Stata gsort. Date. How do I sort a numeric column in descending order? For example, I want to sort age from highest to lowest - 49, 47, 32, 21, etc. Essentially it is doing: sort x gen long sortvar = -_n sort sortvar drop sortvar That works, but it takes about 3 times as long as just sorting on x because sorting on -_n is Downloadable! gsgroup inputs a gsort key (a list of elements of the form used by gsort), and generates as output a new variable, indicating the sequential order of the group to which each observation belongs, and (optionally) an output dataset (or resultsset), with 1 observation per group, and data on the values of the generated variable, and the variables of the gsort key corresponding to Those two aren't consistent. gsort +sex -class - maths. I can do this with sort x, stable, but I need to be in descending order. It will, of course, sort the entire dataset, not just the age variable (column). > > I just read about mata's use of permutation vectors (eg -help mata permutation-) and found that in at least the case below, they can be used for reverse sorting much faster than stata's -gsort-. For ssuid 1255 the lowest score is 60. sysuse auto,clear list rep78 in 74 * the prob with just using gsort ( reproduces martens example. Sorting methods. Subaru 35 2,050 -35 3. Using Stata's built in observation macro, _n, should do the trick: gsort country year -tot_sales gen top100 = 0 by country year: replace top100 = 1 if _n <= 100 Ryan On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Estrella Gomez <estrellastata@gmail. The examples shown here use Stata’s command tsfill and a user-written command You might be led to the -gsort- command: gsort -x but that does a decreasing sort in an inefficient manner - it sorts increasing on x, then sorts increasing on minus _n. Just make sure the variable you would use for the by prefix as the first argument in the variable list. I need to sort a file and preserve the order of tied cases within the sort key. 主要是sort、gsort、bysort三个命令. If no option is specified, order relocates varlist to the beginning of the dataset in the order in which the variables are This involves two steps. Try the following in the command window. list in 1/5 make mpg weight negmpg 1. gsort age duration. bysort v1 v2 v4 v5 v6 v7: generate dublet=_n. The plugin runs fast, but the copy overhead plus the Stata swaps often make the function be slower than Stata's native sort. #2. VW Diesel 41 2,040 -41 2. will sort your data according to the values in variable caseid, in ascending order, and within all same values of caseid according to age, in descending order. You can browse but not post. I have tried as followings, gsort year -area by year: g num=_n Is there an easier way to do it just like -bys-? Sep 24, 2019 · This is part five of Data Wrangling in Stata. contract rep78, freq(f) gsort -f. But -- to the point -- while what Brian says is a fair answer it seems to me to point to a missing option on -gsort-. edu [mailto:owner Is there a problem with gsort (Stata 10 and below) or am I misunderstanding something? I have a variable called -phdif-. di "sort order is `sortorder'" sort order is age duration. ) sorts all elements of A, and stores sorted elements in the first column from top to bottom, then in the second column, etc. Code: gsort - age. The command sort time puts highest values last, whereas gsort −time puts highest values first. Mar 11, 2021 · gsort命令:在STATA中对观测值(行)进行升序或降序排列(多变量时可以是升序和降序的组合)。. Although I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, it seems to me like Stata is not making use of previous sort order when sorting. There is a clash between your different commands. hashsort uses C-plugins to implement a hash-based sort that is always faster than sort for sorting groups and faster than gsort in general. Stata has two system variables that always exist as long as data is loaded, _n and _N. Stata orders the data according to varlist1 and varlist2, but the stata_cmd only acts upon the values in varlist1. * 4) bysort를 바로 쓰지 말아야 하는 경우: x뿐만 Sep 4, 2021 · 第二章會開始會介紹 STATA 的語法與常用功能。在這系列的教學筆記中,STATA 指令大多會以一般化的形式呈現,也就是說各位需要自行把 argument 替換 Jan 6, 2019 · Using the Stata sort and bysort command will allow us to fix this problem. com> 2/29/2012 10:40 AM >>> Seyi did say "not necessarily on the first row". descending reverse default or specified bar order. However, since you do not need to sort data for analysis in Stata, sort and gsort are mostly used with by , which is used to repeat a command for each unique value of the variable that is used with. g sort 命令:在 STATA 中对观测值(行)进行升序或降序排列(多变量时可以是升序和降序的组合)。. Huber iteration 2: maximum difference in weights = . For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. generate negmpg = -mpg. Any suggestions? Is this a problem or am I thinking about this incorrectly? Thanks. Video. The focus of this column is on methods to produce such ordering or ranking of groups, which in practice often hinges on some convenient functions in egen. The reason that the other functions are faster is because they don't deal with all that overhead. For example, the -by:- prefix requires that the data be sorted in ascending order of the by variable(s). sort 升序. Schumm, L. The aim is to group observations, those with the lowest value all being assigned a grade 1, the next lowest being all assigned 2 and so forth. Now let’s run our robust regression and we will make use of the generate option to have Stata save the final weights to a new variable which we call weight in the data set. md 1. dta obs: 155 vars: 6 5 Jun 2009 01:45 size: 3,875 (99. sort (varname) put bars in prespecified order. 4 gsort. com order — Reorder variables in dataset DescriptionQuick startMenuSyntax OptionsRemarks and examplesAlso see Description order relocates varlist to a position depending on which option you specify. edu The observations in a Stata dataset are ordered, so that they may be referred to by Perhaps you are asking (as was discussed in your thread from last Thursday) why Stata can't use -sortedby- information to guide a sort. The "mfirst" option of -gsort- applies only to variables sorted in descending order. sort varlist [in] [, stable] sysuse auto, clear keep make price mpg length foreign *对一个变量排序 sort make //对make进行升序排列 list sort mpg //对mpg进行升序排列 list *对多个变量排序 sort mpg length //先对mpg进行排序,再对length排序 list sort length mpg //先对 Royston, P. _n basically indexes observations (rows): _n = 1 is the first row, _n = 2 is the second, and so on. Thu, 11 Dec 2008 09:36:35 -0600. Seems the unique option does what you describe you need. You can also create the negative of a variable and achieve the desired result:. Sort the observations into the order needed, using either sort or gsort. Yes, -gsort- is not very long and calls -sort- several times, but there are some gen/replace statements involved in reversing the order that take a long time in large data sets. It will show under -desc- that the dataset is sorted by "year" and the tempvar "_00000". Products. com gsort — Ascending and descending sort DescriptionQuick startMenuSyntax OptionsRemarks and examplesAlso see Description gsort arranges observations to be in ascending or descending order of the specified variables and so differs from sort in that sort produces ascending-order arrangements only; see[D] sort. You want Stata to be smart enough to ignore missings as irrelevant when they are so, and you don't usually notice, and don't usually complain, when that works as designed. I have tried without success: 1. sortでこれをやるとerrorになる Feb 7, 2023 · Cleaning a Stock Portfolio. Mar 16, 2015 · There is no option to specify a custom order without specifying a variable. I am looking for ways to do better than Stata's sort and gsort commands. Nov 5, 2015 · 05 Nov 2015, 12:36. If a categorical variable defining the groups does not already exist, use generate or egen to produce it. Stata Journal 1: 105–106. -reallydowantmissingfirst- would not be very Stataish as a name, but Fred Wolfe's want and need seemed very reasonable to me. The bysort command has the following syntax: bysort varlist1 (varlist2): stata_cmd. But I think there must be a more efficient way to handle this type of bar. order(X, May 18, 2011 · I'd say this question is posed the wrong way round for best understanding. Oct 4, 2021 · That wording may not seem to help much, because ranking in Stata, and statistics generally, is usually phrased in terms of ranking values in each of several observations. Re: st: sort a list. The cluster command performs a cluster analysis of the observations; see[MV] cluster. Only the first of these is a good solution given that warning. Aug 13, 2018 · To load team game-by-game data into Stata, use nfl2stata team [, team_options] These commands each search their respective datasets. gap ( [*]#) gap between bars within over () category. sortでは降順のソートはできない。. I don't use -gsort- much, as I usually prefer to work out my own -sort- order without wanting to re-discover the precise idiosyncratic syntax of -gsort-. By contrast, Stata's gsort is not efficient. di "sort order is `sortorder'" sort order is So it seems that gsort sets the sort order only in ascending sorts. . Often you will need to use Stata commands like collapse, gsort, and merge to generate the statistics, sort the data, and merge two or more NFL datasets together to examine the data. Then -distinct my_variable_name- will do it for you. In my case, in 5 hours spent sorting, the time is broken down into approximately 5 1-hour sorts. ado, follow the first link, and then click on "click here to install). A Mata class ( Factor) that focuses on working with categorical variables. I want the greatest value of that variable to appear in the last observation. gsort was 10x slower The fact that sorting takes time is a well known Isn't the simplest solution that missing should never be treated in Stata code as a "number"? Thus, things like sorts would need a documented definition of where missing go but we wouldn't have to work around the "numeric" missing so often. The principle is often that the last 7. gsort var #昇順gsort -var #降順。. Sort a list of items. Subject. The Stata Journal (2006) 6, Number 1, pp. The problem appears to be that missings are still last even though I used the -mfirst- option. To illustrate, let’s use stocks. Either way, you usually want to clean up the sort order again before other work by a plain tsset if you did do a tsset earlier, by typing . Whatever is the chosen method, the algorithm preserves the relative order of elements with equal values. Jul 22, 2015 · Stata commands sort and gsort are two commands that you can use for that purpose. ) gsort rep78,mfirst list rep78 in 74 * work round the prob replace rep78=rep78*-1 gsort -rep78,mfirst replace rep78=rep78*-1 list rep78 in 74 so in your case try . ac. Jun 19, 2020 · stata는 데이터를 불러와 자료에 대한 계랑분석을 하는것이 주된 목적 이지만 그에 앞서 자료의 특성부터 파악해야 합니다. Jan 17, 2018 · It depends. tsset id time Particular solutions: Using egen 그래서 stata에서는 이 둘을 합친 bysort란 명령어가 존재한다. gsort id -time . Stata commands that require sorted data need the data to be in ascending order. sort (#) put bars in height order. Stata stores missing values as extremely large numbers, so if a variable is sorted in descending order, missing values should appear first in the list since they are greater than all non-missing values. can only be used relative to a sort order of id reportyear, so your specification of a different sort order makes no sense to Stata. Philip Schumm Department of Health Studies University of Chicago Chicago, IL pschumm@uchicago. ) (That's not on a par with B*ll G???d, who can write the equivalent of an -egen- function several times . If you just want a unique ID, you can do "egen X = group(A B)" but if you want to replicate "X" then, since B is sorted in descending order, you'd have to do "gsort A -B, gen(X)" However I did do a gsort of the string variable ("gsort groupvar -oldvar" using my original variable names) to address the problem of strings being sorted with missing first. Both commands take a varlist argument. gsort var1 -var2. 2)의 작업을 좀더 편하게 하고 싶다면 3)처럼 by대신 bysort를 사용하면 된다. The command gsort also sortson on a list of variables, but you can determine the order by prefixing a variable name with + for ascending order or - for descending order. Mar 12, 2014 · I am looking for ways to do better than Stata's sort and gsort commands. 数据排列:sort和gsort. sort colour id by colour: list id names age On Jan 18, 2006, at 6:42 PM, Lia Orfei wrote: Dear all, is there anybody who knows how to list variables that are sorted by a variable of my choice? In practice, I have to do something like this (pure example): bysort colour: list id Nov 16, 2022 · would be better. gsort phdif,mfirst. Huber iteration 1: maximum difference in weights = . sort ordena la base de forma ascendente. --> Works for the first 25 rows or so, then keeps the wrong one a couple of times and then the right one again. Internally Stata considers the data to be sorted in ascending order or not sorted at all. P. j. Let's start with the obvious. sort 基本语句 完整代码: sort [in] [, stable] 简洁代码: so [in] [, stable] :排列依据的变量 Dec 29, 2023 · I used this code and it works. sort ( (stat) varname) put bars in derived order. Stata Journal 6: 144–146. Given your xtset, time series operators such as L. Nick n. And, you can also do it from first principles: Hi, How is this? sysuse auto,clear list rep78 in 74 * the prob with just using gsort ( reproduces martens example. hashsort hashes the data and sorts the hash, and then it sorts one observation per group. 260 says: " Stata does not understand descending sorts (gsort is an ado-file). > > > The first line in your loop should perhaps be > > bysort id treated : > > Nick > [email protected] > > Dorothy Bridges > > Stata stops the following loop with a "not sorted" line after the > "sort id difa`i'" command (not after the subsequent command, after the > sort command). ] returns X with its rows in the order of p; p = (3\2\1) would reverse the rows of X. You might be led to the -gsort- command: gsort -x but that does a decreasing sort in an inefficient manner - it sorts increasing on x, then sorts increasing on minus _n. clear webuse machine. graph bar (mean) f, over(rep78, sort(f) descending) ytitle(`"count"') caption(`"rep78"', position(6)) Kindly suggest. El comando gsort (por generalized sort) es más amplio: permite ordenar en forma ascendente o descendente. -gsort- will only set the sort order flag when it sorts in ascending order. The fewer the number of gorups relative to the number of observations, the larger the speed gain. For example, to sort the countries by their geographical region (regn) in alphabetical order and by GDP per capita (gdppc), from highest to lowest: gsort + regn - gdppc Mar 15, 2022 · 简介 sort 命令:在 STATA 中对观测值(行)根据特定变量进行升序排序。. gsortを用いれば、第一変数では昇順、第二変数では降順というソートも可能。. gsort was 10x slower The fact that sorting takes time is a well known At 04:47 PM 7/5/2007, Steichen, Thomas J. That is, only gsort allows to sort data in descending order. Tanto con gsort como con sort es posible ordenar por dos variables o más. First of all, we need to expand the data set so the time variable is in the right form. If you want to to see the tempvar that -gsort- creates when you have ascending and descending sorts in -gsort-, you can edit the ado-file by adding the a line with the command "desc" just after the line: " sort `part1' `tvars' " in the ado-file. 2006. Thongke. Instead a simple by command would work. Again you should list and scroll and note effect. 2sort()— Reorder rows of matrix order in which the rows of a matrix X are to appear. 2016-11-28 推文 阅读量. Wed, 18 Jan 2006 19:01:49 +0200. Using "gsort" does. sort基本语句完整代码:sort varlist [in] [, stable]简洁代码:so varlist [in] [, stable]varlist:排列依据的变量;当排序变量有多个时,先按第一个变量排序,然后在第一个 Nov 4, 2021 · sortでこれをやるとerrorになる. Another command, gsort, orders the data in ascending or descending sequences; see[D] gsort. May 29, 2016 · Or you can install Nick Cox's -distinct- from Stata Journal (-findit distinct. On 3/13/2014 10:44 PM, Joseph Coveney wrote: It sounds like you're pulling modest-to-large result sets out of the database, saving them as SAS dataset files and then going back and sort-merging them via PROC SQL with multigigabyte-sized result sets likewise pulled out of the database en passant--a situation that even SAS aficionados recommend avoiding in favor of pass-through queries. Datsun 210 sort命令:在STATA中对观测值(行)根据特定变量进行升序排序。 gsort命令:在STATA中对观测值(行)进行升序或降序排列(多变量时可以是升序和降序的组合)。sort基本语句完整代码: sort varlist [in] [, stable Apr 26, 2019 · Stata抱怨因为它不理解降序排序(gsort 是一个 ado 文件)。 解决这个问题, gsort 的 generate() 选项将创建一个按升序排列的新分组变量(从而满足 Stata 的狭义定义),也就是说,根据它定义的组,与真正的排序变量相同: Jul 17, 2019 · 012 Stata:排序与分组. >>> Nick Cox <njcoxstata@gmail. 3. The second step is to replace the missing values sensibly. 0. The general recipe for connecting points within groups consists of three steps: Make sure the groups are identifiable to Stata. What am I missing? Mar 16, 2023 · Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Stata tip 28: Precise control of dataset sort order. gsort phdif. 11288069. Code: sysuse auto, clear. ftools is two things: A list of Stata commands optimized for large datasets, replacing commands such as: collapse, contract, merge, egen, sort, levelsof, etc. To sort data, you need to make pair-wise comparisons. For ssuid 1258 the lowest score is 80. stata. There is nothing wrong with sorting on categorical variables by themselves— sort patid and sort group —just do not assume that the order within the grouping variable is unique. Change the "n" to any of the other statistics and you will sort by that statistic. The principle is often that the last The gsort command is correct, but you are resorting your dataset again when using bysort. As [D], p. cox@durham. gsort -age duration,mfirst. 66846346. l phdif in l,clean phdif 169914. ホーム. Dec 7, 2019 · Gsort will give you better flexibility in sorting the data whether its ascending or We will discuss what is the differences between sort and gsort in STATA. By the way, Stata's point of view is that you are confused. list. Be especially careful when selecting observations within groups. Another use of matrix dissimilarity is in performing a cluster analysis on variables instead of observations. Nov 16, 2022 · gsort allows you to get reverse sort order; see [D] gsort. This class is what makes the above commands fast, and is also what powers reghdfe. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. The American Community Survey is an example of one of the most common hierarchical data structures: individuals grouped into households. harvard. Title stata. There are intersecting issues here on several different levels. Nov 28, 2016 · 数据排列:sort和gsort | Stata-Club. A faster way to gsort Dear statalists, Is there a command similar to "bys" if I want to gsort the variables? For example, bys year (area): g num=_n However, I want to gsort the variable of area. Missing values have to go somewhere when you -sort- the data. Contenido:- Description. This isn't ranking in most senses that I have seen discussed, but Stata's egen, rank() does get you part of the way. sort negmpg. gsortはsortのwrapperのよう。. The crucial line was: gsort -n which sorted by descending values of the count variable. dta drop operator bysort machine: egen rank = rank (output) bysort machine: egen rankf = rank (output), field bysort machine: egen rankt = rank (output), track bysort machine Details. Another common hierarchical data structure is panel or longitudinal data and repeated measures, where Title stata. Stata's rule is that missing is arbitrarily large positive, so never less than 60. Sorting a group isn't necessary because you can: Code: gsort group date - metric. When we expand the data, we will inevitably create missing values for other variables. order dublet date. Lênh sort sẽ giúp chúng ta sắp xếp các giá trị của một hoặc To remedy this problem, gsort's generate() option will create a new grouping variable that is in ascending order (thus satisfying Stata's narrow definition) and that is, in terms of the groups it defines, identical to that of the true sort variables" HTH Martin -----Original Message----- From: owner-statalist@hsphsun2. Can anyone suggest how to do this? Does this do what you want? Subject. If p is a row-permutation vector, X[p, . gsort +make. (I've got a blind spot on -recode- for the same kind of reason. To remedy this problem, gsort's generate () option will create a new grouping variable that is in ascending order (thus satisfying Stata's narrow definition) and that is, in terms of the groups it defines, identical to that of the true sort variables RE: st: gsort issue. l phdif in 1,clean phdif 1. There are missing values, so I use -gsort- with the -mfirst- option. In other words, be careful. 2 likes. gsort + caseid - age. the data only into ascending sequences. I think that would bite more often than it blessed. _N denotes the total number of rows. I don't know enough about sorting algorithms to know how this might work (if at all), but I'm quite sure that any normal sort algorithm will take less time if the data set is already (partially) sorted. sort id time or by typing . 15 Nov 2015, 05:08. reverse reverse scale to run from max to min. . Sorting boolean arrays is mostly useful with the "r", "c", "lr" or "lc" methods. So, no score is less than 60. uk Jeph Herrin > Or even, > > set missing smallest > > ? * * For searches and help try Prev by Date: Re: st: Is there a command similar to "bys" if I want to gsort the variables? Next by Date: st: Calculating weighted kappa for multiple raters; Previous by thread: Re: st: Is there a command similar to "bys" if I want to gsort the variables? Next by thread: st: RE: Is there a command similar to "bys" if I want to gsort the variables? I have tried as followings, gsort year -area by year: g num=_n Is there an easier way to do it just like -bys-? By the way, when I typed "d,short" after I typed "gsort year -area", the result was as followings, Contains data from study. Also see [D] describe — Describe data in memory or in file [D] gsort — Ascending and descending sort [U] 11 Language syntax 如何用stata做排序,其实就需要两个命令,sort和gsort, 视频播放量 6307、弹幕量 1、点赞数 77、投硬币枚数 42、收藏人数 90、转发人数 10, 视频作者 宇智波山新, 作者简介 既然来了,投点币再走吧,相关视频:Stata操作1:导入数据,Stata入门——给数据贴标签(label),bysort分组的使用,如何用stata进行 May 26, 2017 · Did you try. info tiếp tục giới thiệu với các bạn cách để kiểm tra các giá trị bất thường của số liệu bằng lệnh sort (lệnh sắp xếp thứ tự). Let’s look at a few more Dec 15, 2018 · Your example doesn't make complete sense. local sortorder : sort. Yesterday I waited 3 hours for Stata to return a short table (82 records) before pasting the same query into SAS and retrieving it in several minutes. Dùng lệnh sorting để kiểm tra giá trị bất thường trong Stata. 기본기를 익혀나가는 중인만큼 이번 포스팅에서는 STATA에 관련된 기본명령어 des, su, histogram, tab, encode/decode, sort/gsort/bysort 에 대해서 Maarten, I'm sure that Stata's sort algorithm is very strong in terms of sorting random data. gsort was 10x slower The fact that sorting takes time is a well known The general recipe for connecting points within groups consists of three steps: Make sure the groups are identifiable to Stata. Los comandos sort y gsort sirven para ordenar la base según una o más variables. Many data sets involve some sort of hierarchical structure. gsort -date. This is a handy way to make sure that your ordering involves multiple Dec 1, 2014 · Nick solved your problem in his earlier answer. 287087. Re: st: Ranking observations within groups. 144–146 Stata tip 28: Precise control of dataset sort order L. keep if dublet==1. 例1:升序排列. Dec 16, 2018 · A plus sign (+) before the varname instructs Stata to order the observations in ascending order, while a minus sign (-) implies descending order of observations. drop dublet. 9% of memory free) Sorted by: year Why the sorted I can submit the same query to the same database via SAS, SQL client software, and Stata, and while it works in the first two, about one in ten times Stata will simply hang and do nothing. If that's so, then keeping track of such variables is crucial to Stata noting whether a dataset has changed (which includes a change in the sort order). gsort was 10x slower The fact that sorting takes time is a well known The second command will cause Stata to sort only the first hundred cases; all others will be unaffected. 数据排列:sort和gsort 友情提示:如果您的终端浏览效果不好,可以访问 这里 ,谢谢!. As for Stata's doing SQL natively, there is a comment to a post on the Stata Blog similarly calling for Stata to adopt SQL standard syntax. It is as if you had generated a variable that was time multiplied by −1 and sorted on it, and, in fact, this is exactly what gsort does behind the scenes, although the variable is May 27, 2016 · axis (cat_axis_line_options) rendition of axis line. Essentially it is doing: sort x gen long sortvar = -_n sort sortvar drop sortvar That works, but it takes about 3 times as long as just sorting on x because sorting on -_n is Stata排序命令主要为sort命令和gsort命令。 sort命令的语法格式为: sort varlist [in] [, stable] varlist代表将要进行排序的变量,[in]代表排序的范围,[, stable]的含义是如果两个观测值相同,其顺序保持与原数据相同。 gsort命令的语法格式为: Nov 28, 2016 · 其中需要说明的内容有两点:① [+]表示按升序排列,这也是Stata默认的排列方式, [-]表示按降序排列;②generate (newvar)表示排序之后生成新的变量,mfirst表示将缺失值排在最前面。. Stata seems to be more concerned about performance in large data sets these days, so they might be receptive to improving -gsort-. dta. B = gsort (A,'g', . We will look into implementing an option to -gsort- to put missing values first with ascending sorts. wrote: Isn't the simplest solution that missing should never be treated in Stata code as a "number"? Thus, things like sorts would need a documented definition of where missing go but we wouldn't have to work around the "numeric" missing so often. En este tutorial aprenderás a usar los comandos "sort" y "order" para reorganizar las observaciones y las variables de una base de datos en Stata. 2001. Gsort will do this, but does not have the stable option. Clearly Stata has the idea that a dataset may be sorted by one or more variables. 我们可以看到显示的结果是按make中数据的由A至Z的 Nov 16, 2022 · Another way is to do it with gsort: . com> wrote: > > Hi Yes, -gsort- is not very long and calls -sort- several times, but there are some gen/replace statements involved in reversing the order that take a long time in large data sets. Either that or the reported output is wrong. by id: whatever. 1. bysort x: 뒤에 나온 명령어는 2)랑 똑같으므로 결과는 2)의 결과와 똑같이 나온다. l phdif in l,clean phdif Nov 15, 2015 · Posts: 1356. (for example, using sort or gsort) after running matrix dissimilarity, the row and column ordering will no longer match your data. bc qz si uj tl vm fx ed wc mu