Razor pages redirect to page not working

Razor pages redirect to page not working. I suspect the difference is that you are working within an MVC controller whereas my tests are from within a Razor Page handler method. init: function () {. NET Core 3 Razor Pages. According to Blazor redirect to login if user is not authenticated I created a Aug 17, 2020 · If you want to retain more complex objects across requests, you need to use Sessions or TempData. 1 in the Startup ConfigureServices method: services. I then registered a user and logged in with that user. 2 and I have the following handler defined on an Index page: public async Task OnGetAsync(string legalDocSubType) and I am trying to use RedirectToPage to go to this page with: return RedirectToPage(". For example,you want to pass Id and Name. Products. – Ed Barnes. cs file and add new configurations as below: using Microsoft. Jan 3, 2021 · SearchFilters. Try changing the parameter name. NET 6 Web app for testing, and run into problem with RedirectToPage in a Razor page when using Areas. @page Jul 23, 2021 · I'm working on an ASP. AspNetCore. NET 6 App pattern: Razor pages (without MVC) Authentication: with simple cookies IDE: Visual Studio 2022 Developer machine: Windows 11. When putting the url in manually, the page is loaded into view correctly. I've tried putting each directs inside and outside the brackets. url String. cshtml) you'll need a JS-based system using some kind of push tech such as SignalR. x Oct 24, 2018 · Redirect to a razor page without current route values. And if you want to pass data,you need to add attribute like asp-route-xxx. But I'm not sure. – Kirk Larkin. RedirectToRoute (String, Object, String) Redirects ( Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment. However I am not able to get to that page at all. x. Aug 27, 2018 · 2. Sep 26, 2017 · To solve this problem you will have to: Register the Antiforgery-Service. View(); When attempting to access an unathorized page, I am redirected to the invalid url, it should just be /login but instead I get http May 11, 2021 · 3. Both pages reside in the Pages folder. So it expects the parameter to refer to a cshtml page in your project. In your case, where you want to reset the layout completely, we would ideally like to be able to add a line @layout null at the top of the file, in a similar Jul 20, 2021 · ASP. – May 16, 2019 · There are a few methods that return a RedirectResult like. net core anchor tag helper - Razor pages. . NET Razor Pages - Conditional redirection. – Aug 8, 2018 · My question is: If I want to return a redirect from a Handler routine (i. Log in --> CardPage works, CardPage --> HierarchyPage does not work. Mar 12, 2022 · To solve my problem I used the asp-page attribute with Razor Pages and set an anchor tag's href attribute value to the specific page. , /, instead of depending to the redirect method to redirect the user to the same page in case of unsuccessful login attempt, like what RedirectToPage does. ASP. Add Counter. g. Net core 2. Net Razor? ) @Href(". The url I would expect would be /account. When the submitted form has validation errors (that are passed to the server), the OnPostAsync handler method calls the Page helper method. 2. Title. I added a Razor Page to it to display a grid component. razor,_Imports. Inside my Index. In order to redirect the user to a particular action of the page, we can use the asp-page-handler attribute to specify the method that handles the request. That's way more complicated Aug 9, 2019 · Just starting out with a Razor page application using Core 2. You can't use asp-route-page to pass parameters, it will conflict with asp-page, resulting in failure to receive parameters. I wrapped the anchor tag element in the button element and was able to navigate to the specified page Razor Pages are meant to rely on folder hierarchy, not path conventions. AddRazorP Oct 24, 2016 · This does not seem to work for me when hosting my ASP. However, if the id is not a valid entity my OnGet would return NotFound (IActionResult). Ensure the OnPost() function redirects Mar 24, 2022 · I am working on a . Nov 20, 2018 · Opened the "contact" page as directed in the documentation and from code (that it is protected), signed in using the credentials authenticated in the code using simple string comparison, it signs in if debugged, which means it adds user principal with its claims in but redirects back to log-in page instead of the contact page. Nov 7, 2021 · If I don't return IActionResult then my Redirect("/login") does not work and I get null reference exception for @Model. You cannot combine that with a response body that shows an alert message. NavigateTo("login"); } </NotAuthorized> where navMan is an injected instance of NavigationManager. C# syntax) and so the "~" doesn't work. TEST ENVIRONMENT. Jul 22, 2021 · I've been trying the data pass methods suggested in other posts, but I'm having difficulty translating MVC to Razor Pages. <a asp-page="/PageExample">Page Example</a>. Oct 10, 2019 · A redirect is just a response with a 301, 302 or 307 status code and a Location response header that contains the URL you want to redirect to. 1 Razor Pages project, and, on one of my pages, I have an AJAX call on submitting the form details. razor file, I have the following: @page &quot;/&quot; @using Microsoft. The layouts, templates, and partials used with MVC controllers and conventional Razor views just work. Jun 7, 2022 · I created a blazor server app in VS 2022, then created a scaffolded item for the login screen, assigning the ApplicationDbContext. The link works fine to get to the Searchfields Edit page. However, if I type https://localhost:44352/Logout in order to open the Logout page, it calls the OnGet method of the Index page and opens that page instead of calling the OnGet method of the Logout page. Jul 15, 2021 · GIVEN: This is a Blazor Server Project WHAT WORKS: HttpContext works when you inject IHttpContextAccessor inside the Razor component. For example, the _Layout. Working version just lists cities to choose from. Version_2_1); The second method is to set the RazorPagesOptions Sep 15, 2020 · The redirect works as expected. Jan 30, 2022 · In . In addition to Chris's answer, it's worth noting that RedirectToPage uses a path representing the Page as it sits within the filesystem, whereas LocalRedirect uses a local URL. Mar 14, 2022 · Razor Pages, form page handler not working with GET method – Mohammad Aghazadeh. cshtml in the Pages folder of the app. The problem, the UI doesn't ever update and take me to the Search page. Adding constraints. cshtml file, in which case the user is redirected to the login page, even before your Blazor App is rendered. AddPageRoute("/*", "/NotFound"); }); Jan 27, 2019 · Also, it means that I need to hardcode the login/current page URL; i. In the example below, the redirect occurs but only after everything in the page methods is completed. net core 2. You may place the authorize attribute at the App. cshtml file and TagHelpers library as below: @addTagHelper *, Microsoft. Any help would be appreciated. Mar 31, 2020 · To recap, the first two methods work, the second two methods do not work. Or should I smuggle (with a shame) the return address from the webforms application? Sep 28, 2018 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Can somebody tell me if it's possible? I tried to add this but it doesn't work. x; 2. Redirect(someUrl); RedirectToAction(actionName, controllerName) and others, and overloads of these. // Some action when returnUrl is from external client. Payment result. By convention, the host page is usually named _Host. If they log in - the system should redirect the user to it's first requested link/original link. net razor pages app, I want when somebody types "/invalidUrl" to get redirected to 404 Not Found custom page that I created. builder. I can solve the redirect to UserPage issue by using /UserPage instead of UserPage; i. May 15, 2020 · You can't navigate from a Razor page to a Blazor one by redirection. maxFilesize: 10, // Mb. Conventions. RedirectResult. The first is to set the compatibility version to 2. NET Core Razor web site 2 Razor Pages Web App (. 0. 2. options. Feb 12, 2024 · Contains Razor pages and supporting files. Extensions. Jul 4, 2021 · Solution 2. Here i'm redirecting the user to my Login. NET 6 Razor pages, when I use the following code to map page routes while the pages are in the default pages folder or sub-folder of it, it works perfectly like that: builder. Select Views folder and right click to select Add\New Item Menu. To specify a page route, add route segments, or add parameters to a route, use the page's @page directive. RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRoute ( string routeName, object routeValues, string fragment); Dec 5, 2022 · Hi @Jush Stone , . Feb 27, 2018 · The best way to let a search engine know that the incorrect URL it is trying to index does not exist is to respond with a 404 Not Found status code. Routes for Razor Pages must be declared using the @page directive or using conventions. aspx" So I either need to be able to redirect to parent virtual directory or get full page URL to parse it. Jun 8, 2018 · Hopefull (see ResolveUrl/ResolveClientUrl equivalents for Asp. Reference used: asp. Mvc. link need to be like: If you want to go to razor page handler you can use asp-page-handler: Here is a demo: Model: public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } Jun 19, 2023 · It is an interesting block of code because it works without trying to read a cookie. cshtml page seems to be the start page. I want to load the Login page on start of the application but the Index. TagHelpers. PROJECT STRUCTURE Feb 1, 2019 · You should try decorating your razor page view at the top with your route attributes like so: @page "{id}" The following link below should help example more about routing parameters: See mikesdotnetting. Using RedirectToPage would ensure that if you modify the routing for a page, for example, then the URL that was generated would match the correct route. HTTP and HTTPS use different ports. Dec 20, 2021 · I created an ASP. RedirectToPage() not working in ASP. razor,_Host. I Added @attribute [Authorize] to _imports. Not because the cookie doesn't work but because I insert a RedirectToPage in the middle of the code, trying to change direction in the OnGetAsync to open my Single City page. Everything went as smoothly. After successful login, the application landed on the Index page. Learn how to create a button that will navigate to a razor page in . If you want to show an alert before redirecting, you'll need to use script to redirect: AlertAndRedirect. MapRazorPages(); Dec 10, 2019 · In that case, you can use a wildcard parameter, specified with a star before the parameter name: @page "/book/ {*content}" public void OnGet ( [FromRoute] string content= null) { // TODO handle content } In that case, content will contain the entire string passed after /book/, forward slashes included, such as page/word/5/test. The OnPostSubmit method (below) resides in the index page and I want to redirect to the FormComplete page. All other solutions I found (ConfigureApplicationCookie, AddCookie etc. The server would still just return 401 Unauthorized to the client after the session expired instead of redirecting the user to the login page. You could check the official document: The runtime looks for Razor Pages files in the Pages folder by default. If you do not want to change the razor pages folder, add the following code to your Startup. Learn how to use page route and app model provider conventions to control page routing, discovery, and processing in Razor Pages apps. My account controller login method has a Route attribute to change the url. razor if they try to access an authorized user only page . Mar 13, 2022 · this is a razor page so I don't believe Http attributes are required. To redirect from the Index. NET Core so that it redirects to my own custom "access denied" page? I tried the approach outlined in this article, but it didn't work for me (maybe because I'm using Windows Auth instead of Forms Auth?) How to redirect unauthorized users with ASP. I'd like to redirect the user if they are not logged in to the login page. I don't know if the "RouteDebugger Dec 9, 2018 · ASP. NET framework: . If you are using Blazor, then you are likely using the client-side router it comes with. At that point, it's done. this. About the asp-page tag helper, it's interpreted by the code-behind engine (e. In the second sequence, the methods are called in the OnGet, but the page is not loaded into view. NET Core and Razor Pages. cs: public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {. LegalDocSubType); which produces this URL portion: May 31, 2021 · I am working on my local IIS on the localhost. For more information, see Custom routes. Firstly, if your Request. Under Pages, I have two top level folders - Prescriptions and Admin. cs: opt. – Dec 18, 2022 · I have . /Index", "legalDocSubType", PublishRecord. I recommend RedirectToAction because even though it will compile if you get the values wrong, Visual Studio at least gives you a visual indication that the controller and action you're Mar 25, 2020 · Also if you wanted to redirect a user to any page, here is something I came up with: <NotAuthorized> @{ navMan. Startup. razor component if you like, or in the _Imports. razor: You can apply a specific layout to your login page, using the @layout attribute, which will override the default MainLayout. NET Core 6 app on an IIS webserver. An Edit page in one folder (Projects/Edit/x) includes a table of Searchfields. Remember the following in order to implement PRG: Make the parameters to the search inputs to the OnGet() function. Pages with one url part after path like: {domain}/en/about-us/ There is no route parameter on top of these pages right after @page. Add the antiforgery token to your page either by adding a <form> or by directly using the @Html. When I one I get the following warning: 'HttpGetAttribute' cannot be applied to Razor Page handler methods. The route specified in the host file is called a fallback route because it operates with a low priority in route Aug 22, 2022 · In my application I have 3 group of pages with 3 route patterns. NET Core 2 with this detailed question and answer on Stack Overflow. Register the Antiforgery-Service in your Startup. I have a Razor page which posts a form and then EF updates a database table. Cookie. /default. For TempData ,it uses Session, which itself uses IDistributedCache. update: Mar 2, 2022 · In a razor page for 'edit' I would typically have an OnGetAsync method that accepts the id as a parameter, searches for the entity using the id and returns the page. cshtml page (start page) to my Login. 0 to . Oct 30, 2020 · Yes, thanks, I realise that. AddRazorPages(options => { options. public virtual Microsoft. The Status Code is 302 - Found. ? Below screenshot is what exactly I am trying to achieve. I want to navigate from that to a . Below is the code sample: Razor page/view model 1 = “ProcessPaymentModel”: public async Task OnPostAsync You signed in with another tab or window. cs. How do I redirect from an area page to the root directory page in . com - Razor Pages Routing you can also add this to the razor page. View search from a Razor Page includes the Pages folder. Feb 12, 2020 · We can remove the annoying "Confirm Form Resubmission" popups and make our user experience just that much better by using the POST-REDIRECT-GET (PRG) pattern in ASP. Select Web\ASP. // Set up any event handlers. Mar 14, 2022 at 10:05. I created a basic application using above. Reload to refresh your session. After this process is complete I want to navigate to another page, however my page redirect is not working. Here is the working demo like below: Index. NET Core Razor Pages web app with "Individual authentication". See the code examples and explanations from experts. Sorry for the confusion. Add a Pages/_ViewImports. Razor pages are the . 1 MVC and Razor pages. The Searchfield table has an edit link to /Searchfields/Edit/x folder in the cshtml file. com - routing-in-razor-pages. razor page that displays the details. Second, reason you are not redirecting to the MinerDetails page in correct manner. You switched accounts on another tab or window. NET Core with Razor Pages. Jun 8, 2020 · Let's start with making the button work. In that case, there is only a single Razor page _Host Mar 29, 2023 · 0. I am working on a web application made in . cshtml file configures UI elements common to all pages. My question is How to redirect from a page May 27, 2021 · Trying to redirect to a different page on submission of a form via javascript from an . When click <a> ,it will create a Get Request. return Page is the same as calling return View() in the normal MVC Controller action. In order to allow anonymous access to your Register page and or others Mar 17, 2024 · The names of the Areas folder and the Pages folder do not feature as part of the route template. However I found a nice workaround, you can use the events of dropzonejs and then redirect the page using JS. cshtml files inside the Pages folder. [yourDropzoneElementId] = {. cs with different ways how I was trying to make it work, unfortunately none of them works as I want them to - either it does not do anything or it returns system 404 page not my custom 404 page: May 25, 2023 · Using your 2nd method, a redirect component in App. If I use IActionResult then my Redirect("/login") works, but after user logins and adds product to favorites, my code on returning user to the same page fails and OneGet does not get called. Page returns an instance of PageResult. Razor Pages have a designated function for page redirections. Services. May 14, 2020 at 19:22. – Aug 9, 2020 · I am building a web application using the ASP. Net MVC Razor page The code i tried is like below $(function () { var topSearch = '#navTopSearch'; $(topS You can put the authorize attribute in the _Host. The structure that @Steve's said is right, you need to have a Pages folder under the Registration folder. cs as the context controller. Page redirecting not working. It works fine for me without the leading '/', both with and without a Pages folder. The following example changes the root folder from the default Pages to Content: 6. FromHours(1); }); my OnGet method on the login page accepts the return URL, like so: public async Task<IActionResult> OnGet(string returnUrl) {. If I manually navigate there all the data is loaded and everything is fine. Redirect to a razor page without current route values. I made a mistake when pasting into my question having messed around with it so much trying to get it to work. cs file that has C# code that handles page events. Mar 1, 2021 · 1. IsAjaxRequest() executes then your next block will not executes, you have already returned the statements. razor to the project. The typical configuration is to route all requests to a Razor page, which acts as the host for the server-side part of the Blazor Server app. cs page looks like: [AllowAnonymous] public class LoginModel : PageModel. Finally, we wrap this all up in a form. SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion. NET Core 3. Select Razor View Imports item and click Add button to Finish. Http @inject… Aug 15, 2018 · I am looking to short circuit the pipeline in a . 3 if the route doesn't work, then you need to fix the route. If you want to apply this only on certain pages but not all, then add a 'route' argument to the event and inspect it on the MainLayout. Index. Each one works alone, but I can't get an either or working. Returns. None; options. Aug 14, 2023 · We only tried “Pay With Card” method, and CreatePaymentAsync() works fine with good response. What I'm trying to figure out is how I would do that with a Blazor Server page/component. Oct 24, 2019 · When I run the application and try to go directly to /Errors/Status404 the page is resolving as expected. A . ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan. The code for that would be: Dropzone. Builder; using Microsoft. private readonly UserManager<IdentityUser> _userManager; May 23, 2017 · How can I configure ASP. 1) - How to Handle Redirection from one Area Page to another Area Page Apr 11, 2023 · In this article. cshtml file: [!code-cshtml] @namespace is explained later in the tutorial. Nov 9, 2012 · How to conditionally redirect to a page based on Radio Button Selection in ASP. 1. Basically that. It is a Blazor Server App. Hosting; using Microsoft. Page command is as follows: Dec 23, 2022 · Well, as per your shared screenshot, it appeared that, you were not able to redirect to your MinerDetails page due to two main reason. NET in left side. cs: Learn how to switch from a Blazor component to a . NET MVC6. AddServerSideBlazor(); Mar 1, 2010 · public: virtual Microsoft::AspNetCore::Mvc::RedirectToActionResult ^ RedirectToAction(System::String ^ actionName, System::String ^ controllerName); Jan 25, 2022 · public void OnGet() var res = result; My problem is that while the first parameter is correctly set, the second parameter, orderId in this case, is always null. Supporting files have names that begin with an underscore. Not seen this behavior before and I've used the Dec 13, 2023 · 0. If criteria not met redirect to different Razor Page from public async Task OnGetAsync() 4. – Abu Bakr. NET MVC page redirect to IS4's login straight away without going to home page Dec 18, 2021 · 1. Razor Page Method RedirectToPage calls action Jan 28, 2023 · The RedirectToPage() method is referring to a Razor cshtml "page" rather than a html page in the browser. ConfigureServices: Sep 15, 2021 · SiteUpdate was a Blazor page: SiteUpdate. ) didn't work either. You can see Areas with Razor Pages: Areas with Razor Pages require an Areas/ <area name> /Pages folder in the root of the app. cshtml. You signed out in another tab or window. Id). – May 28, 2018 · 7. Net Core 2. cshtml file that has HTML markup with C# code using Razor syntax. AddMvc(). I have tried to debug the AJAX call using the dev tools and my success and Protected Friend Function Redirect (url As String) As RedirectResult Parameters. return RedirectToPage("/Index", new Aug 16, 2017 · First of all, you're talking about LINKs to another page, not redirect to another page. If you run the Index () action in the browser and press F12 you will see these details: As you can see, the Request URL shows the original URL entered in the browser. cshtml to Pages Folder. NET Core Razor Pages? Hot Network Questions Which signals (wifi, mobile phone, gps) can reliably be blocked by aluminum foil . Jan 22, 2024 · Not in the razor page, but what URL gets generated/rendered. This technique will only work for Blazor pages - if you want to also redirect Razor Pages (which are . From learnrazorpages. When I type the localhost address in my browser, the Index page is shown as supposed. If I swap the parameters like this: then orderId is correctly set and result becomes null. NavigateTo in razor pages c# to redirect to another page, you may encounter some issues that prevent it from working properly. Add Configuration in Startup. In this question, you can find some possible causes and solutions for this problem, as well as learn from other users' experiences with Blazor routing. cshtml page, I did Jan 17, 2022 · The browser then performs the redirection as per this information. Where(x => x. The client can then opt to follow the URL in that Location header (if it chooses to - not required). Under Prescriptions folder, I have some CRUD pages that I scaffolded - namely Create, Index, Edit and Delete. Net Core application that uses Razor Pages. First block of code below works. cshtml page in this Stack Overflow question. I am new to Razor pages. aspx") returns ". RedirectToPage() returns an IActionResult that makes a HTTP redirect to the route that you specified by giving the path of the Razor page. DependencyInjection; namespace LearnASPNETCoreRazorPagesWithRealApps. AntiForgeryToken HtmlHelper. What are you trying to do ? – enet. Oct 22, 2020 · They are enabled by default in Razor Pages 3. RootDirectory = "/pg"; Besides, remember to add razor pages endpoint: endpoints. NET MVC 6. { public class Startup { public void ConfigureServices( IServiceCollection services) { . Refer the following folder structure: But, you need to use area not areas. ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl; return this. The URL to redirect to. Each Razor page is a pair of files: A . AtpUserId == currentUser. NET Razor Pages redirect isn't working. In _ViewImports. services. cshtml, call that method to get the list of products: Dec 24, 2019 · It's not the best way to use it, but makes the code simpler to read) Now, You can have different event listeners for different pages. , prefix it with a /. In your own examples: May 9, 2019 · I'm using Razor Pages on . Additionally, we use the asp-route-id attribute to describe which printer we have selected. This is my current Configure-method: Mar 23, 2022 · options. Mar 14, 2022 at 10:00. Specifically, I am looking to redirect to another page if a certain condition is met without model binding or running any of the code in the page methods. 5. razor and @attribute [AllowAnonymous] to Login. Razor file, etc. SameSite = SameSiteMode. razor with a @page "/siteupdate" route at the start. You can create different layouts depending on your exact need. Add the token to your request. Debug your code and put a breakpoint in your controller to see if it's getting hit. May 23, 2019 · I tried this and the OnGetAsync() is underlined with red color and right click says: "not all code paths return a value. Here is my Login. Here is my razor page project structure: I add Shared folder to the project,and add App. But we are not able to find a way to redirect from this current razor page to a new razor page. Unfortunately, no. Jan 9, 2020 · 2. NET 5 Razor Pages. For the redirect to work, you need to contact the HTTP port, using HTTP. Here are the details. The 302 status code indicates that requested resource (/Home/Index) is Aug 31, 2018 · Interesting. 1 Razor Page. The url generated by @Url. I can't find a solution. Prior to that, you can enable areas in one of two ways in Razor Pages 2. NET IDENTITY and I'm having an issue when trying to redirect to a razor page in my identity area. Aug 31, 2020 · Add a method in page model called GetProductsAsync(User currentUser) like this: public async Task<List<Product>> GetProductsAsync(User currentUser) { return await _dbContext. If that URL looks good, then paste that URL in your browser and check if the route actually works. 1 Razor Pages: How to automatically redirect to Login page from Index page? 0 ASP. By only removing the s from the url: https://localhost:44336, your are trying to do HTTP to an application port that expects HTTPS, which is not supported. Changing the default Razor Pages root folder. Feb 12, 2021 · 1. 1 and reorganized my code to use Areas. On clicking the button, I am hitting the post handler and ModelState is valid, but the post is not redirecting to the desired page. A redirect response returns an HTTP status code of 3xx along with a header telling the browser which URL should be requested. Basically, asp-page is expecting a name. x; 5, 3. e. I want to redirect from my controller to a razor page that's in an area section. See the answers, comments, and related chats from other developers. ToListAsync(); } Then in your razor page . Redirect user to page in a different ASP. Thanks for the link but nothing there helped me. I don't think I can use TempData or ViewData given that I need to both post to a database and add to the specific visitor entry in the database, so I've been looking through Microsoft's docs on the RedirectToPage methods I am attempting to redirect to a different login url in ASP. You can use configuration to change the root folder for Razor pages. AspNetCore. Sep 4, 2019 · Create Razor View Imports. Apr 30, 2018 · I have a . IDistributedCache doesn't have the capability to accept objects or to serialize objects. Sep 4, 2019 · Open Startup. , the C# code behind a razor page), is there some recommended magic that I should be using to get a relative URL to the Login page? Jul 27, 2018 · I just updated my Razor Web Pages Application from . NET 7 asp. If you provide a 302 Found followed by a 200 OK response, the search engine will retain the incorrect URL in its index, potentially serving it up within a search result. State = state; return RedirectToPage("/Search"); } I'm able to attach a debugger and see everything is working fine behind the scenes. Oct 14, 2019 · If you are using NavigationManager. } the problem is that when a user is on the profile page: I'm using the . I then added the Identity scaffolding and ran the application, it asked for "Apply Migration" I did it. zr xj rq vc xl dc gq zr yb gv