic Definitions; How to Use and Apply Bible Symbols; Rules for Symbolic Interpretation; Bible Symbols List; Parables. Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. God placed the care of animals into human hands (Genesis 1:26–28; Psalm 8:6–8). ). Aug 9, 2018 · The best method of interpreting Bible symbols is to allow the Bible to interpret itself. Therefore John was taken up to heaven and saw things both May 12, 2018 · Here is how. Symbols can enhance our understanding of biblical concepts, so an awareness of the Bible’s various symbols will help us to better grasp its teachings. Double-click on that, and when the window opens you will see a window with the font displayed. Know when a word is being used symbolically. Without question, the Latin cross—a lower case, t-shaped cross—is the most recognized symbol of Christianity today. Becoming a Proverbs 31 woman isn't about being perfect or checking off a list. Jan 14, 2024 · Rulers, Pencils and More. zip file you downloaded from this site or the site link above, and another file will open with something like this “GoudyInitialen. Work and rest. Jun 27, 2023 · The following list was compiled by searching google for Bible verses featuring the keywords. Available in both PDF and MS Word format. Grass = People, all flesh. Numerology is the general study of numbers. Jan 31, 2024 · Recognizing biblical symbolism allows you to see the connections between different parts of the Bible. By repeating something the message stresses. (see Isaiah 28:7). Apr 7, 2022 · I'm so glad you've stopped by to visit with me. Colors. The alternative meaning is the “Symbolic Meaning” or “Symbolic Definition”. Hertel. A lamb. Jesus referred to himself as the “living water” and offering everlasting life to those who drink of it, as seen in John 4:10. Genesis is the first book of the Bible, and it means “beginning. Jan 4, 2022 · Answer. Horn = King or kingdom Daniel 7:24; 8:5, 21, 22; Zechariah 1:18, 19; Revelation 17:12. God meant to communicate to John and us by word pictures. The number of creation, the earth and its boundaries. Aug 10, 2023 · Symbol #3: The Fish. As a minister, I have found it a Parallelism. Rounding out your Bible marking toolkit are items like: A flexible ruler – Helps align margins and underline cleanly. Symbols are quite common in the poetic and prophetic portions of the Bible. God – purple triangle. Genesis 9:13, Ezekiel 1:28, Revelations 4:3 Jun 5, 2014 · About the Genesis icon. Prior to his discovery, most people thought that the books of Daniel and Revelation we indecipherable and incomprehensible, locked to our understanding. The Goals of the Divine. From the dazzling breastplate of Aaron the High Priest to the precious stones adorning the walls of the heavenly city Dec 28, 2023 · Water symbolizes spiritual nourishment. Bitterns have brown streaks and live in marshy areas. Selected Examples from Scripture. Jesus – purple cross. A. Each Parable is listed in the book in which it is 6. (modify to A4 if you want) Print each Book Separately so that you can study with smaller Books. 1 Corinthians 2:13-14. ttf”. Frequently Asked Questions about the Holy Spirit Symbols. Noah's ark had only one window, located at the top of the ark. This is the Golden Rule for Parables as well as for Symbols. It's about abiding in Christ and living life with purpose. What is a Parable? Why Christ Used Parables? Understand Parables Apr 1, 2023 · The symbols are rich in meaning and can be interpreted in different ways by different people. "The wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Bible. 4. There are two sections of the Bible (Old and New Testaments). Here, grace for the period of suffering. Encourage others to visit this web site to learn truth, and have a deeper understanding of what the Bible says. Oct 13, 2023 · 10. Key Takeaways on The Symbols of The Holy Spirit. Bittern. The reader or hearer can then easily understand the meaning of the doctrine or principle by illustration and understand how it works, and the point that the teacher wants to teach. For example, the cross is a symbol of sacrifice, hope, and salvation, while the dove need to refer to the excellent notes in the Scofield Bible. Multiples of ten are used to represent an indefinite yet large number of whatever is described. The Next step is Studying, And finally, Interpreting. theWord (free) WORDsearch 11 (free, paid upgrades) QuickVerse was bought by WORDsearch. The use of parables is for instruction in doctrine or the teachings of Jesus. Ferguson, George, “Signs & Symbols in Christian Art,” (New York: Oxford University Press, 1954), p. Oct 9, 2023 · The Bible, a sacred text revered by millions, is more than just a historical record or a religious scripture —it is a profound source of symbolism. The Holy Spirit is also represented by the wind, symbolizing His movement and guidance. In the Bible, the symbol of a tree often represents life, growth, and strength. 5 X 11 letter sized copy or printer paper. Wolf = Disguised Enemies that hunt in a time of darkness Matthew 7:15. For example, the Feast of Tabernacles involved waving palm, myrtle, and willow branches to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt (Leviticus 23:40). Encyclopedia Britannica’s Perspective on Noah The Encyclopedia Britannica states that Noah was the hero of the biblical flood story in the book of Genesis. A free online A to Z dream dictionary dedicated to helping people understand the meaning of their dreams. 3 Birds In The Bible: A Fascinating Look At The Symbolism Of Doves And Sparrows. Trying to use different versions cause a similar effect to the confusion of the languages in Babylon. While speaking with a Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus tells her, “water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life. It serves as a reminder of the consequences of sin, but also of the healing and transformation that can be found through faith in God. Here are 10 important symbols of the Bible explained by the Bible itself. Don't save the drowning man! Wait, what? It's true. Many symbols appear throughout both the Old and New Testaments, linking stories, prophecies, and teachings together. I will add to this list as I come across more symbols. Feb 19, 2024 · A Bible symbols chart is like a helpful guide that shows different signs and meanings found in the Bible. ”. Dove = Holy Spirit Mark 1:10. One of my favorite study aids is the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge by R. Aug 25, 2018 · Similarly, the number twelve and anything divisible by twelve is the number of the people of God (Rev. Next: Why God Uses Symbols? Gold = Faith, Trials, God’s People. The Holy Spirit is often symbolized by a dove and a cloud, representing His presence and power. Goat = Greece Daniel 8:21. The Lake of Fire: What does the Bible teach about hell? Is the devil in charge of hell? The Bible gives us The Idea of Printable Bible: Print the pages single sided 8. Twelve, for example, is commonly used to denote our Creator's establishment of a foundation or to show Feb 15, 2019 · Yet, these many symbols can enrich our faith and deepen our relationship with God by providing a tangible understanding of the intangible. The parables in the Bible show us how important these things were to Jesus by the messages he left to His followers. Nov 17, 2022 · Below, read about 17 birds of the Bible, followed by several related topics. Another idea is to categorize your symbols by color. And throughout history, men with great minds, like Augustine, Isaac Newton, and Leonardo Da Vinci, showed more than just SYMBOL MEANING REFERENCES 5 Seven Lamps Jesus, Word of God John 9:5, 1:9; Psalms 119:105; Revelation 4:5 Sickle Symbol of Harvest-End of world Matthew 13:39; Revelation 14:14 Silver Pure Words & Understanding Proverbs 2:4, 3:13-14, 10:20, 25:11, Psalms 12:6 Sodom Moral degradations Ezekiel 16:46-55; Jeremiah 23:14; Genesis 19:4-14 May 3, 2023 · Gemstones have been highly prized throughout human history, from ancient times to the present day. Browse 10,540 the holy bible symbols photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more photos and images. Adhesive tabs – Flag important pages or passages. You can view movies and shows in one place and filter by streaming provider, genre, release year, runtime, and rating (Rotten Tomatoes, Imdb, and/or Metacritic). List of Parables - This is a complete list of the Parables in the Bible. gf mn no zo ze bp ez fh hv yr