
Pascal case acronyms. com/dvm2i9g/stadion-am-wolfswinkel.

The pedanticism is real. CamelCase can either start with a lowercase or uppercase Sep 29, 2008 · 41. The use of descriptive variable names is a software development best practice. This package allows for user defined acronyms that the program should look for and account for when creating its camelCase equivalent. Camel Case, while also enhancing readability, does so with a more subtle approach, emphasizing the start of new words from the second word onward. Io. It, too, is written in mixed case. Finally, join Oct 10, 2020 · Namespaces are named using Pascal Case (also called UpperCamelCase) with no underscores. There are several naming conventions to consider when writing code. Dec 21, 2021 · Personally, I have a medium-strong preference towards keeping acronyms in lowercase when in camelCase and PascalCase. For example: has three capture groups. Yes, newer APIs still follow this rule, like System. constants_should_be_upper_case. By default, Total . severity = suggestion. Kebab case may not be suitable for all scenarios. These conventions, originating from early computer science traditions, play a pivotal role in ensuring clarity and aligning with specific language design principles. For instance, some programming languages have conventions that prefer other naming styles, such as camel case or pascal case. The last part would fall in line with our "readability" argument. Aug 3, 2020 · Jinming-Hu changed the title [Storage] Use Pascal case for acronyms [Storage File/DataLake] Use Pascal case for acronyms Aug 6, 2020 katmsft mentioned this issue Aug 25, 2020 Fixed datalake/file service protocol layer remaining issues. This means the first letter of every word in the name is capitalized. e. Json. Software developers often use PascalCase when writing source code to name functions, classes, and other objects. These are the . Oct 7, 2019 · PascalCase is a naming convention in which the first letter of each word in a compound word is capitalized. Here is a snippet illustrating this regex. The conversion process is the same as Pascal case, except that the delimiter is a space instead of an empty string. A property named DBRate is an example of a short acronym ( DB) used as the first word of a Pascal-cased identifier. When it comes to acronyms, the rule of thumb is: for two letter acronyms, you tend to keep them upper case (where Pascal case is applicable), so e. Sometimes there is more than one reasonable way to convert an English phrase into camel case, such as when acronyms or unusual constructs like "IPv6" or "iOS" are present. Camel Case. That means I prefer names like sendXhrRequest, MathesarJsonEncoder, syncActiveTabToUrl, and getApi. A string/paragraph/sentence including Acronyms can be converted to Human readable sentences/string. Yes, but no, but actually yes. Do not use abbreviations in identifiers or parameter names. As such, people do so in camel case as well. For example Some Name is title case, but Some name is not. Pascal case (ex: PascalCase) is mainly reserved for class names, interfaces, and namespaces. I prefer Pascal Case with no underscores, but I am not going to get into my reasons here. Since camel cases capitalizes the first letter of each word to substitute spaces, we are left with the challenge of how to differentiate a capitalized title, like we would in English for a proper noun. Oct 11, 2023 · In programming, letter case conventions, such as Camel Case, Pascal Case, Snake Case, and Kebab Case, determine the capitalization patterns of identifiers. Here’s an example: ClassName { } Camel case Pascal case -- or PascalCase -- is a programming naming convention where the first letter of each compound word in a variable is capitalized. No number in that word at any place: CamelCase1more. Hyphen is considered a special char in many languages and not accepted in names. The difference between snake case and kebab case is that kebab case separates each word with a dash character, -, instead of an underscore. Developers can achieve better cohesive and professional-looking code structures by using one capital style for all the relevant identifiers. Mar 19, 2019 · Note that cases like SimpleXML will be converted to simple_x_m_l using the above solution. Pascal Case also means that acronyms of three or more letters should only have the first letter capitalized (MyXmlNamespace instead of MyXMLNamespace). it should be ampExperimentJSON instead of AMPExperimentJSON, or url instead of URL). Jul 8, 2024 · Camel case is a way of writing phrases without spaces, where the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for the first letter of the entire compound word, which may be either upper or lower case. To work around this, I have crafted a custom regular expression that can detect all the word parts, and then they are individually converted to Title/Pascal Case: string ToPascalCase(string s) { // Find word parts using the following rules: // 1. Use pascal casing (“PascalCasing”) when naming a namespace, class, record, or struct. They are used to lower camel casing for everything from table names in SQL databases to property naming in C# code but I like Pascal casing better, lower camel casing for variables and Pascal casing for properties: string firstName; public Sep 29, 2011 · ; Regex Breakdown: This will match against each word in Camel and Pascal case strings, while properly handling acrynoms. In fact, it explicitly tells us to avoid using all caps for constants: You might also have to capitalize identifiers to maintain compatibility with existing, unmanaged symbol schemes, where all uppercase characters are often used for enumerations and constant values. Here is an example of both PascalCasing and camelCasing: Notice, in the 1. Sep 17, 2019 · In my case was I forgot the . Raymond made mention of BiCapitalization to identify it. Out of the box strcase treats the string "ID" as "Id" or "id" but there is no way to cater for every case in the wild. all lowercase starting at the beginning is a word // 2. I need a regular expression to capture the word parts of a string that is camel case and might have an acronym in it. 3 Camel case: defined. Most of the preceding answers split acronyms and numbers, adding a space in Console. , XmlSpace rather than XMLSpace). These conventions provide consistency for names, but the compiler doesn't enforce them. Dec 31, 2023 · Title case is most often used in titles or headings. NET. Non-public static fields are s_camelCase. The name comes from the similarity of the capital letters to the humps of a camel's back. For names written in mixed case (also sometimes referred to as "camel case" or "Pascal case"), in which the first letter of each word is capitalized, prefer to capitalize abbreviations as single words, e. If we use a consistent style across the entire Dart ecosystem, it makes it easier for all Oct 28, 2019 · Feature Description. CamelCase ( camel case, camel caps or medial capitals) is the practice of writing compound words or phrases so that each next word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter. In 1991, Eric S. The word does not end on a capitalized letter: CamelCasE. Modern software however supports any kind of naming scheme. Additionally, we will also explore the supportive tools and automation, like linters and formatters, which can assist you in adhering to the best naming practices. all caps is a word. pip install pyhumps Copy PIP instructions. Using camel case you lose the casing in many databases or may need special handling. Jey Geethan. Dec 4, 2015 · This is my take on it, the akward part is that you need to convert the string to lower case before calling ToTitleCase because if all letters in a word are uppercase it will remain uppercased as it is identified as an acronym and preserved by the ToTitleCase implementation. camelCasing In camel casing , two or more words are placed together without any space or underscore ( _ ), but the first letter of the first word is in lowercase and the first letter of the next Feb 22, 2024 · Pascal Case provides a clear distinction at the start of each word, which can enhance readability in certain cases, such as in defining object-oriented programming constructs. Pascal Case. Feb 9, 2023 · One of the tricky problems facing camel case text generation is the problem of acronyms. If you were to map this JSON to DB records, makes sense to use snake_sase. For example, use HtmlButton or htmlButton. editorconfig lines that I figured work for enforcing upper case constants: # Constants are UPPERCASE. cc. However sometimes some nasty bugs, errors or human factor can lead to UPPERCASINGEVERYTHING so that those, who selected both Pascal_Case and Underscore_Case scheme live with all their nerves in good place. g. A origem do Camel Case vem da corcova do Camelo. Camel case (sometimes stylized autologically as camelCase or CamelCase, also known as camel caps or more formally as medial capitals) is the practice of writing phrases without spaces or punctuation and with capitalized words. ; ([A-Z]{1}[a-z]+) Match against Title case words (one upper case followed by lower case letters). XmlDocument or HtmlParser. For Ex : SmsValidation, XmlReader. dotnet_naming_rule. As a solution to this, the first word in a camel case identifier is capitalized to indicate the title or identifier is capitalized. The following are examples of terms written int Millipascals case: ItemNumber; TotalValue; URLName; MasterCard; Synonyms for Native case include medical matter, upper camel case, studly caps, inter-caps and humpy case. /// Makes the entire string lower case except for the first word and any acronyms. PascalCasing capitalizes the first character of each word, while camelCasing sets the first letter of the first word in lowercase with each word thereafter starting with a capital letter. As one of the Sep 24, 2010 · 9. Release history. Navigation. Regex. Adding _ or s_ serves no sensible purpose, it is a bad habit from the past that aligns with Hungarian notation which made a little sense in non-type-safe languages. 8. NET Analyzer does not Dec 15, 2023 · In addition to the rules, conventions for identifier names are used throughout the . Adjacent acronyms don't work well when capitalized getAPIURL vs getApiUrl. You're free to use different conventions in your projects. For example, commonly used tokens in many languages such as toString, checkValidity, lineHeight, timestampToLocalDateTime, etc. Microsoft naming conventions for . XMLHTTPRequestCase. May 12, 2022 · For instance, acronyms and abbreviations become a challenge for the developers who use PascalCase. Camel case follows the same rules as Pascal case but drops the requirement to capitalize the first letter. symbols = constants. . The . I will be looking at how to format and case your code for better readability in . Nov 29, 2022 · The kebab case is very similar to snake case. private const int TheAnswer = 42; In pascal casing, two or more words are placed together without any space or underscore ( _); however, the first letter of each word is capitalized. The only thing is, that it doesn't like sequences of caps, like acronyms (only the firs character will be downcased). xyz ). Note that the casing of the original words is almost entirely disregarded. [ 1] É um padrão largamente utilizado em Pascal case and Camel case. Quattro di questi si sono mostrati i più popolari, e sono: Camel Case. WriteLine( "\"{0}\" to titlecase: {1}", myString, myTI. Microsoft suggests using Pascal case for the following items: Class Enum type Enum values Event Exception class Read-only Static field Interface Method Namespace Property Public instance field In addition, use Pascal case for acronyms with three or more letters (e. There are following three terminologies are used to declare C# and . Na imagem o exemplo camelCase está escrita na forma lowerCamelCase. input, Consider the following two naming rules: Constant fields are PascalCase. Title case strings have the first letter of each word capitalized, with words separated by spaces. Camel Case (camelCase): In this standard, the first letter of the word always in small letter and after that each word starts with a capital letter. Oct 28, 2008 · The recommended naming and capitalization convention is to use P ascal C asing for constants (Microsoft has a tool named StyleCop that documents all the preferred conventions and can check your source for compliance - though it is a little bit too anally retentive for many people's tastes). Jul 10, 2019 · Pascal Case (ex: SomeVar, SomeClass, SomePackage. IO instead of System. In snake_case, acronyms and contractions are lower-cased: is_xid_start. How to name these when pascal casing (for Property or Class names) and for Camel Casing (input prameters, arguments)? May 20, 2024 · The breakdown of names into distinct parts through the use of uppercase aids readability. The expression is called the case selector or the case index. The first letter is capitalized. So, all words are lowercase, and each word gets separated by a dash. Inspired by Humps for Node. Jan 21, 2010 · According to . Beginning with the prose form of the name: Microsoft suggests using Pascal case for the following items: Class Enum type Enum values Event Exception class Read-only Static field Interface Method Namespace Property Public instance field In addition, use Pascal case for acronyms with three or more letters (e. Apr 1, 2010 · /// <summary> /// Turns a given object into a sentence by: /// Converting the given object into a <see cref="string"/>. Nov 3, 2022 · This includes abbreviations, such as acronyms and initialisms. MainViewController. Jus posting this here cause I just keep comming to this SO question when I made the same mistake again. Implementing kebab case in different environments. DefaultUserParameters. For Ex : UIRule. Pascal Case is a coding convention for naming objects such that the first letters of each compound word are capitalized. Case insensitive nature of SQL supports Underscores_Scheme. Anyway, we should explicitly decide how we want acronyms to be cased when using Pascal or Camel case. Such a convention is used because programming languages don’t allow you to separate words with spaces. For instance, Cassandra CQL is case-insensitive. NET world uses PascalCase, including abbreviations. NET 4 Capitalization Rules for Acronyms: Do capitalize both characters of two-character acronyms, except the first word of a camel-cased identifier. Letter case. In proper case, each word is capitalized and separated by spaces as in This String Is Proper Cased. Diamo un'occhiata ad alcuni esempi in modo da vedere come funzionano. # Acronyms. The kebab case is another one of the most human-readable ways of combining multiple words Oct 4, 2014 · The only issue I see with your answer is that the op only provided the string as an example, and while your code does work for that one specific example, it would fail if the string was "It'sOver9000And1", turning it into "It's Over 9000 And1" due to the missing g flag, but if you were to add it, then it would become "It's Over 9 0 0 0 And 1". Really, it's going to depend entirely on your future PM and whatever style guide they've implemented. public void StartIO(Stream ioStream) Do capitalize only the first character of acronyms with three or more characters, except the first word of a camel cased identifier. Eg: private List<string> GetCSVLines(string name){} //Should be called GetCsvLines() Am I just having bad luck, or do you find plenty of developers who you work with don't follow PascalCase and camelCase? Dec 9, 2015 · The PascalCasing convention, used for all identifiers except parameter names, capitalizes the first character of each word (including acronyms over two letters in length), as shown in the following examples: A special case is made for two-letter acronyms in which both letters are capitalized, as shown in the following identifier: Feb 16, 2020 · The name CamelCase: The term CamelCase only came into existence in the 1990s. And for the columns, you may see: customer_id CustomerID CustomerId customerId customerID. A surprisingly important part of good code is good style. Rule 2 is more specific and takes precedence, so all non-public constant fields are s_camelCase. The notation known as Pascal Case is used, among other things, for naming classes, methods and properties. In addition, this rule assumes it has found an Nov 13, 2018 · 10. Consistent naming, ordering, and formatting helps code that is the same look the same. Finally, join all the words into a single identifier. Consistency: Pascal case makes it easy to have consistent code naming conventions. Consult your local tech lead to know when you should be using pascal case. Ln: Sn; end; Where, L1, L2 are case labels or input values, which could be integers, characters, boolean or enumerated data items. The strings include proper title strings as well as acronyms. Same principle as the one used for lower camel case with always a starting upper case character. Jul 10, 2024 · Examples of Pascal-cased names are PacketSniffer, IOFile, and FatalErrorCode. more_horiz. Use camel casing (“camelCasing”) when naming private or internal fields Jan 26, 2018 · Now lowercase everything (including acronyms), then uppercase only the first character of: …each word, to yield pascal case, or. xyz). It's one nice thing about C#: I've never known a language with such consistent naming conventions. Nov 27, 2008 · What is the best way to convert from Pascal Case (upper Camel Case) to a sentence. In #668, we decided that acronyms in camel-case or pascal-case need to be fully capitalized (e. ToTitleCase( myString ) ); /*. CamelCase. Pascal case vs. In April 1990, the term “InterCaps” was used by Avi Rappoport to describe the manner of capitalization. Here’s the original code: output = System. With Anders Heilsberg (the original designer of Turbo Pascal) a key member of the design team, it is no wonder that we chose the term Pascal Casing for the casing style popularized by the Pascal programming language Pascal Casing convention capitalizes the first character of each word (including acronyms over two letters in length) Jun 8, 2023 · In this article, let us learn C# naming conventions. Released: Oct 21, 2022. Text. The lower-case "a" and upper-case "A" are the two case variants of the first letter in the English alphabet. By convention, C# programs use PascalCase for type names, namespaces, and all public members. If a match is not found, the word is assumed to be an acronym. This rule splits the name into words based on the casing and checks any two-letter words against a list of common two-letter words, such as "In" or "My". So far I've found this regex: But that won't handle the acronyms and would just match 'Some' and 'Words'. Why? I find lower case acronyms more readable. From that discussion, we may tentatively name them: UnescoCase. So if you treat DevOps as an acronym, mixed case has historical Sep 9, 2010 · Others prefer "Pascal Case" or "camel Case. It's often stylized as "camelCase" to remind the reader of its appearance. ; (^[a-z]+) Match against any lower-case letters at the start of the string. Terminology. are all examples of camel casing. This convention is not always followed in Oct 21, 2022 · pyhumps 3. Kebab Case. 2,275 5 33 61. IO. This example uses string extensions to convert strings between these three formats. Apr 25, 2020 · When using acronyms, use Pascal case or camel case for acronyms more than two characters long. Replace(. Jul 23, 2018 · Now lowercase everything (including acronyms), then uppercase only the first character of: …each word, to yield pascal case, or. This is actually a mostly unambiguous rule (there's no Jan 16, 2012 · From Framework Design Guidelines by Cwalina and Abrams: Do capitalize both charaters of two-character acronyms, exception the first word of a camel-cased identifier. …each word except the first, to yield camel case. CamelCase é a denominação em inglês para a prática de escrever as palavras compostas ou frases, onde cada palavra é iniciada com maiúsculas e unidas sem espaços. There are examples of this in native PowerShell cmdlets as well, but for those examples, the acronym is at the beginning of the noun which seems easier to identify than when it is in the middle with mixed case acronyms side by side. Closer to the mark, we have SoCal, an acronym for Southern California, written in mixed case and pronounced as a word. Below are some examples. To resolve the issue, you can define an intersection rule: non-public constant fields are PascalCase. Camel case is named after the "hump" of its protruding capital letter, similar to the hump of common camels. " So for a table that holds the addresses for customers, you may see: customer_addresses CustomerAddresses customerAddresses. One or more letters in that word are also capitalised. RegularExpressions. However, I do notice that short acronyms (PDF, JSON, XML, ID) are sometimes fully capitalised Nov 21, 2012 · A short acronym is like ID or DB which has only 2 characters. In other words, I want to split a camel case string into its words and acronyms. NET APIs. Net put constants in Pascal Case. In UpperCamelCase, acronyms and contractions of compound words count as one word: use Uuid rather than UUID, Usize rather than USize or Stdin rather than StdIn. Almost everything "official" in the . As discussed in acronyms in CamelCase, there are two opposing schools of camel casing – about whether acronyms should be uppercased or not – and there are also some styles inbetween that prescribe a bit of both. Pascal case examples. Oct 22, 2009 · 4. Aug 22, 2019 · The last character can be an upper case one. Sep 7, 2023 · Pascal Case allows for clear separation of words, so take advantage of this by using concise and descriptive terms that convey the essence of the product. The format indicates the first word starting with either case, then the following words having an initial uppercase letter. toCamelCase(s=s, user_acronyms=['WMI', 'FRU', 'SKU . 5. In camel case, each word except the first is capitalized as in thisStringIsCamelCased. In camel casing, names start with a lower case but each proper word in the name is capitalized and so are acronyms. Prose form. camel suitcase. We usually uppercase acronyms in a sentence, such as URL, HTTP, etc. The kebab case may be better for variable names involving acronyms or abbreviations. NET Framework guidelines recommend that acronyms three letters or longer use mixed case for PascalCase and camelCase identifiers, except for the first word of a camelCase identifier. Pascal is case-sensitive. Dec 21, 2021 · Camel case (ex: camelCase) is usually for variables, properties, attributes, methods, and functions. Pass case requires that the first letter of a variable be for top case. For example: MyNewNamespace. Apr 25, 2023 · Pascal case. The only time where such an acronym should not be capitalized is when it is the beginning of a camel-case name, which includes stand-alone (e. Thus for a class name you might have XmlDocument, while a local variable might be named httpRequest. Aug 9, 2023 · Difficulty distinguishing abbreviations and acronyms within names; Incompatibility with languages like Python that use snake case; Camel case works best when used thoughtfully and consistently. Jul 28, 2010 · When using acronyms, use Pascal case or camel case for acronyms more than two characters long. Apr 27, 2021 · Here are two examples of Pascal case: ThisIsPascalCase; AnotherPascalCaseExample; Camel case. Regex to Match a PowerShell cmdlet name or parameter in Pascal Case including Acronyms - PoShPascalCaseRegex. Common Variations of Camel Casing§ There are a few common variations: Lower camel case: The first letter is lowercase, subsequent words capitalized Jun 11, 2020 · When using acronyms, use Pascal case or camel case for acronyms more than two characters long. That can also be considered a wrong usage of camel case notation (correct would be SimpleXml) rather than a bug of the algorithm since such cases are always ambiguous - even by grouping uppercase characters to one string (simple_xml) such algorithm will always fail in other edge cases like Dec 4, 2013 · 3. For a longer acronym, you lower case the rest of the acronym, e. Test Data: Input: "QWERTYSomeThing OmitTRYSomeThing MayBeWorkingFYI" Oct 24, 2023 · The use of CamelCase and snake_case in Go, the naming of boolean variables, handling abbreviations and acronyms, and common mistakes and pitfalls will also be illuminated. The following elements are valid. For acronyms I use the following rule : If the acronym is of length 2, put the acronym in upper case. , StartRpc() rather than StartRPC(). xmlHttpRequest newCustomerId innerStopwatch supportsIpv6OnIos youTubeImporter youtubeImporter affine3D Upper camel case. PascalCase is similar to camelCase, except the first letter in PascalCase is always capitalized. We use these two practices: PascalCasing or camelCasing. 0. Snake Case. All words in the name should start with an uppercase letter. ps1 In Pascal case, each word is capitalized as in ThisStringIsPascalCased. I've been arguing with my coworkers about Pascal casing (upper camel case) vs. accountID, siteURL, someJSON). IOStream might be the name of a class. System. Some houses differentiate between initialisms and acronyms wrt Pascal casing. To effectively implement the kebab Oct 26, 2022 · Nel corso degli anni, gli sviluppatori hanno usato svariati modi di scrivere i nomi delle diverse entità nel loro codice. Consider the following example: s = 'UefiDbx_UefiDbxKeyStatus'. If a developer is using the NASA images APIs, then those two variables will have to comply with the Pascal case naming convention. Io . Pascal Case (PascalCase): In this the When using acronyms, use Pascal case or camel case for acronyms more than two characters long. Feb 9, 2023 · Pascal case is a naming convention used in programming, including JavaScript, where the first letter of each word in a multi-word name is capitalized, including the first word. 4. js extension in the component file name. NET naming standards. Basic Camel Case Capitalization Rules. To improve predictability, Google Style specifies the following (nearly) deterministic scheme. Snake case (ex: snake_case) is commonly used in scripting languages like Python and as a constant in other C-styled languages. No two capitalised letters shall follow directly each other: CamelCAse. Pascal case is for properties, this already nicely prevents name clashes. // 3. Project description. S1, S2, are Pascal statements, each of these statements may have one or more than one case label associated with it. Underscores (ex: some_var , some_class , some_package. However, you should capitalize acronyms that consist of only two characters, such as System. If the acronym is of more length, I use the pascal casing for the acronym. Avoid Abbreviations and Acronyms: While Pascal Case allows for the capitalization of each word, it's best to avoid using abbreviations or acronyms unless they are widely recognized and In programming languages like C#, it is a convention to use pascal case for variables in general. This code produces the following output. Jul 22, 2023 · By Artturi Jalli / July 22, 2023. It's funny that it compiles fine but throw that exception a runtime. To configure your custom acronym globally you can use the following before running any conversion Long Acronyms. The following example passes each string in an array to the ToTitleCase method. Before that, the term medical capitals was commonly used. Dec 17, 2016 · In camel casing, names start with a lower case but each proper word in the name is capitalized and so are acronyms. Here are some examples of the Pascal case: MyAge. To differentiate between cases where the first letter is or is not capitalized, software developers often use the terms "upper camel case" and Sep 22, 2020 · 1. Often times text can contain specific acronyms which you need to be handled a certain way. Latest version. It takes advantage of the powerful pattern-matching hardware most of us have in our ocular systems. I'm amazed at how many developers put acronyms greater than 2 characters in methods in all upper-case. I was just trying for formatting of Pascal Cased string, i investigated more and tried even to convert Acronyms in to Understandable format. Sep 12, 2010 · In Jon Galloway’s Splitting Camel Case with RegEx blog post, he introduced a simple regular expression replacement which can split “ ThisIsInPascalCase ” into “ This Is In Pascal Case ”. lower CamelCasing. Leaving this here for if other people stumble upon this question like I did. For example, use HtmlButton or htmlButton . However it potentially a case only for 2-letters abbreviations, since according to the rules the longer acronyms should be written using camel/Pascal case anyway (which works fine). Sep 27, 2021 · Pascal case has never been a recommendation for private fields, it has always been camel case. 🐫 Convert strings (and dictionary keys) between snake case, camel case and pascal case in Python. Letter case is the distinction between the letters that are in larger uppercase or capitals (or more formally majuscule) and smaller lowercase (or more formally minuscule) in the written representation of certain languages. TechTerms Jan 29, 2019 · PgDip (postgraduate diploma) is usually pronounced pee-gee-dip, which we might consider to be part initialism, part acronym. answered Jul 24, 2009 at 11:03. 2. It would be written as either NASAImages or as NasaImages. Jul 10, 2010 · b) Have my own take on CamelCase in which capitalised acronyms were not separated (I fully accept this is not the standard definition of camel or pascal case, but it is not an uncommon usage) : "TestTLAContainingCamelCase" becomes "Test TLA Containing Camel Case" (TLA = Three Letter Acronym) The most common case types: Camel case Snake case Kebab case Pascal case Upper case (with snake case) camelCase camelCase must (1) start with a lowercase letter and (2) the first letter of every new subsequent word has its first letter capitalized and is compounded with the previous word. /// Adding spaces before each capital letter except for the first letter of the string representation of the given object. dy qx hv qe ix pp sp br xf bx