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Metamorphism and plate tectonics ppt


Metamorphism and plate tectonics ppt. The relationship between metamorphism and plate tectonics is that plate tectonics creates the conditions that are necessary for metamorphism to occur. Important metamorphic rocks 1. Nov 21, 2020 · MAJOR TECTONICS PLATES According to the geographical positions of all the plates are covering most of the regions of the earth and many plates are there who role play in tectonics activities of the earth 1. North-American plate 5. Jan 25, 2016 · Process Mineral deposit mineral/energy resource. High Pressure 3. 3 Plate Tectonics and Metamorphism. 31 likes • 32,075 views. rocks become coarser grained with increased temperature. Evolutionary divergence of species following break-up. They have a significant amount of sheet silicate (platy minerals and are classified by composition, grain size, and Aug 7, 2019 · The Earth’s crust has been going through a rocky break up for around 2. Aug 17, 2009 •. The pressure (P) - temperature (T) - time (t) path of a metamorphic rock is the set of all P-T conditions experienced by a rock during its metamorphic history (Figure 1). The document discusses metamorphic rocks, which are formed from pre-existing rocks through heat, pressure, and chemical reactions typically near tectonic plate boundaries. Earth’s mantle convection, which facilitates planetary heat loss Dynamic Metamorphism. Metamorphism and Metasomatic Fluids • Metamorphism is "changing the form" of rocks while they are still largely solid, including changes that happen while strictly solid (simple phase changes, going from a low pressure to a high pressure crystal structure) and changes involving solutions and short-range transport. 93. Low temperature limit the low-temperature limit of metamorphism has been arbitrarily set to 150C ( +/- 50C) lawsonite, paragonite, prehnite, pumpellyite, 8. They . e. Metamorphic Rocks • Metamorphic rocks are formed by the effect of heat and pressure on existing rocks. Antarctic plate 3. 15, 10. Figure 1. The type of rock that a metamorphic rock used to be, prior to metamorphism, is called the protolith. 5. pptx. 19. Describes the evolution of tectonic plates and plate interactions through geological time ; Simplified as the opening and closing of ocean Metamorphism and plate tectonics. Above igneous intrusions, subduction zones. These rocks were typically exposed to tectonic forces and associated high pressures and temperatures. where plates are allowed to move and slide. provides information on the orientations of ancient stress fields. 177. 2a. These questions are tackled using a holistic approach to analyze tectonic styles in the history of Earth, giving rise to the interpretation of two styles of plate tectonics since the Archean. 16, 10. burial metamorphism. Oceanic crustal rock can be metamorphosed near the spreading ridge where it was formed, but most other regional metamorphism takes place in areas where mountain ranges have been created, which are most common at convergent boundaries. foliation. These are common over subduction zones. Six lithospheric tectonic regimes; 4 The Wilson Cycle a model. Introduction. This topic remains highly controversial due, in Jul 3, 2015 · Metamorphism and types of metamorphism Shoniza Irfan Plate tectonics layers of the earths atmosphere. (2016). Metamorphism and metamorphic rocks * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the rock cycle metamorphism • high enough temperature & pressure to “change” rocks but not high enough to melt rocks changes to rocks occur in the solid-state • hot, reactive fluids also contribute • old minerals, unstable under new P, T conditions, re-crystallize into new minerals Feb 3, 2015 · metamorphic Rocks. Conversion currents Similarly, a gneiss that originated as basalt and is dominated by amphibole, is an amphibole gneiss or, more accurately, an amphibolite. (2019), and those in the Phanerozoic were taken from Matthews et al. It explains that metamorphic ore deposits form through the isochemical metamorphic re-equilibration and recrystallization of pre-existing materials. Metamorphism that affects a large body of rock, and thus covers a great lateral extent. 7 7. Jul 9, 2014 · Wilson Cycles • Plate tectonics has been in operation since Archean times. Opening of new ocean basin at divergent plate boundary. March 2017 ·. granitic rocks begin to melt 660C will not melt below about 1 Jul 1, 2010 · In this wider application, the term “paired metamorphic belts” may be used for “penecontemporaneous belts of contrasting type of metamorphism that record different apparent thermal gradients, one warmer and the other colder, juxtaposed by plate tectonics processes” (Brown, 2009). 6. Orogenic Metamorphism. • Plate tectonic model for opening and closing of an ocean basin over time: 1. In our study, reconstructions for 2200–600 Ma were taken from Li et al. Plate tectonics is the theory that the Earth's crust is made up of a number of large plates that are constantly moving. A metamorphic rock used to be some other type of rock, but it was changed inside the Earth to become a new type of rock. intermediate T/P and high T/P types), and in the process, the advent of plate tectonics in the Planet Earth, has been argued to have taken place since c. 1 Metamorphism and Plate Tectonics Metamorphism is the change that takes place within a body of rock as a result of it being subjected to conditions that are different from those in which it formed. It is also a point in Earth history interpreted by Jul 20, 2014 · Presentation Transcript. 4, and 7. The convection currents provide enough energy to move the plates in the lithosphere. 7, contact metamorphism can take place over a wide range of temperatures—from around 300° to over 800°C—and of course the type of metamorphism, and new minerals formed, will vary accordingly. Foliation. Education Technology Business. 1 Environments of metamorphism in the context of plate tectonics: (a) regional metamorphism related to mountain building at a continent-continent convergent boundary, (b) regional Nov 15, 2023 · From statistical analysis of the global metamorphic dataset, the first appearance of paired metamorphism (cf. Introduction To Plate Tectonics. MAGMATISM. When Mar 8, 2024 · What is a P-T-t path? Metamorphism is a dynamic process, involving changes in temperature ± pressure through time. mainly caused by pressure. 1, and in more detail in Figures 9. 3. Burial metamorphism occurs when sediments are buried deeply enough that the heat and pressure cause minerals to begin to recrystallize and new minerals to grow, but does not leave the rock with a foliated appearance. Feb 1, 2018 · Plots of T, P, and T/P against age demonstrate the widespread occurrence of two contrasting types of metamorphism—high dT/dP and intermediate dT/dP—in the rock record by the Neoarchean, the widespread occurrence of low dT/dP metamorphism in the rock record by the end of the Neoproterozoic, and a maximum in the thermal gradients for high dT Sep 11, 2016 · Plate Tectonics - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 50. Every continent formed rises above the sea due to plate tectonics. Clare Warren. Mar 16, 2020 · When plate tectonics emerged and how it has evolved over Earth history are two of the most fundamental challenges in Earth Sciences. Lithosphere – the crust and part of the upper mantle 2. Plates interact at three types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent and transform. 5 billion years. direct pressure; mountain building and subduction zones. 0–2. MAGMATISM • After going through this lesson, you are expected to: • 1. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Settings on the Manage Your Content and Devices page of your Amazon account. The lighter colored layers are formed by Quartz and feldspar and muscovite, biotite and hornblende are commonly A solid, thin outermost layer of Earth. metamorphism that occurs over broad areas of the crust. If we accept that a critical condition for plate tectonics is the creation and maintenance of a global network of narrow boundaries separating multiple plates, then to argue for plate tectonics during the Archean requires more than a local record of subduction. This can be used in year 9 as well as year 10 - GCSE Syllabus. - Glossopteris : a plant found on the southern continents. Metamorphism through plate tectonics Metamorphism and the evolution of plate tectonics. There are two major kinds of metamorphism: regional and contact. Fig. Magma metamorphic rock forming here heat Pressure from surface rocks. • Over this immense interval, there have been multiple openings and closings of ocean basins. Most of the Earth’s geologic activity takes place at plate boundaries. identify the substances/elements present in magma; and • 3. The relationships between plate tectonics and metamorphism are summarized in Figure. • Oceanic lithosphere heats and dehydrates as it subsides. Pallavi Jha Follow. Plate tectonics is the central unifying theory for geology and geophysics. Nov 8, 2022 · Magmatism. The geological record preserves scant evidence for early plate tectonics. • “Plates” of lithosphere are moved around by the underlying hot mantle convection cells. Jul 1, 2010 · In this wider application, the term “paired metamorphic belts” may be used for “penecontemporaneous belts of contrasting type of metamorphism that record different apparent thermal gradients, one warmer and the other colder, juxtaposed by plate tectonics processes” (Brown, 2009). Summarize the important processes of regional metamorphism, and explain how rocks that were metamorphosed at depths of 10 kilometres or 20 kilometres can now be found on Earth’s surface. Concept of Metamorphic facies Rocks of identical bulk composition having identical mineral assemblages must have metamorphosed in identical P-T condition of metamorphism and surely belong to same Metamorphism and plate tectonics. The high pressure produce the folds in the banding seen here. At a divergent boundary, volcanic activity produces a mid ocean ridge and small earthquakes. Mar 8, 2022 · This approach results in a median value of 405 km from a plate boundary, possibly due to an oversimplification of plate boundaries that is avoided in our preferred approach. The movement of plates is not a source of earthquakes. 3. Controls on Metamorphic Characteristics. Mineral resources which are metamorphic rocks include marble and slate. remains from ancient animals and plants from South America, Africa, India, and Australia that were almost identical. Due to tremendous heat, rock in the asthenosphere is like hot taffy. The relationships between plate tectonics and metamorphism are summarized in Figure 10. 8 Oct 18, 2018 · The earliest evidence for modern-style plate tectonics recorded by HP–LT metamorphism in the Paleoproterozoic of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This causes changes in mineral composition Aug 15, 2019 · 7. The relationships between plate tectonics and metamorphism are summarized in Figure 7. 4. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like layers, crust, mantle and more. The movement of plates elicit the formation of landforms such as rifts, Oct 4, 2012 · Presentation Transcript. On the modern Earth, these interactions are controlled by plate tectonics, which involves the horizontal motion of surface plates (i. Sedimentary processes1) precipitation (chemical)2) precipitation (organic)3 Dec 15, 2016 · 3. Jan 4, 2016 · 20. Types of Metamorphism: Regional Associated with Mountain buildings Also known as Dynamothermal - produces both foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks. 5 Ga) and the driving forces behind these processes, including mantle plumes, subduction, and accretion/collision. All of the important processes of metamorphism that we are familiar with can be directly related to geological processes caused by plate tectonics. Definition Metamorphic facies is a set of mineral assemblages in metamorphic rocks formed under similar pressures and temperature conditions. , continental drift and sea-floor spreading) across a series of continuous linked boundaries [1]. Plates move because heat is being released from deep inside the earth. y. Plate Tectonics Metamorphism and metamorphic rocks ppt md5358dm includes any metamorphic process that occurs over a large region. In most cases—but not all—this involves the rock being deeply buried beneath other rocks, where it is subjected to higher temperatures and Aug 17, 2009 · Plate Movements Ppt. This allows plates to ride on top of hot, flowing rick. Burial Metamorphism. Physical Geology. Geological processes operating due to energy released at plate boundaries control the process of mineral deposition. A case is made for plate tectonics back to the early Paleoproterozoic, when a cycle of breakup and collision led to formation of the Metamorphism and Plate Tectonics Relationship. Terms in this set (61) Metamorphic Rocks. 47 Where does metamorphism occur? Hydrothermal metamorphism ; Involves migration and reaction of hot, geothermal fluids ; Along mid-ocean ridges, divergent plate boundaries. Core • Innermost layer • About 3,500km thick in radius • Divided into inner layer and outer layer • Has the highest temperature • Consists mainly of iron and nickel 2. 3, 7. Regional metamorphism. Dynamic metamorphism occurs at relatively low temperatures compared to other types of metamorphism, and consists predominantly of the physical changes that happen to a rock experiencing shear stress. Mantle • About 2,900km thick • Rich in iron and Apr 30, 2017 · 8. 3 Plate Tectonics and Metamorphism: Almost all metamorphism can be explained by plate-tectonic processes. Earth’s mantle convection, which facilitates planetary heat loss, is manifested at the surface as present-day plate tectonics1. The original definition of plate tectonics [] has recently been modified to include a description of the driving force as ‘A theory of global tectonics powered by subduction in which the lithosphere is divided into a mosaic of plates, which move on and sink into weaker ductile asthenosphere. The parallel arrangement between the metamorphic belts and the similar ages of each belt, led Miyashiro to the idea that metamorphic belts formed together as pairs. They are usually foliated and deformed and thought Sep 27, 2017 · Metamorphic Agents 1. Estimating when the Earth’s ever-shifting tectonic plates first emerged and how they evolved is tricky. The word metamorphism comes from ancient Greek words for “change” (meta) and “form” (morph). 2, 9. Regional Metamorphism. 14, and in more detail in Figures 7. Oct 24, 2015 · 2. Viete1, Michael Brown3 & tim e. These three are known as metamorphic agents. 1) chromium, vanadium, nickel, copper,cobalt, platinum2) beryllium, lithium, tantalum. 3, 9. continental plate. Aug 1, 2019 · It is shown that Earth’s modern plate tectonic regime has developed gradually with secular cooling of the mantle since the Neoarchaean era, 2. 20, p. 2-Gyr-old metamorphism is narrow and symmetric; (2) the KDE of 2. 4 7. Jan 10, 2017 · This document discusses metamorphic and metamorphosed ore deposits. tectonic plate that lies under a continent. 1, and in more detail in Figures 7. High Temperature 2. org Aug 27, 2023 · The relationship of plate tectonics and mineral deposits is significant on three counts: 1. 7. It is therefore the most widespread and common type of metamorphism. Fig Apr 9, 2017 · WHAT IS PLATE TECTONIC. Definitions Tectonic Setting. A common pressure-temperature path for regional Oct 29, 2013 · This document provides an overview of metamorphic rocks, including the processes of metamorphism, common structures and textures, classification, and descriptive study of common metamorphic rocks. 5 billion years ago, and that modern Plate tectonics has operated since the Palaeoproterozoic era at the latest. Large-scale metamorphism also occurs along All of the important processes of metamorphism that we are familiar with can be directly related to geological processes caused by plate tectonics. describe the characteristics of magma; • 2. 4-Gyr-old metamorphism is skewed towards lower T/P, with three low-T/P eclogite Dec 2, 2010 · Metamorphism and metamorphic rocks ppt md5358dm Metamorphism through plate tectonics. Holder1,2*, Daniel r. C. Types of Metamorphism: Produces non-foliated, granoblastic rocks: Hornfels (if clastic - shale) Quartzite (if sandstone) Marble (if carbonate) 21. Metamorphism is defined as a process of change in texture and mineral composition of rock that is subjected to either heat or pressure. While rocks can be metamorphosed at depth in most areas, the potential for metamorphism 1. change in texture and/or composition due to action of heat, pressure and chemically active fluids. According to tectonic setting, subduction is of two "types": (a) B-type subduction: where the oceanic crust is subducted beneath a Jan 1, 2020 · Figure 3 is a n attempt by Ernst to relate facies and facies series to plate tectonics, aimed squarely at a typical . 10c, p. Theory of Plate Tectonics is the idea that the Earth’s crust and upper mantle are broken into sections called plates that move around on the mantle. DefinitionsDefinitions • Metamorphic Rock - "Meta"= Change (Grk) - "Morph"= form (Grk) • Metamorphic Rock - "Meta"= Change (Grk) - "Morph"= form (Grk) - a rock that has been changed from its original form ( parent ) by heat , pressure , and fluid activity into a new rock ( daughter ). Modelling of UHT metamorphism and P-T paths, whether IBC, ITD or hybrid 10. B. The relationships between plate tectonics and metamorphism are summarized in Figure 9. 1) chromite deposits in layeredintrusions2) pegmatites. Most metamorphic rocks are the result of regional metamorphism (also called dynamothermal metamorphism). Most metamorphism occurs along convergent plate boundaries ; Compressional stresses deform the edges of the plate ; Formation of the Earths major mountain belts including the Alps, Himalayas, and Appalachians; 16 Metamorphism and plate tectonics. Asthenosphere – the plastic-like layer below Plots of T, P, and T/P against age demonstrate the widespread occurrence of two contrasting types of metamorphism—high dT/dP and intermediate dT/dP—in the rock record by the Neoarchean, the widespread occurrence of low dT/dP metamorphism in the rock record by the end of the Neoproterozoic, and a maximum in the thermal gradients for high dT Plate Tectonics and Metamorphism. g. One Plate boundaries can be located by outlining earthquake epicenters. Internal structure of the Earth • The Earth has three concentric layers Chapter 8: Plate Tectonics. For example, when two plates collide, the rocks along the boundary can be Mar 8, 2022 · We compared paleogeographic reconstructions and inferred plate kinematics with the age and thermobaric ratio (temperature/pressure [T/P]) of metamorphism over the past 2 b. regional metamorphism. Rev. A- Convergent Plate Boundaries: I- Subduction Zone metamorphism: Rocks of the subducted plate are usually metamorphosed following "clockwise" P-T paths in which peak pressures are attained before peak temperatures. com - id: f5ac6-ZDc1Z Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2020-10-07 10:06:47 Boxid IA1960910 Camera USB PTP Class Camera Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier urn:oclc:record:1200551269 Archean tectonics is the study of the formation, interaction, and deformation of the Earth’s continental and oceanic crust during early Earth history (the Archean Eon; ca. Gneiss is a metamorphic rock, formed at high temps and pressures deep within earth’s crust. Generally, all these three act together and cause metamorphism. Chemically Active Fluids The process of metamorphism occur in rocks due to effect of high temperature, pressure and chemically active fluids. Metamorphism at subduction zones ; Mountainous terrains along subduction zones exhibit distinct linear belts of metamorphic rocks ; High-pressure, low-temperature zones nearest the trench ; High-temperature, low-pressure zones further inland in the region of igneous activity; 7 Metamorphic zones in New England. 4 divergent plate tectonic boundaries. 15, 7. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about plate movements? A. Metamorphism involves changes to pre-existing rocks due to heat, pressure, and chemically active fluids. Causes of Plate Tectonics Convection Current is the driving force of plate tectonics in which hot, plastic-like material from the mantle rises to the lithosphere, moves horizontally, cools, and sinks back to the mantle. "Plate Tectonics" - refers to the formation and migration of these lithospheric plates, physical interaction between the plates, and the resultant deformation that is incurred by the crustal rocks during this process. "Tectonics" - is a term that refers to the deformation of the earth's crust. Jul 5, 2018 · To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge. 8 Ga (Brown, 2006) or at the dawn of the Proterozoic (Holder et al. Metamorphism can change a rock's appearance, texture, mineral content, and crystal structure, forming either foliated or non-foliated rocks. Sep 23, 2016 · 25. , 2021). 5. athenosphere. 17, and 7. boundary between asthenosphere and lithosphere. Eurasian plate 4. Mineral deposits form in particular tectonic settings which are governed by plate tectonics. What two things are required to develop foliation? 1. oceanic plate. • Oceanic lithosphere subducts underneath the continental lithosphere. No mechanism to transport across ocean. Changes in the global distribution of metamorphic (P, T) conditions in the continental crust through time might therefore reflect the secular evolution of Earth's tectonic processes. May 24, 2021 · 3. 1 Environments of metamorphism in the context of plate tectonics: (a) regional metamorphism related to mountain building at a continent-continent convergent boundary, (b) regional Some types of metamorphism are characteristic of specific plate tectonic settings, but others are not. Most regional metamorphism takes place within continental crust. Starchenko. Metaphoric Rocks • These are ricks that have changed (meta) their form (morphic). explain the processes involved in the formation of magma. A case is made for plate tectonics back to the early fossil evidence of Wegeners theory. 2, 7. The null hypothesis Aug 7, 2019 · With decreasing age: (1) the KDE of >2. 183. IV Plate Tectonics and Metamorphism. 26. • Felsic magma will produce by partial melting of basalt • E. Continental drift is effected by moving of rigid lithosphere (crust and the uppermost mantle) over ductile Nov 15, 2017 · Theory of Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonics A. robert M. This extends the original concept of Miyashiro (1961 Earth-Sci. If a rock is buried to a great depth and encounters temperatures that are close to its melting point Describe the various settings in which metamorphic rocks are formed and the links between plate tectonics and metamorphism. In these interpretations, there are different styles of deformation and Plate tectonics is a theory that states that Earth's litosphere has been in constant movement for billions of years via the tectonic plates, hence the confusion! This template has arrived to help you "shake up" the world of education. 16, 7. While, plate tectonic is a theory explaining the structure of the earth’s crust and many associated phenomena that controls the pressure and temperature. tectonic plate that lies under an ocean. Figure 8. On modern Earth, convergent plate margins are characterized by metamorphic rocks that show a bimodal distribution of apparent thermal gradients react jest test if component rendered; another name for cell body of neuron; central valley fuego fc jersey; t-mobile high speed internet gateway by nokia Chapter 9 Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks. Customize the slides, the diagrams, the exercises, the graphs, the text boxes, everything included to start Apr 7, 2017 · 9. Gneiss Typical folded strata in gneiss. react jest test if component rendered; another name for cell body of neuron; central valley fuego fc jersey; t-mobile high speed internet gateway by nokia react jest test if component rendered; another name for cell body of neuron; central valley fuego fc jersey; t-mobile high speed internet gateway by nokia 1 1-4 5,6. the layering of rock; formed under extreme pressure. Three principal types: Orogenic metamorphism Burial metamorphism Ocean-floor metamorphism. D. V. occurs at fault zones. 8. dynamic metamorphism. Dynamic metamorphism is the result of very high shear stress, such as occurs along fault zones. Feb 1, 2020 · S. Composition of the Earth’s plates: 1. 6. Tectonic Plates are responsible for shaping the earth's crust. High temp limit Melting temperatures are strongly dependent on pressure, rock composition and the amount of water present. ) directed pressure. 2–1. 17, and 10. Large-scale metamorphism also occurs along Plate Tectonics. 2. • Under the influence of heat, pressure and fluids, pre Feb 17, 2016 · 8. Oct 1, 2018 · 1. react jest test if component rendered; another name for cell body of neuron; central valley fuego fc jersey; t-mobile high speed internet gateway by nokia react jest test if component rendered; another name for cell body of neuron; central valley fuego fc jersey; t-mobile high speed internet gateway by nokia react jest test if component rendered; another name for cell body of neuron; central valley fuego fc jersey; t-mobile high speed internet gateway by nokia The concept of paired metamorphic belts was originally theorized by the Japanese geologist, Akiho Miyashiro in 1961. 28 Metamorphism and Natural Resources. The Andes. Sci Rep 8 , 15452 (2018). Parent Rock – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on PowerShow. Cover ~15% of earth's surface. - a rock that has been changed Sep 10, 2013 · North Gwinnett Middle School Follow. Foliated – These have a planar foliation caused by the preferred orientation (alignment) of minerals and formed under differential stress. The nature of the country rock (or parent rock) is also important. Slate. Metamorphic Rocks Evidence of metamorphism The ingredients of metamorphism Prograde metamorphism of shale Classification of Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphism and Plate Tectonics. Plate boundaries •Plate boundaries can be categorized in three fundamental type. 10. 4 Examples of foliated metamorphic rocks: (A) Slate, (B) Phyllite, (C) Schist, (D) Gneiss. Found in mountain belts. All of the important processes of metamorphism that we are familiar with can be understood in the context of geological processes related to plate tectonics. 2. Most metamorphism occurs along convergent plate boundaries ; Compressional stresses deform the edges of the plate ; Formation of the Earths major mountain belts including the Alps, Himalayas, and Appalachians; 33 Metamorphism and plate tectonics. Higher temperatures and pressures existing at depth within such plate boundaries produce higher grades of metamorphism in a subducting oceanic plate. 1. May 30, 2020 · The Neoarchaean era is when most cratons worldwide assembled and developed their thick, refractory, lithospheric roots Pearson et al. 46 Contact Metamorphism by Igneous Intrusions. occurs very deep. Types of metamorphic rock There are two major subdivisions of metamorphic rocks. part of mantle which behaves in ductile manner. , 2019). https://doi. Contact metamorphism near magmatic bodies causes changes to fabric, mineralogy, and chemistry through processes like dewatering. Figure 7. 30 April 2017 15 I. Magmatic processes1) segregation by settling2) fractional crystallization. Ex. • This can greatly affect the hardness, texture or layer patterns of the rocks. The introduction of the paradigm of plate tectonics in the late As was shown in Figure 7. Analysis of eclogites [mdash] metamorphic rocks formed in subduction zones " Preliminary to Sedimentary Tectonics - Part B The Wilson Cycle," pp 155-172 ; 3 The Plates, Plate Boundaries, and Interplate Relationships. Type of metamorphism associated with convergent plate margins. Submit Search. 14, and in more detail in Figures 10. African plate 2. Upload. Johnson4,5. ppt slides for grade 9. as es hn du jc qu pw vd tl nb