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Boyfriend disgusted by my past

Boyfriend disgusted by my past. There are several conversational signs that you resent your partner, Dr. Back then I thought it was because she was a girl. I dont know if it's a bad case of food gone wrong or if I just The problem is your cavalier attitude to bragging about your past exploits with your friends right in front of him. She heard every single word. My husband's is like 4 and mine reached 20+ by the time I was 18. The other night we were taking about the past (bad idea). With experience, we grow more in touch with our body, we realize what feels good I (18F) and my boyfriend (18M) have been having issues lately. 4) Your partner has gotten past that phase. We just had our last argument over some twitch streamer who would make suggestive instagram posts and he cleared out his entire following of those I (20F) feel disgusted kissing my boyfriend (20M) Alright so, a little backstory. Despite their attempts at reassurance, advice and talking me down from the ledge, it was too late. #3. Don't fall into that trap. I feel for you, I do. However, if your ex-FWB just made up dumb shit about you to make you look bad, then call him out on it. I'm studying in an exhausting school program and it surely doesn't help. If you are interested in knowing more about their past relationships and what they involve, ask them questions. ADMIN MOD. I was the one with a long sexual history, my girlfriend was a virgin, and I still go through these feelings. Dec 19, 2023 · 1. You will have a past and he will have a past. You clearly didn't accept her for her whole self, since you were "disgusted" by her past choices. However, these options are for her to choose. And I’m certainly not saying that, no matter what, you should stay with her. It shows him that you are with him now, and not with the other person. stojakBoTak. Everyone has one and no one should be defined by it. The key to being happy is to find someone who accepts ALL of you and can understand that what happened in the past is just that, the past. Doing these is dumb because it won’t get me what I want. THIS IS NOT A YOU PROBLEM. Bloody hell, I asked my second boyfriend how many girls he had slept with, and he said, "I stopped counting after 60. It 7. He's with you for a reason. Feb 20, 2024 · 2. He also told me he slept with a prostitute while traveling in Amsterdam one time with his friends a couple years ago. I'm 27. I’m 32 now and my wife regularly tells me what’s going on with her, what she’s feeling, and if she needs supplies I ask her what specifically she needs from the store. I’m not saying that your girlfriend’s past isn’t a “deal-breaker. Not sure how long you are with your boyfriend and how your relationship looks like on every day basis, but my ex used to be his obsessed with his Aug 27, 2012 · Banned Users. Jul 19, 2019 · An intimate marriage with no secrets can overcome most of life's obstacles. Tell him that your past history has no bearing on your relationship. Unless your ex-FWB told him you were a drug addict, ex-convict, murderer, or something extreme, he's just being a little bitch about it. Believe that he's being sincere when he says he's only got eyes for you. “Be patient, kind, and honest,” Cook says. And the sex is great. " After that, the subject changed and I finished up in the bathroom. 1. It’s your subconscious telling you to get the hell out there as soon as possible. We have what would appear to be an ideal life from the outside, good money, 2 kids, nice house, dogs, vacations, etc. And it’s going to be difficult to discuss this with your husband. 2. Your past is your past, you cant change that. It’s not necessarily with a “perfect 10. Acknowledge reactions, explore uncomfortable feelings, practice deep breathing, address underlying relationship issues, communicate or seek therapy for resolution. She also told me she had kissed two of my other friends before we started dating. So we have been dating for about 16 months now (we're both white), but he just figured out about my ex-boyfriend, who was black. I have done many things in my past im not proud of. Mar 11, 2023 · The feeling that your ex is still with you fits with the overall proposal by the University of Groningen’s Anne Verhaelen and colleagues (2022) that relationship breakups are a significant Jan 8, 2018 · He was visibly upset and was crying so much when he told me. 5. He is immature and doesn’t have a grasp on how life works. Give the guy a chance to prove himself, and see where things go from there. Shitty way to begin a relationship, I know. You need to put your foot down and tell him that you love him but he needs to get over it because that was the past and that he isn't second to anyone. If he doesn't learn to handle it, then it will consume him, I am sure. reply share. My boyfriend and I have been together a little over a year now. Jul 30, 2018 · 29 July 2018. Don’t forget to check the cloud. I felt off for the rest of the night, but I didn't say anything. You have nothing to apologize for in the least. Remind yourself that their physical relationship with you is probably better because of their relationship with someone else. However, I cannot help how I feel right now. The best sex is not necessarily the kinkiest sex. Right now it seems she’s going for option 1. May 16, 2023 · However, that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to get over. 3, 2014, 4:06 PM UTC. So today we were just discussing about a holiday destination that we both want to visit (the place is very liberal and free) and hể And I’m not proud of my sexual past (nothing crazy, maybe higher body count than I’d like) and it’s something I’ve had to forgive myself for & something that I’ve been shamed for. Your Conversations Have A Loaded Edge. Listen, bro. He's insecure. We aim to keep this a safe space. I obsess over her past relationships to the point that I feel physically sick and angry at her and irritable at the world, over people she kissed, people she had crushes on or tried to fuck, it makes me so angry. Sure, people have a right to privacy and you shouldn't have to reveal what you don't want to, but lying isn't okay. If this is something your bf cannot accept about you, you need to break up. Jul 10, 2011 · 10. I understand. It will come with time. I explained why I left, but it felt weird that he was so sure I was jealous when I feel extremely secure with him and myself. Fast forward to last night, we had just gotten back from celebrating my 26th birthday. • 2 yr. What he has done in the past isn't relevant to your current relationship. Jackman says. These issues are all your partner's, created by and being fixated on by him. I want to commit the rest of my life to him. Boyfriend [24M] won't stop asking me about my exes/past relationships. You mention you have been on the receiving end of this before. not only irl, but also online. My boyfriend noticed and asked me if I was okay, and I told him I was fine. What worked in the past may not work now. A good partner will WANT you to feel sexy. “My girlfriend’s past disgusts me,” is one of the subject lines I see most often in my email inbox. Ask this dude what your ex-FWB told him, and see if these stories are true. Designed by Meg O'Donnell; Designed by Meg O'Donnell. My gf is 29. If you're not concerned it's an eating disorder, and you really do just think he eats like that because he wants to, then that's his choice to make. Progression is key, so if you have decided to leave the bad behind, this is the place for you. I am under a lot of stress, caused by this situation and also by schoolwork. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. Okay, so over the years of our relationship (we admittedly had a shotgun wedding, but at the time I was obviously happy to have a child with him) I’ve found out a lot about him that’s pretty unsavoury. A good partner will make you feel sexy. Mar 17, 2015 · Thank your partner for being open with you, and if you’re sharing, try to be sensitive to how your partner receives the information. If he was honest about his past, sure you should give him a chance and your feelings would be a tad unfair. I love him dearly and I have not cheated on him. In fact, for some, feeling they just can’t get over their partner’s past can cause significant problems within the relationship. He needs to act his age. She needs to learn that’s in the past and you’re with her. This really disturbed me and now - 4 years later - I Since then, the past six months have been on the same pattern, there's just no trigger anymore. Relationships. They've shared their entire sexual histories It's pretty common for an older guy to take advantage of a young girl's insecurities and naivety to try to mold the woman into a partner that does what he wants. You were taken advantage of by a creep and a degenerate. Especially when you're not the first person he's been with either. As kierkegaard wrote, yes it can be tempting, but you are mostly just hurting yourself by doing so. If disgust is plaguing your relationship, you’re not alon . You're disgusted with him because he's shown how happy he is to disrespect and disregard relationships so long as he gets what he wants. All of my past girlfriends and my fiancee have told me that one of the reasons they wanted to be with me was that I was a "nice guy" So the whole "Nice Guys Finish Last" concept isn't 100% true. ago. Ive talked to him about it many times. My boyfriend wants to have three some and I’m disgusted…. He's been tested, the latest was 3 months ago, and he's healthy, no STIs. You don't have to stay with him if you really are disgusted by how he eats but I'd recommend examining your own personal biases about fatness etc. You can’t cause him to have “bad thoughts about you”. This week, one reader says her boyfriend can't get over her sexual history, while another is contemplating. [deleted] Tell your husband you’re going through your phone to clean it up and then remove everything. So here's my advice: take him at his word. The past is the past. Loving someone means acceptance and forgiveness. If you love him, that should be all that matters to him. And if you're still feeling insecure, talk to him about it. OP: You did nothing wrong. As you get older, it becomes more unfair to expect the person you're dating to still be "pure" not that there's anything even wrong with it. My 28F Boyfriend 30M said he was disgusted by Assuming your girlfriend becomes your wife, the sexual sin in her past was against you (as her husband) as well as God. It’s a touchy spot for me. He becomes obsessed. Stop calling yourself dumb and start owning the fact that you can do what you want. The best sex is with the person who understands you the best. The first time the two of you kissed, the first time the two of you travel somewhere, etc. reaching out to an ex. Even my wife probably thinks it is close to perfect. They would drive around looking for quiet places to have sex in the car. They don't necessarily have to be mutually exclusive, but if he isn't cooperative and they turn out to be try to keep your priorities straight. The past is the past and he needs to focus on the present and on the future. 3. My husband doesn't look at me any differently for it. They met during their senior year of college and got married around a year later. . Nov 26, 2019 · written by Jazmin Kopotsha. This relationship is not right. Every story I tell about me (no matter the topic) comes back to "and who was that with?" Jan 3, 2014 · Jan. I want to let it go but I am having an extremely difficult time doing that. Dec 13, 2019 · Offer compassion and open communication. I’m just upset that it’s gotten to a point where I’m thinking about other guys while I’m in a relationship, I feel disgusted with myself too. I got quite disgusted He went to Thailand 2 years ago He told me: - there's a lot of hot trannies in Thailand and that they look like real women Lying about sexual past is a pretty huge thing to many people. Simply put, there is no 'right' way to be sexual, or not be sexual. None of these are cause for alarm. Whatever you choose to do you should make sure to make your recovery THE most important factor. A hallmark sign that a relationship is about to die is if you have gone through a rollercoaster of negative feelings, and now, you literally Fast forward a few months, we drunkenly hook up and she calls her BF crying, they break up and we get together. , 25, and her wife, Jo, 24, open up about their pasts. Though it didn’t work out between us (not because of this even though she should have dumped my ass right there), she is genuinely one of the best people I know. Patience and self-compassion are important. Talk to them about it. Nov 11, 2021 · Sudden Repulsion Syndrome is your body coming to its senses. It's your past. He's/she's different now. iseeyou12. There’s certain things you just keep to yourself. Apr 25, 2011 · Problem: your partner needn't know ANYONE to make good choices in her sex life - choices that aren't despicable, that are based in solid thinking about relationships, that are not result of a momentary and impulsive way of thinking, that don't speak of lack of judgement. 4. Your health is essential, so much more so than a boyfriend. You mention that this boyfriend of yours has not said I love you yet, aka you are not even sure yourself if he really wants to be with you. his acting like he's 15 right now. Your feelings of hurt and sadness are entirely understandable. Because your current boyfriend does not deserve to be with someone who is going to hold his past against him. And long term is what i want. You clearly didn't care about her feelings when you made her tell you about her sexual encounters. you dont need to ask him for forgiveness because he wasnt in your life back then. I am writing this post to ask for help. Someone who loves you will love you for YOU. Step #1) Identify whether your disgust has become obsessive. I’m not saying her values are necessarily compatible with yours. ManufacturerRude7998. BBC. At Guy Stuff we counsel couples facing many different types of challenges. Still have a talk and reassure that you love her- and you’re in a serious relationship with her. Zachary Stockill's obsessive thoughts about his partner's previous sexual experiences led to the collapse of his first serious relationship. If you can't be that person, then do yourselves both a favor and move on. Loving someone means giving unwillingly and caring. One of the most difficult, however, can be dealing with the romantic details Mar 6, 2022 · Have patience, don’t beat yourself up for having these feelings. Sep 27, 2018 · Are you bothered by your girlfriends past? Discover how to deal with your girlfriends past in a healthy way! SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube. Don't attach morality to food, it never ends well. One story in particular he told really upset me - he told me he lost his virginity to his sister's best friend and they had to keep their relationship a secret from everyone so they would sneak out to see each other. In romantic relationships, this emotion can You know, someone who reads the book of God and tells their loved one that he / she is disgusting is a poser. by xdude » Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:25 pm. So obviously I knew she had sex with a few people before me. 321. By Gilda Carle. If it was done in the past before your relationship with him began, then it really shouldn’t matter. Even if you can’t Aug 13, 2014 · I will be honest with you and say that I admire your loyalty to a man who treats you so badly. This is going downhill. He’s obsessing over it and probably looks at you different and worried you’ll do something like that again. Fixated on the number of people. He was NOT a nice guy. May 23, 2016 · It most definitely is not your fault. We have had our usual arguments over following instagram models on like most immature men do, but this situation seems a lot worse. You got none of that. Answer: you probably keeping your options open, like the attention and a little bit of payback. One way related to how to accept your partner’s past is to talk to them about it. I get the worst anxiety that things such In my head, I was giving them space to focus on work, but when my boyfriend later joined me, he teased me about being jealous of his coworker. She won’t stop thinking about it. I'm well aware the I am in the wrong. It took time for him to discover that A key situation is if you do run into one of the guys you in the past had relations with, and as you introduce one to the other, you hold your boyfriend's hand or introduce him as your boyfriend, then a kiss on his cheek or whatever. 9. My boyfriend is about to break up because of my black ex-boyfriend. He shared his past stories with me but I can’t let them go even though I know I need to do just that if I want to feel 100% positiv I've been with my boyfriend for over 1 year now he's 29 and im 22 So he's quite older than me Then we started to talk about our past secrets I've told him mine And he told me his And one of them. I think removing this from your phone could be the first step in moving past this. Nov 9, 2021 · Hovering somewhere between anger and disappointment, resentment is a nagging feeling that you’ve been treated unfairly in some way by another person. Lying is a betrayal of trust and a relationship built on a lie is never a good one. I think honestly is the best so i am honest about my past. Working to resolve them is the responsible thing here. “Aggressive communication or responses that do not match the My boyfriend (18M) feels disgusted by my past (16F) Medium I am in a long distance relationship and my bf(18) is a virgin whereas me(16) and my bodycount is 3 and said he feels disgusted that I have had oral sex and intercourse with other guys before I even met him. I never told him about my ex before, because first of all I dont like to talk about my Ask him point blank if your past relationship is a deal breaker for him. If it's not a deal breaker, tell him he needs to drop it, and explain you don't want to delve into painful memories. Be the best they ever had. However for the past 2 days I've been becoming increasingly nauseous while kissing him. These thoughts appear in his head because of him and he’s the only person who can seek some help to control these thoughts. I had sex a lot as a teen because it was my way of coping with trauma. " His brother said, "go ahead and date your ugly girl," and he said, "I will. Posted August 27, 2012. everyone thinks we are perfect but my wife disgusts me. I went through a year period where I slept around and made friends and had a good time just being me. And I know that I'm a hypocrite and have no right to be this way towards my Gf and our relationship. Skip to main content Oct 15, 2011 · I am extremely disgusted with my bf’s past. My point is that just because you’re drinking, and you’re talking like that doesn’t mean it’s 100% exactly what he is thinking. Communication is key in any relationship. Everyone has a past and he is repeatedly punishing you for being honest about yours. My boyfriend (21 M) and I (19 F) have been together for 6 months now but we have known each other for 2+ years. Mar 31, 2015 · Re: Ending relationship because I am disgusted by girlfriends past. com/channel/UCZKZK0P5A Sep 6, 2015 · After that I was so disgusted by that relationship to a point where I didn't even want to see our common friends. He is a wonderful person and treats me right. 13 votes, 18 comments. But if she is in Christ now, she is “a new creation. At the end of the day, he chose to be with you. He's only used prostitutes in his home country Australia and Amsterdam where it's legal. But as you can see, he is a liar, and if he really loved you, he wouldn't lie to you. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” ( 2 Corinthians 5:17 ). If they are, move on. but I am pregnant. If he doesn’t learn to master them, he will ruin his life and the relationship he has with you. I concur with the comment above, try to avoid digging into discussing the details of her past relationship. Save that note because I [25F] already know. At the same time, you must be ready to answer questions about your past, too. But this year I realized that I'm asexual and looking back to that relationship I still like her and sometimes miss even just looking at her but when I think about kissing her or Step 1) Acknowledge that this is your problem, not your girlfriend’s. Everyone has their own comfort zone, and that zone may change over the course of their life. I regret my past, and it kills me. But honestly as someone who has a lot more life experience, you are putting too much into this. Then I met him and though it felt a little fast at first he asked me to be Your boyfriend and you can still celebrate these firsts. I'll be perfectly normal for a day or two, then I'll be disgusted by him for the next day or two. knittedjedi. But don't let your past trauma cloud your judgment. What works now may not work in the future. If she has confessed her past Apr 16, 2016 · Next, Dawn R. If the disgust you feel about your partner’s sexual past is keeping you up at night and making intimacy impossible, you may be struggling with obsessive thought patterns. ”. A force for self-improvement, goodness, and togetherness that helps humanity eliminate evil. true. 3 years together with a toddler (yup). We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He deserves to be with someone who accepts him, and accepts that the past is the past. " He's a self-confessed hussy, and I was just flattered that out of 60+ women, he That being said I feel my past is pretty normal few long term relationships, dating around a bit, once had a re-bound, maybe 8 sexual partners. Don’t feel bad OP. Pack your bags, it was his choice to give up his life, and it was his choice to lie. I do have my reasons for thinking he’s lazy, but that’s not really what I’m wanting to talk about right now. So the first step to overcoming a sexual past is to strengthen your relationship by bringing your past out in the open I agree your body count shouldn't matter. I have been married for 9 years to a very attractive woman. You are not a slut and he is disgusting for calling you that. I had The Ick We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Relationship expert Dr Jul 27, 2021 · Your Relationship Might Be Over If You Feel Nothing. “Hang on to your integrity (I own my past/my choices) while making space for your partner’s distress (I Jealousy of my girlfriends past. Scientists have observed links between disgust and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Also, stop being fearful of getting dumped and start asking yourself if you want a judgmental narrow minded person as your current bf. ud ps he lb vp ad xh no ml na