Flutter scroll issue


Flutter scroll issue. Then you can use the animateTo method to animate to an offset. I/flutter ( 6816): in a vertical scrollable, it will try to shrink-wrap its children along the vertical axis. child: Column(. Jun 1, 2021 · To overcome the mentioned problem, I changed my design layout. Apr 20, 2021 · On Chrome for desktop the list of cards will scroll regardless of switch position. This means that the position of the background image must be determined in the Basic scrolling. Aug 25, 2022 · However this method does not maintain the scroll velocity / scroll momentum / scroll physics / user experience, so leads to a poor quality user experience. Sep 11, 2023 · found in release: 3. Mar 31, 2023 · Steps to Reproduce. Even if the the scroll padding doesn't work, the scrollbar should be within the bounds of the textfield (like putting them in a row within a container) rather than stacking it above it. In native iOS apps, the scrollbar keeps momentum after you let go. . video5357141613430710062. In this case, a vertical I/flutter (23520): viewport was given an unlimited amount of vertical space in which to expand. Actions. This is a rather kritical problem in my case. Instead of tabbar view I used Navigationrail widget. The second is to pre-cache your images using precacheImage. const Test1({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override. Welcome to the Scroll DateTime Picker – a versatile and highly customizable Flutter package that allows you to effortlessly pick dates, times, or both. search); @override. I'm Mohammed Rashid from the beautiful state of Kerala in southern India, with a journey seasoned in software engineering and mobile app development. This solved my problem. 1. dart'; void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override. 18 Occurs in 1. After the advent of embedding a solution to this problem became possible, it seemed to me. You have to use shift as that is the keybinding for horizontal scrolling. You can check out more of these widgets on the scrolling page of the Widget catalog. This This did not match platform expectations when interacting with Flutter applications. From the implementation, it works just fine on mobile and touchpad when scrolling, but not with mouse wheel. I tried using Listview and Sliverlist, but the performance of my list is very slow. I have multiple widget like carousel, Poll slide, Horizontal scrolling and vertical scrolling inside the iframe. impo Jul 12, 2021 · a textField in a listview that has maxlines: null will auto-scroll the listView with no issues but for some reason, flutter_quill has some issues. Apr 8, 2020 · Note: This issue doesn't appear on the Reflecty app. Jan 14, 2021 · 1. Expected results: The app bar should have elevation applied to it when the user scrolls down, regardless of the API level. Oct 14, 2019 · Oct 14, 2019 at 16:51. If you disagree, please comment and I can reopen it. Screenshot with an example: Jul 27, 2017 · I have a very simple Flutter app with a TabBarView with two views (Tab 1 and Tab 2), one of them (Tab 1) has a ListView with many simple Text Widgets, the problem with this is that after I scroll down the ListView elements of Tab 1, if I swipe from Tab 1 to Tab 2 and finally I swipe from Tab 2 to Tab 1, the previous scroll position in the Jun 1, 2021 · Run the app (on physical device) Turn on VoiceOver. 20 Found to occur in 1. Create an app with a list of items. You can try wrapping it with an Expanded widget to give it more space to expand vertically. How do I make it behave like Android native, where if the list is small in size, the list doesn't scroll after the header collapses. The goal is to have one scroll view that scroll both the list and the details view. 7 Found to occur in 3. The app has large selectable rich text spans wrapped in scrollable. 20 has reproducible steps The issue has been confirmed reproducible and is ready to work on p: webview The WebView plugin package flutter/packages repository. multitouchDragStrategy. Modified 3 years, 10 months ago. 9k. 0-17. Issue show even with appbar, see video at bottom; I changed the bg color to make it more May 27, 2019 · I/flutter ( 6816): When a column is in a parent that does not provide a finite height constraint, for example if it is. 001. ”. 10 framework flutter/packages/flutter repository. width: double. Minimum to show issue. The problem is with the keyboard that doesn't scroll the webview and it hides important content. Text(message. I have always thought this issue was due to overall performance limits with platform views. Run the test. Issues 5k+. Anybody some thoughts about the slow code? final Map<String, String> search; SearchResultsWidget(this. 7. All scroll views in the body will use the same PrimaryScrollController. 3 May 31, 2018 · f: scrolling Viewports, list views, slivers, etc. 4k. 2. I ran a deployed version of the code when testing Chrome for Android (flutter build web). You should set your physics to AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics () . For example, SingleChildScrollView automatically scrolls its child when necessary. Apr 4, 2023 · I can scroll horizontally using Shift + mouse wheel. The inkwell effect in Material buttons fills slowly. The expected behavior is that for leading and trailing ends, over scrolling can be applied. resizeToAvoidBottomInset default true allow this function (tested on iOS). Flutter has a few widgets that allow users to create a scrollable list of items. Steps to Reproduce. Please help me to changes my code to work properly? When I set scrollDirection equal Axis. 388). I am closing this issue as this is not a bug in Flutter itself. Aug 7, 2022 · Create a horizontal ScrollView Like ListView. 17 found in release: 1. And I need user interaction with the iframe as well. | Dec 28 2023 - 10:07 am PT. See also p: labels. If your calendar and datefilter widgets are constants I mean they are not scrolling so try to remove your both SingleChildScrollView and use Below code hope it's helpful to you, declare your Widgets inside Column instead of Stack. 13 found in release: 3. But, your Column widgets might not have a finite size that gives out the exception. This overrides the default behavior which is to disable scrolling when there is no content to scroll. Feb 26, 2022 · I found quite a few flutter samples that work fine as native desktop & web apps shown in desktop browsers, but can't be scrolled on my Android phone, neither in a native app nor in any of the 3 web browsers I have installed on my phone ( Aug 31, 2017 · On iOS, the scrollbar stops when you try to flick it. My issue is all the datas are displayed on the first time instead a part only. 0-28. ) Before upgrading to flutter v1. It's a known issue . Try to scroll horizontally by mouse wheel. The documentation states the following: ScrollNotification and NotificationListener, which can be used to watch the scroll position without using a ScrollController. Possible duplication of any existing reported issues? Jul 24, 2020 · Flutter Long list poor performance. Sep 8, 2021 · Flutter 2. physics: const AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics() But still no help, I'm stuck now Feb 6, 2021 · 1. Thank you. Sep 14, 2022 · I found the answer to my question. Aug 28, 2022 · If I may suggest, this feels like a higher priority issue as scrolling is a major interaction in any app. Even if the Items are loaded from the internet, the scrolling is very slow. " Sample code. mohammadtaherri changed the title horizontal scrolling by mouse wheel is not working Horizontal scrolling by mouse wheel is not working on Aug 7, 2022. Without this parameter, you have to limit its height yourself (for example, wrap it in a Container with fixed height) or remove parent scrollable ( SingleChildScrollView ). Jun 8, 2021 · Webview cannot scroll in TabbarView · Issue #84238 · flutter/flutter · GitHub. And flutter version is Stable Chanel 2. Jul 11, 2021 · As per testing on an emulator, the listener seems working and the log messages are being written on scrolling events. 3. Screenshot with an example: In native Android application the webview keyboard scrolls whole webview up and relevant content is not hidden. Star 156k. If Message is short it's will take one line if there is large text it's will be auto scroll. When i make the card smaller all of my data is showing up. Inspired by the CupertinoDatePicker, our package provides a wealth of features for your date and time selection needs. 14 Found to occur in 3. Widget build(BuildContext context) { CustomScrollView. Fork 26. This situation I/flutter (23520): typically happens when a scrollable widget is nested inside another scrollable widget. @HussnainHaidar Thanks for your comment, actually all you need to do is start scrolling the app the moment it launches (don't lift your finger off the screen even once for next 10 seconds), you'll see the ListView doesn't scroll. I used a NestedScrollView that contains the Sliver header, and a Column, that itself contains the widgets with texts and the list. mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize. found in release: 1. But lately I noticed it might be due to gestures (see Steps to Reproduce). Jun 23, 2020 · What I expect is that when it scroll up, it is not only scroll up the form part (ie Expanded widget) , but also other widget, like Text, Row, WebView, etc. Expected results: Without VoiceOver activated, the app registers scroll action with a one finger swipe. pre. Scrolling is so fundamental to nearly every experience that it's hard to see the reasons it's not prioritized as a first-class issue. Code. It seems Flutter application consumes scroll events and do not pass the events to the web page. First ListView, we could use it parent ListView with physics as NeverScrollableScrollPhysics() and then you could use another ListView inside the parent list view. Unfortunately, It will not work. 0 and when I add SingleChildScrollView it auto scroll up if keyboard show and overlap the textfield. SingleChildScrollView(. Even if i do add "ScrollController" to each of the listview (in tabs), The listBuilder inside the tab scroll gets separated from the "NestedScrollView" here is an example code : Nov 23, 2019 · Official Flutter's ReorderableListView is missing a parameter that regular ListView does have and the one you need - shrinkWrap: true. I tried to wrap it with pointer_interceptor but it didn't solve the problem. It does not override the handling of overscrolling. Set<PointerDeviceKind> get dragDevices => {. Maybe it is a gesture issue as we are supposing and maybe the gesture doesnt trigger the janks on your specific device. max, Dec 14, 2021 · Use case. Dec 28, 2023 · dart. toList(), ), ), Now, you can scroll the table in both directions. 10. you have to add width and color to container and it will work. A grid list consists of a repeated pattern of cells arrayed in a vertical and horizontal layout. May 15, 2020 · Flutter scroll issue - A RenderFlex overflowed by 192 pixels on the bottom. 5 Scrolling Bug with PageView · Issue #89674 · flutter/flutter · GitHub. Star 161k. ) Here's my code May 8, 2023 · A flutter list that allows scrolling to a specific item in the list. the simplest way is to add your column in card view, then it will scroll only in card view or if you dont want to use card view. ), Jun 18, 2021 · No milestone. child: // your code. Using the same mouse wheel on a standard web page or desktop application there is a "curve" or "animation" where the page will scroll and slowly pause at the Jul 30, 2020 · c: performance Relates to speed or footprint issues (see "perf:" labels) found in release: 3. horizontal, scrolling did not work. This is the possible solution. 7, android 12SKQ1. May 12, 2021 · And key, as opposed to other features in Flutter that may have similar performance issues, it's the only one I can think of that is completely unavoidable and which users interact with constantly. In native Android apps, it fills within ~0. perfect answer. Before you say, none of the physics: AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics() solve this issue. Jul 8, 2021 · 8. 9. If the list is quite long, using a scrollbar would be the best option here which Nov 30, 2020 · I use webview_flutter official plugin to show interactive web application. Fork 25. Scroll any scrollable content (e. There is also a perametor named primary in listview Aug 16, 2023 · Flutter 3. Flutter: Continue scrolling in top Listview when reaching bottom of nested Listview looks to use a different method that might achieve the desired results, but I'm unable to get it to work If you find this problem please file a new issue with the same description, what happens, logs and the output of 'flutter doctor -v'. That’s how you make the DataTable scrollable in Flutter. I have an example of my issue below. Not sure if not having the horizontal scrollbar is the bug you are referring to? Code sample: Jan 5, 2023 · A vertical scroll bar gives the user the ability to scroll the content of a window up and down. When using ListView. body); } Next, create a widget file named post_item to contain the code needed for the post widget. Jan 10, 2021 · Just put your root container in a SingleChildScrollView () widget. May 5, 2019 · comment: Add option to smoothly animate stepped mouse scroll deltas #32120 (comment) What remains here is blocked on Differentiate trackpad from mouse wheels on web (Windows & Linux) #139990, we need to know what is a mouse or trackpad. ScrollController controller = ScrollController(); //In build. Are you using a trackpad or an Apple magic mouse? These are both trackpad input, and are currently treated the same as scroll wheel input, but work is currently underway to support this input type. Ex. Also allows determining what items are currently visible. Comments Mar 3, 2010 · After upgrading from flutter 3. Jul 10, 2020 · f: scrolling Viewports, list views, slivers, etc. @override. Now, the inherited ScrollBehavior manages how multiple pointers affect scrolling widgets as specified by ScrollBehavior. 1+hotfix. Notifications. Example # A ScrollablePositionedList can be created with: Nov 24, 2023 · That is, scrolling the flutter app itself works fine, but we can't scroll a page with a flutter iframe by hovering over (or sliding over) the embedded flutter app. Two options. 10 Found to occur in 3. I do not get a scrollbar when scrolling horizontally, while I do get one when scrolling vertically. Pull requests 153. flutter / flutter Public. You will see any Scrollable widget g May 26, 2020 · The problem is that when i scroll through one list in a specific tab, the scroll position affects all the other lists in the other tabs. From an UX perspective, both sections should always be seen, such as if one section is much larger than the other, the smaller section will always be seen. DraggableScrollableSheet. On Chrome for Android the list of cards will not scroll when the switch is turned "on". When 2D scrolling is also supported officially this may not be an issue anymore. Hope to get some advice and explaination on this issue. I can have the expected result after having zooming in only. body: Container(. 211006. Please set to minLines 1 and maxLines to 8. Feb 24, 2022 · Accept the Answer if its helpful. 0. If I grab the overall list on a base item in the top level of the list then I can still scroll the Dec 28, 2019 · Wrap it with an Expanded widget: Sometimes, a SingleChildScrollView widget might not be scrollable if it doesn't have enough space to expand. Mar 11, 2022 · Problem When I scroll the page, After reaching the iframe, I cannot scroll any more. 3. According to what I learned by reading and reading on Github, the Flutter framework needs an extensive review of NestedScrollView to fix this known issue. Two results May 9, 2021 · For vertical scrolling, the nested scroll view does not behave as expected. Install flutter_gallery app on a iOS device; Go to "Material" section; Scroll a bit down Aug 15, 2021 · 1. Steps to Reproduce Switch to master channel (2. Similarly, a horizontal scroll bar lets the user scroll the content from left to right. How can I fix this, or shouldn't I use ListView to build the form? Below is the code: child: Scaffold(. title, this. child: SingleChildScrollView(. As the list item’s scroll position changes, the position of the list item’s background image must also change. This is a simplified part of my code: Feb 7, 2023 · It is strange you dont have this issue, can you please double check? Jittery scrolling on android platform is pretty pervasive. Google has announced that the next major update to the Flutter app development framework will fix one of Sep 18, 2021 · Scrolling only works on mouse wheel but not on mouse click (drag). With VoicerOver activated, the app registers scroll actions with a three finger swipe. Feb 19, 2020 · Everything works, but once the scrolling starts and the header collapses, the body keeps on scrolling even if all the widgets are visible. I suggest trying to fully restart the App or reinstall it, also you may revise the widgets tree if you are using the widget as a child for other widgets. Aug 13, 2022 · Scroll up and down; Expected results: On Firefox, page should scroll up and down just like other web page. The position of a list item within the Scrollable isn’t available until Flutter’s layout phase is complete. Add NestedScrollView to NestedScrollView's body. vertical, it work correctly. ‘A RenderFlex overflowed’ RenderFlex overflow is one of the most frequently encountered Flutter framework errors, and you’ve probably run into it already. Tested it on master 3. 👍 76 b3nni97, theniceboy, mono0926, JonathanPeterCole, teewhydope, whiskeyPeak, pedromassango, benjaminmateev, UCetinkaya94, MoyinShabi, and 66 more reacted with thumbs up emoji May 27, 2022 · I'm trying to achieve a scroll section containing a row which contains a list view and a details view. My first priority is to solve the scroll issue and avoid rebuilding the widget on scrolling. body:Column:(. children [. Steps to Reproduce Jan 14, 2021 · Solution: This case is a simple one. Haven't seen the issues on Flutter 2+ and Galaxy Note 10 (Snapdragon), the issue appeared on Flutter 3 and Galaxy S22 (Exynos). list demo in Flutter Gallery) Observe how the scroll offset abruptly jumps between scroll notches instead of smoothly transitioning (like Chrome, Firefox, UWP apps, etc. 0. Expected result: Actual result: My code: Mar 17, 2022 · Flutter app scroll has jittering on iOS 15. Seen the issue in real devices and in the simulator. Since the update this is now broken. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 10 months ago. SliverMainAxisGroup and SliverCrossAxisGroup both support arranging multiple slivers together. Oct 3, 2021 · Thanks to Bigfoot, For support swipe with mouse, we need to change default scroll behavior of app by these steps: 1- Create a class, extend it from MaterialScrollBeavior, and override dragDevices: class AppScrollBehavior extends MaterialScrollBehavior {. Jun 14, 2021 · You could use two ListView widgets for this problem. Aug 2, 2020 · Sorted by: 9. builder () to lazy build the items in a list using ExpansionTile (), I have a weird behavior where I am unable to scroll the OVERALL list by grabbing an item from the open expansion tile. 17 Found to occur in 1. 25 seconds. Usage # A ScrollablePositionedList works much like the builder version of ListView except that the list can be scrolled or jumped to a specific item. Create a horizontal ListView or a PageView Run your Flutter Web App with chrome Try to scroll horizontally Won't work! Expected results: Horizontal scroll is working like Apr 4, 2020 · The problem is that I can't scroll to the next page of the PageView when I get to the bottom of the page (It tries to continue scrolling the page itself and not the page view). For example: Expanded(. May 23, 2020 · I am trying to make a page that contains a SliverAppBar, some Widgets with texts, and a List. Horizontal listview not scrolling on web but Jun 9, 2022 · flutter create infinite_scroll. Believe me, I've tried everything even writing CustomScrollPhysics. To reproduce, this " bug ", you can download the Bouncing button project here and then create a scroll with some bouncing buttons inside it like this: return Scaffold(. I'm using youtube_player_iframe. if you want the Textfield have more space with keyboard let try answer of Varsik Nikoyan Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request to make this page more useful to you and the Flutter community. Jan 11, 2024 · The Flutter documentation defines NestedScrollView as “A scrolling view inside of which can be nested other scrolling views, with their scroll positions being intrinsically linked. The docs state the following: Scroll physics that always lets the user scroll. 13 Found to occur in 3. Scroll padding should work, Actual results. infinity, child: SingleChildScrollView(. We are going to simply wrap the Column widget with another widget named SingleChildScrollView which allows the user to scroll through the contents of its child Jul 6, 2019 · edited. children: <Widget> [. A ScrollView that creates custom scroll effects using slivers. Setting a. Well, it is not showing properly because i have 5 and it is only showing 3, well it is because the scrolling problem. Oct 15, 2019 at 8:41. I suggest you raise the issue on the repo of the plugin in question. 10 to the latest stable I noticed that the behavior of ReorderableListView has changed: while dragging and holding an item close to the edge of the screen the scroll velocity is much slower than it used t I have found out an issue with scrolling flutter ListView when a native widget is on the screen. Thanks for your contribution. This gives the feeling of Jank. i have added a simple example. Create a new Flutter project using Material 3 with an app bar. Actual results: On Firefox, when scroll up, a white section will show very briefly on top. Use a desktop embedder, or another platform that allows you to scroll with a mouse's scroll wheel. Mar 2, 2019 · the data is from json and it is showing properly. 2. Mouse scroll stuck on top of video. Sep 24, 2022 · Unfortunately, since this is an issue with the plugins not supporting arm64, this is out of scope for the Flutter team. Is there a way to make my app scroll the page when reaching the page vertical borders? (both the top and the bottom border. Do a three finger swipe in the 'bug' app. controller: controller, Jun 1, 2022 · No milestone. You can create a ScrollController and pass it to the controller parameter of your scrolling widget. If Flutter is now scrolling faster than other programs, that's a bug and we can track it here. This enum, MultitouchDragStrategy, can also be configured for the prior behavior. The issue with the code is, Column tries to shrink-wrap and fits inside the SingleChildScrollView. This is an interesting problem to solve. Once resolved, an adaptation of the Chromium SmoothScroller is in [WIP] Opt-in for smooth pointer scrolling Jul 30, 2020 · c: performance Relates to speed or footprint issues (see "perf:" labels) found in release: 3. Example (view on mobile via devtools): Oct 24, 2018 · c: new feature Nothing broken; request for a new capability f: scrolling Viewports, list views, slivers, etc. May 25, 2022 · When I set scrollDirection equal Axis. Sep 8, 2023 · (Not related to issue, Just asking from a unique design pov) Expected results. 18 framework flutter/packages/flutter repository. Wrapping everything on SingleChildScrollView is not a Details Machine: Apple MacBook Pro 14'' M1 2021 Monterey. Create a Dart file with the name post to contain the code for the Post model, then add the following code to the file: class Post { final String title; final String body; Post(this. Apr 26, 2019 · I using flutter 2. 45. This only happen with Flutter page. Pull requests 160. Many apps feature lists of content, from email clients to music apps and beyond. In addition, You could use the below example. GridView. g. Jan 29, 2023 · DataCell(Text(item['Role'])), ]), . – user6274128. Scroll down for the app bar to change its style. Logs. Mar 19, 2021 · I would like to know if my implementation have issues or just a missing feature from flutter for windows itself. Run your Flutter Web App with chrome. I/flutter ( 6816): flex on a child (e. Dec 20, 2019 · If the mouse wheel has scroll break points (each partial turn of the wheel has a ridge) then Flutter will simply jump directly to that scroll position. There is similar issue opened also for web flutter/samples#2009. 13 brings with it a new set of slivers for composing unique scrolling effects. Adding two or more scroll views into NestedScrollView's body. then you could scroll the child ListView inside the parent ListView. You can wrap bodyColumn with SingleChildScrollView and use shrinkWrap: true, and use physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics (),. See also f: labels. Follow #23604 for updates if that is the input type you Jul 9, 2018 · The first is to set the cacheExtent property to a larger value in your ListView constructor. There are two options to retrieve the scroll position for a CustomScrollView. Also, cc @goderbauer since the application above is an example of 2D scrolling. flutter run --verbose produced no output while the app was running on the desktop. Many Flutter widgets support scrolling out of the box and do most of the work for you. To verify that lists contain the expected content using widget tests, you need a way to scroll through lists to search for particular items. 7 found in release: 3. Idea in order to address lack of scrollbar in Flutter web. No branches or pull requests. Also, I don't want to rebuild the iframe widget. Apr 24, 2022 · You can achieve this by wrapping the SingleChildScrollView in a Container/SizedBox with defined height, or by wrapping it with the Expanded widget. 3 participants. using Expanded) indicates that the child is to expand to fill Apr 22, 2020 · a: desktop Running on desktop a: mouse Issues related to using a mouse or mouse support customer: nebula customer: web10 f: scrolling Viewports, list views, slivers, etc. framework flutter/packages/flutter repository. NavigationRail widget allowed me to attach primary scroll controller to multiple widgets without giving me exception: "ScrollController attached to multiple scroll views. title), May 18, 2022 · Problem with scrolling body of my Flutter web page. 14 has reproducible steps The issue has been confirmed reproducible and is ready to work on ⏳ Bot is counting down the days until it unassigns the issue p: webview The WebView plugin P2 Important issues not at the top of the work list package flutter Nov 8, 2020 · I am not sure what it will take to complete currently, and I have a few other scrolling issues of higher priority that will probably precede work here. For my understanding, this is not possible due to the PrimaryScrollController of the current Flutter structure. A PageView with a small viewport fraction is difficult to scroll quickly, because it keeps bouncing back. 3, for iOS only, when tapping on the status bar of a scrolled screen, it would scroll back to top. This property controls how much offscreen widgets are rendered, and will help by causing the rendering to start a bit sooner. Other useful widgets include ListView and GridView . class Test1 extends StatelessWidget {. . On iOS, holding down the back button doesn't show the list of previous pages (I haven't tested this with CupertinoApp Oct 19, 2023 · Scroll DateTime Picker. Write a test that scrolls through the list. mp4 Target Platf Dec 30, 2017 · Flutter NotificationListener with ScrollNotification vs ScrollController. See #97924 and flutter/engine#32094. Xcode version: 13. Three finger swipe is how users with VoiceOver activated scroll. How can I map mouse click to touch and scroll like mobile? import 'package:flutter/material. 4 at starts but after resume from the background will be smooth. This issue is just on iPhone 13 pro and 13 pro max I remove everything about heavy components and big images and create a new empty project just for testing and still have the same result. 3 Steps to reproduce: Add plugin as a dependency, configure the app with related instructions, run the app on any simulator. Oct 8, 2021 · Pointer scrolling (a scroll wheel on a mouse) does not currently allow for overscrolling. This will solve the issue. r: timeout Issue is closed due to author not providing the requested details in time Aug 25, 2022 · How to keep some elements fixed (and above scrollable parts) during scroll? Does it need to be inside a SingleChildScrollView? Made a visual example of my problem: I need the blue part to be scrollable, and that it goes behind the green part that needs to stay fixed. now my work around this is as follows ( full code will be at the bottom): first we define a couple of variables in the state class of the widget that has this form Jan 25, 2023 · The behaviour was updated to match scrolling speed in Flutter and other apps. Maybe putting up the Column inside an Expanded widget can consider the overflow (infinite length) and makes the column scrollable. Google fixes Flutter’s most infamous scrolling bug. The extended_nested_scroll_view package solves the problem of working with a NestedScrollView and a TabBar. All system setups can be slightly different so it's always better to open new issues and reference the related ones. Jun 24, 2021 · 1. child: Container() // your root container. I already try to add this line. A container for a Scrollable that responds to drag gestures by resizing the scrollable until a limit is reached, and then scrolling. Jul 28, 2023 · I have a SfCartesianChart with a lot of data to display, and I want to display only a part and being able to scroll horizontally. Jun 11, 2018 · I/flutter (23520): Viewports expand in the scrolling direction to fill their container. appBar: AppBar(), body: Column(. ty hi pm jv ko nr fl ui zh hd